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Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Features
    1. General
    2. Owner Side
    3. Student Side
  3. Structure of the Project
    1. Files and Folders
    2. Database Structure
    3. UML Class Diagram
    4. Sequence Diagram
      1. Sign Up
      2. Login
      3. Room Management
      4. Reservation Management
      5. Favorites
    5. Data Flow Analysis
      1. Complete
      2. Connexion and Display of the Rooms
      3. Booking and Handling of the Reservation
  4. Technologies and Libraries
    1. Backend Technologies
    2. Frontend Technologies
    3. Additional Libraries
    4. Development Tools
  5. Team
  6. Setup the Project (Local)
    1. Setup Frontend
    2. Setup Backend
    3. Running Development Servers
      1. Frontend
      2. Backend

🌟 Overview

The project is a web application that allows students to book a room and an owner to rent a room. You can access the application here.

πŸš€ Features

We made the decision to have one user, so as not to separate the owner and the students. It was a choice at the beginning of the project, to make development easier. So, a user can be both an owner and a student. The main features are:

πŸ”„ General

  • Sign up: Email confirmation is sent after the sign-up process.
  • Login: Reset password with an email.
  • Logout
  • Manage personal data:
    • Change password
    • Change first name, last name, username
    • Cannot change email
  • View list of rooms:
    • Availability integrated directly into the calendar
  • View reviews and ratings of rooms
  • View public profile of a reviewer
  • Search room based on filters/search
  • Add a room to favorites
  • View location of a room (with a map)

🏠 Owner Side

  • Create a room with the following details:
    • Name, description, price, features
    • Location
    • Disabled dates
    • Images
  • Manage rooms:
    • Modify
    • Delete
  • Manage reservations:
    • Accept/refuse a reservation
    • View list of current reservations
    • View list of past reservations
  • Review and rate a room after the reservation has been made

πŸŽ“ Student Side

  • Book a room:
    • Choose the number of guests (max. 20)
    • Receive notification when the booking is sent and accepted/refused
  • Review and rate a room after the reservation has been made

πŸ“‚ Structure of the Project

Files and Folders

β”œβ”€β”€ .browserslistrc
β”œβ”€β”€ .eslintrc.cjs
β”œβ”€β”€ .gitignore
β”œβ”€β”€ .prettierrc.json
β”œβ”€β”€ .vscode/
β”‚ └── extensions.json
β”œβ”€β”€ babel.config.js
β”œβ”€β”€ backend/
β”‚ β”œβ”€β”€ **init**.py
β”‚ β”œβ”€β”€ **pycache**/
β”‚ β”œβ”€β”€ api/
β”‚ β”‚ β”œβ”€β”€ **init**.py
β”‚ β”‚ β”œβ”€β”€ **pycache**/
β”‚ β”‚ β”œβ”€β”€
β”‚ β”‚ β”œβ”€β”€
β”‚ β”‚ └── migrations/
β”‚ β”œβ”€β”€
β”‚ β”œβ”€β”€ media/
β”‚ β”œβ”€β”€ settings/
β”‚ β”œβ”€β”€
β”‚ └──
β”œβ”€β”€ db.sqlite3
β”œβ”€β”€ index.html
β”œβ”€β”€ media/
β”‚ └── room_pictures/
β”œβ”€β”€ package.json
β”œβ”€β”€ public/
β”œβ”€β”€ requirements.txt
β”œβ”€β”€ src/
β”‚ β”œβ”€β”€ App.vue
β”‚ β”œβ”€β”€ assets/
β”‚ β”œβ”€β”€ components/
β”‚ β”œβ”€β”€ main.js
β”‚ β”œβ”€β”€ router/
β”‚ β”œβ”€β”€ services/
β”‚ └── views/
β”œβ”€β”€ venv/
β”‚ β”œβ”€β”€ Include/
β”‚ β”œβ”€β”€ Lib/
β”‚ β”œβ”€β”€ pyvenv.cfg
β”‚ └── Scripts/
└── vite.config.js

πŸ—„οΈ Database structure

graph TD
    subgraph Frontend
        A[Vue.js Application]
        B[Vuetify Components]
        C[Vue Router]

    subgraph Backend
        F[Django REST Framework]

    subgraph Database

    subgraph External Services
        J[Email Service]
        K[Map Service]

    A -- Uses --> B
    A -- Uses --> C
    A -- Uses --> D
    D -- Makes API Calls --> F

    F -- Handles Requests --> E
    E -- Serves Static Files --> H
    E -- Interfaces with --> I
    G -- Serves --> E

    E -- Sends Emails --> J
    E -- Retrieves Maps --> K

    subgraph Deployment
        N[CI/CD Pipeline]

    L -- Routes Requests --> G
    L -- Serves Frontend --> A
    M -- Containerizes --> L
    M -- Containerizes --> G
    N -- Manages Deployment --> M

    USER {
        int id
        string username
        string first_name
        string last_name
        string email
        string password
        cahr is_superuser
        char is_staff
        char is_active
        date date_joined
        date last_login

    ROOM {
        int id
        int owner_id FK
        string room_name
        text description
        decimal price
        bool pets_allowed
        bool smoking_allowed
        bool has_elevator

        int id
        int user_id FK
        int room_id FK
        string country
        string city
        string streetname
        string postal_code

        int id
        int room_id FK
        string image

        int id
        int user_id FK
        int room_id FK
        date start_date
        date end_date
        int guests
        string status
        bool is_rated
        bool is_reviewed
        bool is_renter_rated

        int id
        int user_id FK
        int room_id FK

    REVIEW {
        int id
        int user_id FK
        int room_id FK
        int reviewer_id FK
        text comment
        datetime created_at
        datetime updated_at
        int reservation_id FK

    RATING {
        int id
        int user_id FK
        int room_id FK
        int reviewer_id FK
        int score
        datetime created_at
        datetime updated_at
        int reservation_id FK

        int id
        int owner_id FK
        int renter_id FK
        int reservation_id FK
        int score
        text comment
        datetime created_at

        int id
        int user_id FK
        string title
        string message
        datetime created_at
        bool is_read

    USER ||--o{ ROOM : owns
    USER ||--o{ ADDRESS : has
    ROOM ||--o{ ADDRESS : located_at
    ROOM ||--o{ PICTURE : has
    USER ||--o{ RESERVATION : makes
    ROOM ||--o{ RESERVATION : reserved
    USER ||--o{ FAVORITE : favorites
    ROOM ||--o{ FAVORITE : favorited
    USER ||--o{ REVIEW : gives
    ROOM ||--o{ REVIEW : received
    RESERVATION ||--o{ REVIEW : has
    USER ||--o{ RATING : gives
    ROOM ||--o{ RATING : received
    RESERVATION ||--o{ RATING : has
    USER ||--o{ RENTERRATING : gives
    USER ||--o{ RENTERRATING : receives
    USER ||--o{ NOTIFICATION : receives


πŸ›  UML class diagram

    class User {
        int id
        string username
        string first_name
        string last_name
        string email
        string password
        char is_superuser
        char is_staff
        char is_active
        date date_joined
        date last_login

    class Room {
        int id
        int owner_id
        string room_name
        text description
        decimal price
        bool pets_allowed
        bool smoking_allowed
        bool has_elevator

    class Address {
        int id
        int user_id
        int room_id
        string country
        string city
        string streetname
        string postal_code

    class Picture {
        int id
        int room_id
        string image

    class Reservation {
        int id
        int user_id
        int room_id
        date start_date
        date end_date
        int guests
        string status
        bool is_rated
        bool is_reviewed
        bool is_renter_rated

    class Favorite {
        int id
        int user_id
        int room_id

    class Review {
        int id
        int user_id
        int room_id
        int reviewer_id
        text comment
        datetime created_at
        datetime updated_at
        int reservation_id

    class Rating {
        int id
        int user_id
        int room_id
        int reviewer_id
        int score
        datetime created_at
        datetime updated_at
        int reservation_id

    class RenterRating {
        int id
        int owner_id
        int renter_id
        int reservation_id
        int score
        text comment
        datetime created_at

    class Notification {
        int id
        int user_id
        string title
        string message
        datetime created_at
        bool is_read

    User "1" -- "0..*" Room : owns
    User "1" -- "0..*" Address : has
    Room "1" -- "0..*" Address : located_at
    Room "1" -- "0..*" Picture : has
    User "1" -- "0..*" Reservation : makes
    Room "1" -- "0..*" Reservation : reserved
    User "1" -- "0..*" Favorite : favorites
    Room "1" -- "0..*" Favorite : favorited
    User "1" -- "0..*" Review : gives
    Room "1" -- "0..*" Review : received
    Reservation "1" -- "0..*" Review : has
    User "1" -- "0..*" Rating : gives
    Room "1" -- "0..*" Rating : received
    Reservation "1" -- "0..*" Rating : has
    User "1" -- "0..*" RenterRating : gives
    User "1" -- "0..*" RenterRating : receives
    Reservation "1" -- "0..*" RenterRating : has
    User "1" -- "0..*" Notification : receives


πŸ“‹ Sequence diagram

    participant User
    participant WebApp
    participant Backend
    participant Database

    User->>WebApp: Sign up
    WebApp->>Backend: Create User
    Backend->>Database: Insert User
    Database-->>Backend: User Created
    Backend->>Database: Create EmailConfirmation
    Database-->>Backend: EmailConfirmation Created
    Backend->>User: Send Confirmation Email
    User-->>Backend: Confirm Email
    Backend->>Database: Update User
    Database-->>Backend: User Updated
    Backend-->>User: Confirmation Success

    User->>WebApp: Sign in
    WebApp->>Backend: Authenticate User
    Backend->>Database: Query User
    Database-->>Backend: User Data
    Backend-->>WebApp: Authentication Success
    WebApp-->>User: Show User Dashboard

    User->>WebApp: Search Room
    WebApp->>Backend: Fetch Rooms List
    Backend->>Database: Query Rooms
    Database-->>Backend: Rooms Data
    Backend-->>WebApp: Rooms List
    WebApp-->>User: Display Rooms List

    User->>WebApp: Book Room
    WebApp->>Backend: Create Reservation
    Backend->>Database: Insert Reservation
    Database-->>Backend: Reservation Created
    Backend-->>WebApp: Booking Confirmation
    WebApp-->>User: Display Booking Confirmation

    Backend->>Owner: Send Booking Notification
    Owner->>WebApp: Manage Reservation
    WebApp->>Backend: Update Reservation Status
    Backend->>Database: Update Reservation
    Database-->>Backend: Reservation Updated
    Backend-->>WebApp: Update Confirmation
    WebApp-->>Owner: Display Updated Reservation


sign up

    participant User
    participant WebApp
    participant Backend
    participant Database

    User->>WebApp: Sign up
    WebApp->>Backend: Create User
    Backend->>Database: Insert User
    Database-->>Backend: User Created
    Backend->>Database: Create EmailConfirmation
    Database-->>Backend: EmailConfirmation Created
    Backend->>User: Send Confirmation Email
    User-->>Backend: Confirm Email
    Backend->>Database: Update User
    Database-->>Backend: User Updated
    Backend-->>User: Confirmation Success



    participant User
    participant WebApp
    participant Backend
    participant Database

    User->>WebApp: Login
    WebApp->>Backend: Authenticate User
    Backend->>Database: Query User
    Database-->>Backend: User Data
    Backend-->>WebApp: Authentication Success
    WebApp-->>User: Show User Dashboard

    User->>WebApp: Reset Password
    WebApp->>Backend: Send Reset Email
    Backend-->>User: Reset Email Sent
    User-->>Backend: Confirm Reset
    Backend->>Database: Update User Password
    Database-->>Backend: Password Updated
    Backend-->>User: Password Reset Success

    User->>WebApp: Update Personal Data
    WebApp->>Backend: Update User Data
    Backend->>Database: Update User
    Database-->>Backend: User Updated
    Backend-->>WebApp: Update Success
    WebApp-->>User: Personal Data Updated


room management

    participant Owner
    participant WebApp
    participant Backend
    participant Database

    Owner->>WebApp: Create Room
    WebApp->>Backend: Submit Room Details
    Backend->>Database: Insert Room
    Database-->>Backend: Room Created
    Backend-->>WebApp: Room Creation Success
    WebApp-->>Owner: Show Created Room

    Owner->>WebApp: Modify Room
    WebApp->>Backend: Update Room Details
    Backend->>Database: Update Room
    Database-->>Backend: Room Updated
    Backend-->>WebApp: Room Update Success
    WebApp-->>Owner: Show Updated Room

    Owner->>WebApp: Delete Room
    WebApp->>Backend: Delete Room
    Backend->>Database: Delete Room
    Database-->>Backend: Room Deleted
    Backend-->>WebApp: Room Deletion Success
    WebApp-->>Owner: Show Confirmation


reservation management

    participant Student
    participant WebApp
    participant Backend
    participant Database
    participant Owner

    Student->>WebApp: Book Room
    WebApp->>Backend: Create Reservation
    Backend->>Database: Insert Reservation
    Database-->>Backend: Reservation Created
    Backend-->>WebApp: Booking Confirmation
    WebApp-->>Student: Show Booking Confirmation

    Backend->>Owner: Send Booking Notification
    Owner->>WebApp: Manage Reservation
    WebApp->>Backend: Update Reservation Status
    Backend->>Database: Update Reservation
    Database-->>Backend: Reservation Updated
    Backend-->>WebApp: Update Confirmation
    WebApp-->>Owner: Show Updated Reservation

    Student->>WebApp: Review Room
    WebApp->>Backend: Submit Review
    Backend->>Database: Insert Review
    Database-->>Backend: Review Created
    Backend-->>WebApp: Review Submission Success
    WebApp-->>Student: Show Submitted Review



    participant User
    participant WebApp
    participant Backend
    participant Database

    User->>WebApp: Search Room
    WebApp->>Backend: Fetch Rooms List
    Backend->>Database: Query Rooms
    Database-->>Backend: Rooms Data
    Backend-->>WebApp: Rooms List
    WebApp-->>User: Display Rooms List

    User->>WebApp: Add Room to Favorites
    WebApp->>Backend: Create Favorite
    Backend->>Database: Insert Favorite
    Database-->>Backend: Favorite Created
    Backend-->>WebApp: Add to Favorites Success
    WebApp-->>User: Show Favorite Room

    User->>WebApp: View Room Location
    WebApp-->>User: Display Room Location on Map


Data flow analysis


flowchart TD
    subgraph User
    subgraph WebApp
    subgraph Database

    A -->|Sign in/Sign up| B
    B -->|Authenticate| C
    C -->|Query User| D
    D -->|User Data| C
    C -->|Authentication Success| B
    B -->|Show Dashboard| A

    A -->|Search Room| B
    B -->|Fetch Rooms List| C
    C -->|Query Rooms| D
    D -->|Rooms Data| C
    C -->|Rooms List| B
    B -->|Display Rooms List| A

    A -->|Book Room| B
    B -->|Create Reservation| C
    C -->|Insert Reservation| D
    D -->|Reservation Created| C
    C -->|Booking Confirmation| B
    B -->|Display Booking Confirmation| A

    C -->|Send Booking Notification| A
    A -->|Manage Reservation| B
    B -->|Update Reservation Status| C
    C -->|Update Reservation| D
    D -->|Reservation Updated| C
    C -->|Update Confirmation| B
    B -->|Display Updated Reservation| A


connexion and display of the rooms

flowchart TD
    subgraph User
    subgraph WebApp
    subgraph Database

    A -->|Sign in/Sign up| B
    B -->|Authenticate| C
    C -->|Query User| D
    D -->|User Data| C
    C -->|Authentication Success| B
    B -->|Show Dashboard| A

    A -->|Search Room| B
    B -->|Fetch Rooms List| C
    C -->|Query Rooms| D
    D -->|Rooms Data| C
    C -->|Rooms List| B
    B -->|Display Rooms List| A


booking and handling of the reservation

flowchart TD
    subgraph User
    subgraph WebApp
    subgraph Database

    A -->|Book Room| B
    B -->|Create Reservation| C
    C -->|Insert Reservation| D
    D -->|Reservation Created| C
    C -->|Booking Confirmation| B
    B -->|Display Booking Confirmation| A

    C -->|Send Booking Notification| Owner
    Owner -->|Manage Reservation| B
    B -->|Update Reservation Status| C
    C -->|Update Reservation| D
    D -->|Reservation Updated| C
    C -->|Update Confirmation| B
    B -->|Display Updated Reservation| Owner

πŸ› οΈ Technologies and Libraries

Backend Technologies

  1. Django (v5.0.4): Django is a high-level Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. It handles much of the complexity of web development, making it easier to build secure and maintainable web applications.
  2. Django REST Framework (v3.15.1): This is a powerful and flexible toolkit for building Web APIs in Django. It provides a wide range of functionalities like serialization, authentication, and viewsets to create RESTful APIs efficiently.
  3. Psycopg2-binary (v2.9.9): As I understand, this requirements is for the production. Psycopg2 is the most popular PostgreSQL database adapter for the Python programming language. This binary package includes everything needed to connect Django to a PostgreSQL database.
  4. dj-database-url (v2.1.0): This library allows easy configuration of database connections in Django, especially useful when deploying on cloud platforms.
  5. Gunicorn (v21.2.0): Gunicorn is a Python WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX. It’s a pre-fork worker model, which means it is highly suitable for handling multiple requests in a concurrent fashion.
  6. Whitenoise (v6.6.0): Whitenoise provides static file serving for WSGI applications. It is designed to integrate with Django to simplify the process of serving static files in production.
  7. Django CORS Headers (v4.3.1): This library helps in handling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) for the Django application. It is essential for allowing frontend applications hosted on different domains to interact with the Django backend.
  8. dj-rest-auth (with social): This library provides a set of REST API endpoints to handle user authentication in Django, including social authentication. The version used is a specific commit from a GitHub repository that ensures compatibility with Django 5.
  9. Django REST Framework SimpleJWT (v5.3.1): SimpleJWT provides JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication for Django REST Framework, enabling secure token-based authentication.
  10. Pillow (v10.3.0): Pillow is a Python Imaging Library (PIL) fork that adds image processing capabilities to your Django application, such as handling uploads, image manipulation, and conversions.

Frontend Technologies

  1. Vue.js (v3.4.27): Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework used for building user interfaces. It is designed to be incrementally adoptable, making it versatile for various project scales.
  2. Vite (v5.2.8): Vite is a next-generation front-end tool that significantly improves the speed and efficiency of web development. It provides fast and lean development and build processes.
  3. Vue Router (v4.3.0): Vue Router is the official router for Vue.js, enabling developers to create single-page applications with multiple views.
  4. Vuetify (v3.6.5): Vuetify is a Vue UI library with beautifully handcrafted material components, providing a consistent and elegant design system.
  5. Bootstrap (v5.3.3): Bootstrap is a popular CSS framework for developing responsive and mobile-first web pages.
  6. Bootstrap-Vue (v2.23.1): Bootstrap-Vue provides comprehensive Bootstrap 4 support for Vue.js.
  7. Axios (v1.6.8): Axios is a promise-based HTTP client for the browser and Node.js, used to make HTTP requests from the frontend to the backend.
  8. ESLint (v8.57.0): ESLint is a static code analysis tool for identifying problematic patterns found in JavaScript code.
  9. Prettier (v3.2.5): Prettier is an opinionated code formatter that enforces a consistent style by parsing code and re-printing it.

Additional Libraries

  1. @chenfengyuan/vue-number-input (v2.0.1): A number input component for Vue.js applications.
  2. @coreui/coreui (v5.0.1) and @coreui/vue (v5.0.0): CoreUI is a UI library providing a set of customizable components for Vue.js.
  3. @fortawesome/fontawesome-free (v6.5.2): Font Awesome is a popular icon library used for adding vector icons and social logos to web projects.
  4. @vueform/slider (v2.1.10): A slider component for Vue.js, which allows users to select a value from a range.
  5. @vuepic/vue-datepicker (v8.5.1): A date picker component for Vue.js applications.
  6. @vueuse/core (v10.10.0): A collection of essential Vue Composition Utilities, allowing developers to compose logical concerns of an application.
  7. Leaflet (v1.9.4): An open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps.

Development Tools

  1. @rushstack/eslint-patch (v1.10.1): This library is used to provide patches for ESLint configuration.
  2. @vitejs/plugin-vue (v5.0.4): This Vite plugin provides Vue.js support.
  3. @vue/eslint-config-prettier (v9.0.0): This configuration disables all ESLint rules that are unnecessary or might conflict with Prettier.

πŸ“ Team

The project was developed by a team of four students from the HES-SO :


πŸš€ setup the project (local)

$ git clone
$ cd g-13-air-ajtd

Setup frontend

$ npm install

Setup backend

$ python -m venv venv
# On windows
$ .\venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1

# On linux
$ source venv/bin/activate

$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python migrate
$ python createsuperuser --email [email protected] --username admin

Running Development Servers


$ npm run dev

From another tab in the same directory:


$ python runserver

The project will be served from localhost:5173 and the Django API and static files will be served from localhost:8000.

The dual dev server setup allows you to take advantage of vite's development server with hot module replacement.

This requires cors to be configured correctly in Django.


Project with Vue.js and Django REST






No releases published


No packages published