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Cause who don't like fast backend

This benchmark mainly focused in stability on one process stability.

Microframeworks benchmarked in this repo: Bottle 0.12 , Flask 1.0.2 , Japronto 0.1.2 , Pyramid 1.10.2 , Sanic 18.12.0 , Tornado 6.0.1

For simplicity, Locust is used to load test all framework. The Locust client is executed from either a Linode nanode or a highspeed, low latency access point.

Benchmark method:

All framework are under Linode 1vCPU 1GB with no additional pipeline layer. Adding any pipeline will change the final results.

  1. Json serialization and delivering : Since Sanic use ujson by default, ujson is used in all framework for serialization. Hence, the result should correlate to text delivering result as well.

  2. Text delivering : Hello World

Locust will load test all frameworks for full 2 minutes. The concurrent users number will incremental increase until the framework start having failed connection. To prevent os resource cap, resource limitation was set to 999999.


Local server and client : Macbook Pro 2016 ( i5-7360U, 8G RAM )

Locust load test for 1 minute, total user 4,000 with hatch rate of 500 (user growth at 500 users per step)

CPU fan run at full speed, to prevent thermal throttle

Text ( 12 Bytes)

Framework Total Request Median Response Time (ms) Request Per Second Failed Requests
aiohttp 23316 15 388.58 0
Bottle 18023 163 304.52 163
Flask 19023 77 318.03 0
Japronto 23868 7 399.93 0
Pyramid 20067 69 340.12 135
Sanic 16473 110 275.26 4
Starlette 17278 130 288.89 0
Tornado 23644 10 395.91 0

Json ( 106 Bytes )

Framework Total Request Median Response Time (ms) Request Per Second Failed Requests
aiohttp 23459 11 392.48 0
Bottle 20778 74 350.93 163
Flask 19809 82 333.80 0
Japronto 24058 7 406.88 0
Pyramid 20912 74 350.75 233
Sanic 16877 120 285.45 2
Starlette 17216 120 290.92 1
Tornado 23993 8 406.02 0

Remote Server : Linode nanode ( North-East region )

Locust load test for 1 minute, total user 10,000 with hatch rate of 100 (user growth at 100 users per step)


Framework Total Request Request Per Second Median Response Time (ms) Failed Requests
aiohttp 18908 313.74 63 0
Bottle 13250 221.04 120 0
Flask 16012 265.72 120 0
Japronto 18804 313.17 62 0
Pyramid 12290 206.84 120 345
Sanic 18537 310.92 120 43
Starlette 18671 311.90 120 2
Tornado 18771 314.84 63 0
Django+Gunicorn 18052 730 152 0


Framework Total Request Request Per Second Median Response Time (ms) Failed Requests
aiohttp 18924 317.42 63 0
Bottle 13402 225.04 120 0
Flask 13393 224.14 120 0
Japronto 19003 319.82 62 0
Pyramid 13316 223.58 120 0
Sanic 18525 311.76 120 42
Starlette 17260 288.02 120 3
Tornado 18939 317.33 63 0

For the lowest median response time, Japronto and Tornado are the best among all 5 frameworks.

Flask in our opinion are the best synchronous framework among all. aiohttp, Tornado, Japronto have the better performance in async function. Do note that tornado support async function in callback form, while Japronto use uvloop for async task.

Note : The one million requests per second from Japronto is archieved using pipelining. However, in a real world use case, each client will only send one request per second.


Server Setup

All clone this repo into a linode nanonode and install local dependencies using virtualenv

    virtualenv -p python3 env
    source env/bin/activate
    pip install -r requirements.txt

Start running framework

python -m microframeworks.[framework name].app

For Django

cd fullframeworks/django_test
gunicorn -b django_test.wsgi --workers=1

Change the framework name to any of the available package under microframeworks : bottle, flask, japronto, pyramid, sanic, tornado

Locust Setup

Change the filename_to_save to the current framework you are running in the linode instance.

On the project root execute this script to start text benchmark

locust -f benchmark/ --no-web -c 3000 -r 100 -t2m --csv=[filename_to_save] 

On the project root execute this script to start json benchmark

locust -f benchmark/ --no-web -c 3000 -r 100 -t2m --csv=[filename_to_save] 


  1. Run multiple times for each benchmark and use the average value
  2. Include aiohttp for benchmark
  3. Auto extract benchmark result and generate the final table
  4. Track memory footprint for each framework
  5. File serving benchmark

Data content value

  1. Data for text, json are imported from microframeworks.settings, with Django as exception( should be fixed in the future )