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Cupid API Server

This is the API server that powers the Cupid bot and website.



  • Python 3.9+ (Python 3.x where x >= 9)

  • Poetry

    Click the link for installation instructions, or:

    *nix: curl -sSL | python -

    Windows Powershell: (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -UseBasicParsing).Content | python -

Once you have these dependencies installed:

  1. Create a virtual environment: python3 -m poetry shell
  2. Install dependencies: poetry install --no-dev (remove --no-dev for development dependencies)


There are three methods provided to configure the API server:

  • Command line arguments (more details below).
  • A configuration file (by default, config.ini).
  • Environment variables.

When looking for a configuration option, the server will look for it in each of these, in the above order, stopping as soon as it finds it.

These three options have different casing conventions. Command line arguments should be --kebab-case, configuration file keys should be snake_case, and environment variables should be UPPER_SNAKE_CASE. For example, the command line argument --db-name is equivalent to the configuration file key db_name and the environment variable DB_NAME.

To see a list of available options, do poe cupid --help.


The following commands are available:

  • Run the server: poe cupid
  • Create an API app: poe cupid create-app <name>
  • Manage an API app: poe cupid app <app>
  • List API apps: poe cupid list-apps
  • Lint code (requires dev dependecies): poe lint

For more help on Cupid commands, add a --help to the end.

Note that if to run outside of the Poetry shell (without running poetry shell) you may have to replace poe with poetry run poe or even python3 -m poetry run poe.

API Docs

An OpenAPI 3 schema for the API is available at docs/docs.yaml in this repository.

Once the API server is running (and unless the disable_docs option has been enabled), interactive HTML docs will be served at /docs.html. The OpenAPI schema will also be available at /docs.yaml.