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cutbox.js specification

Jason Milkins edited this page Sep 5, 2023 · 3 revisions

This page outlines the specification of $HOME/.cutbox.js (i.e. ~/.cutbox.js)

NOTE: using javascript + pseudo type hints, function interface syntax inspired by Swift


A JavaScript file which contains an array (cutboxFunctions) of objects containing a function fn and descriptive metadata name.

Note: With subsequent versions of CutBox function description metadata may extend to allow for new features.


In a nutshell

// Note: use of top level 'this' (aka 'globalThis') is 
// required to persist state across evaluations.
this.cutboxFunctions = [
    { fn: CutBoxFunction, name: String }


A JavaScript Function adhering to the interface:

[String] -> String

All functions must accept a single argument, an array of strings, and return a single string.

e.g. strings => strings.join(" ")


Any valid JS function, or function reference can be used, providing it adheres to the interface spec above:

let joinWithDashes = items => items.join(" - ")

this.cutboxFunctions = [
        name: "Join with spaces",
        fn: (i) => i.join(" ")
        name: "Join with dashes",
        fn: joinWithDashes
        name: "Uppercase",
        fn: i => s => s.toUpperCase() ).join("\n")
        name: "Lowercase",
        fn: i => (s) => {
           return s.toLowerCase() ).join("\n")
        name: "Join with commas",
        fn: function(items){ return items.join(",") }

For further examples, see: JavaScript Examples