Developed by the Computer Architectures Education project at Czech Technical University.
Are you using QtRvSim at your organization? Please, let us know in the discussion!
- Try it out! (WebAssembly)
- Build and packages
- Documentation
- Accepted Binary Formats
- Integrated Assembler
- Support to call external make utility
- Advanced functionalities
- Limitations of the Implementation
- Links to Resources and Similar Projects
- Copyright
- License
QtRVSim is experimentally available for WebAssembly and it can be run in most browsers without installation. QtRVSim online
Note, that WebAssembly version is experimental. Please, report any difficulties via GitHub issues.
- Qt 5 (minimal tested version is 5.9.5), experimental support of Qt 6
- elfutils (optional; libelf works too but there can be some problems)
On Linux, you can use a wrapper Makefile and run make
in the project root directory. It will create a build directory
and run CMake in it. Available targets are: release
(default) and debug
Note for packagers: This Makefile is deleted by CMake when source archive is created to avoid any ambiguity. Packages should invoke CMake directly.
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release /path/to/qtrvsim
Where /path/to/qtrvsim
is path to this project root. The built binaries are to be found in the directory target
the build directory (the one, where cmake was called).
builds development version including sanitizers.
If no build type is supplied, Debug
is the default.
Install the latest version of Xcode from the App Store. Then open a terminal and execute xcode-select --install
install Command Line Tools. Then open Xcode, accept the license agreement and wait for it to install any additional
components. After you finally see the "Welcome to Xcode" screen, from the top bar
choose Xcode -> Preferences -> Locations -> Command Line Tools
and select an SDK version.
Install Homebrew and use it to install Qt. (macOS builds must use the bundled libelf)
brew install qt
Now build the project the same way as in general compilation (above).
- archives with Windows and generic GNU/Linux binaries
- Open Build Service binary packages
- Ubuntu PPA archive
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:qtrvsimteam/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install qtrvsim
QtRVSim provides a Nix package as a part of the repository. You can build and install it by a command bellow. Updates have to be done manually by checking out the git. NIXPKGS package is in PR phase.
nix-env -if .
Tests are managed by CTest (part of CMake). To build and run all tests, use this commands:
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release /path/to/QtRVSim
Main documentation is provided in this README and in subdirectories docs/user
and docs/developer
The project was developed and extended as theses of Karel Kočí, Jakub Dupak and Max Hollmann. See section Resources and Publications for links and references.
The simulator accepts ELF statically linked executables compiled for RISC-V target (--march=rv64g
The simulator will automatically select endianness based on the ELF file header.
Simulation will execute as XLEN=32 or XLEN=32 according to the ELF file header.
- 64-bit RISC-V ISA RV64IM and 32-bit RV32IM ELF executables are supported.
- Compressed instructions are not yet supported.
You can use compile the code for simulation using specialized RISC-V GCC/Binutils toolchain (riscv32-elf
) or using
unified Clang/LLVM toolchain with LLD. If you have Clang installed, you don't need any
additional tools. Clang can be used on Linux, Windows, macOS and others...
clang --target=riscv32 -march=rv32g -nostdlib -static -fuse-ld=lld test.S -o test
llvm-objdump -S test
riscv32-elf-as test.S -o test.o
riscv32-elf-ld test.o -o test
riscv32-elf-objdump -S test
riscv32-elf-gcc test.S -o test
riscv32-elf-objdump -S test
Multilib supporting 64-bit embedded toolchain can be used for to build executable
riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -march=rv32i -mabi=ilp32 -nostdlib -o test test.c crt0local.S -lgcc
The global pointer and stack has to be set to setup runtime C code conformant environment. When no other C library is
used then next simple crt0local.S
can be used.
example code
/* minimal replacement of crt0.o which is else provided by C library */
.globl main
.globl _start
.globl __start
.option norelax
.option push
.option norelax
la gp, __global_pointer$
.option pop
la sp, __stack_end
addi a0, zero, 0
addi a1, zero, 0
jal main
addi a0, zero, 0
addi a7, zero, 93 /* SYS_exit */
loop: ebreak
beq zero, zero, loop
.skip 4096
.end _start
Basic integrated assembler is included in the simulator. Small subset of
GNU assembler directives is recognized as well. Next directives are
recognized: .word
, .orig
, .set
, .ascii
and .asciz
. Some other directives are simply ignored: .data
, .text
, .globl
, .end
and .ent
This allows to write code which can be compiled by both - integrated and full-featured assembler. Addresses are assigned
to labels/symbols which are stored in symbol table. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, divide and bitwise and or are
The action "Build executable by external make" call "make" program. If the action is invoked, and some source editors selected in main windows tabs then the "make" is started in the corresponding directory. Else directory of last selected editor is chosen. If no editor is open then directory of last loaded ELF executable are used as "make" start path. If even that is not an option then default directory when the emulator has been started is used.
Emuated LCD, knobs, buttons, serial port, timer...
The simulator implements emulation of two peripherals for now.
The first is simple serial port (UART). It support transmission
(Tx) and reception (Rx). Receiver status register (SERP_RX_ST_REG
implements two bits. Read-only bit 0 (SERP_RX_ST_REG_READY
is set to one if there is unread character available in the receiver data register (SERP_RX_DATA_REG
). The bit 1
) can be written to 1 to enable interrupt request when unread character is available. The
transmitter status register (SERP_TX_ST_REG
) bit 0
(SERP_TX_ST_REG_READY) signals by value 1 that UART is ready and can accept next character to be sent. The bit 1
) enables generation of interrupt. The register SERP_TX_DATA_REG
is actual Tx buffer. The LSB byte
of written word is transmitted to the terminal window. Definition of peripheral base address and registers
offsets (_o
) and individual fields masks (_m
) follows
#define SERIAL_PORT_BASE 0xffffc000
#define SERP_RX_ST_REG_o 0x00
#define SERP_RX_ST_REG_READY_m 0x1
#define SERP_RX_ST_REG_IE_m 0x2
#define SERP_RX_DATA_REG_o 0x04
#define SERP_TX_ST_REG_o 0x08
#define SERP_TX_ST_REG_READY_m 0x1
#define SERP_TX_ST_REG_IE_m 0x2
#define SERP_TX_DATA_REG_o 0x0c
The UART registers region is mirrored on the address 0xffff0000 to enable use of programs initially written for SPIM or MARS emulators.
The another peripheral allows to set three byte values concatenated to single word (read-only KNOBS_8BIT
from user panel set by knobs and display one word in hexadecimal, decimal and binary format (LED_LINE
register). There
are two other words writable which control color of RGB LED 1 and 2
(registers LED_RGB1
and LED_RGB2
#define SPILED_REG_BASE 0xffffc100
#define SPILED_REG_LED_LINE_o 0x004
#define SPILED_REG_LED_RGB1_o 0x010
#define SPILED_REG_LED_RGB2_o 0x014
#define SPILED_REG_KNOBS_8BIT_o 0x024
The simple 16-bit per pixel (RGB565) framebuffer and LCD are implemented. The framebuffer is mapped into range starting
address. The display size is 480 x 320 pixel. Pixel format RGB565 expect red component in bits 11..
15, green component in bits 5..10 and blue component in bits 0..4.
#define LCD_FB_START 0xffe00000
#define LCD_FB_END 0xffe4afff
The basic implementation of RISC-V Advanced Core Local Interruptor is implemented with basic support for
- Machine-level Timer Device (MTIMER)
- Machine-level Software Interrupt Device (MSWI)
#define ACLINT_MSWI 0xfffd0000 // core 0 machine SW interrupt request
#define ACLINT_MTIMECMP 0xfffd4000 // core 0 compare value
#define ACLINT_MTIME 0xfffdbff8 // timer base 10 MHz
#define ACLINT_SSWI 0xfffd0000 // core 0 system SW interrupt request
More information about ACLINT can be found in RISC-V Advanced Core Local Interruptor Specification.
Implemented CSR registers and their usage
List of interrupt sources:
Irq number | mie / mip Bit | Source |
3 | 3 | Machine software interrupt request |
7 | 7 | Machine timer interrupt |
16 | 16 | There is received character ready to be read |
17 | 17 | Serial port ready to accept character to Tx |
Following Control Status registers are recognized
Number | Name | Description |
0x300 | mstatus | Machine status register. |
0x304 | mie | Machine interrupt-enable register. |
0x305 | mtvec | Machine trap-handler base address. |
0x340 | mscratch | Scratch register for machine trap handlers. |
0x341 | mepc | Machine exception program counter. |
0x342 | mcause | Machine trap cause. |
0x343 | mtval | Machine bad address or instruction. |
0x344 | mip | Machine interrupt pending. |
0x34A | mtinsr | Machine trap instruction (transformed). |
0x34B | mtval2 | Machine bad guest physical address. |
0xB00 | mcycle | Machine cycle counter. |
0xB02 | minstret | Machine instructions-retired counter. |
0xF11 | mvendorid | Vendor ID. |
0xF12 | marchid | Architecture ID. |
0xF13 | mimpid | Implementation ID. |
0xF14 | mhardid | Hardware thread ID. |
, csrw
, csrrs
, csrrs
and csrrw
are used to copy and exchange value from/to RISC-V control status registers.
Sequence to enable serial port receive interrupt:
Decide location of interrupt service routine the first. The address of the common trap handler is defined by mtvec
register and then PC is set to this address when exception or interrupt is accepted.
Enable bit 16 in the machine Interrupt-Enable register (mie
). Ensure that bit 3 (mstatus.mie
- machine global interrupt-enable) of Machine Status register is set to one.
Enable interrupt in the receiver status register (bit 1 of SERP_RX_ST_REG
Write character to the terminal. It should be immediately consumed by the serial port receiver if interrupt is enabled
. CPU should report interrupt exception and when it propagates to the execution phase PC
is set to
the interrupt routine start address.
Syscall table and documentation
The emulator includes support for a few Linux kernel system calls. The RV32G ilp32 ABI is used.
Register | use on input | use on output | Calling Convention |
zero (x0) | — | - | Hard-wired zero |
ra (x1) | — | (preserved) | Return address |
sp (x2) | — | (callee saved) | Stack pointer |
gp (x3) | — | (preserved) | Global pointer |
tp (x4) | — | (preserved) | Thread pointer |
t0 .. t2 (x5 .. x7) | — | - | Temporaries |
s0/fp (x8) | — | (callee saved) | Saved register/frame pointer |
s1 (x9) | — | (callee saved) | Saved register |
a0 (x10) | 1st syscall argument | return value | Function argument/return value |
a1 (x11) | 2nd syscall argument | - | Function argument/return value |
a2 .. a5 (x12 .. x15) | syscall arguments | - | Function arguments |
a6 (x16) | - | - | Function arguments |
a7 (x17) | syscall number | - | Function arguments |
s2 .. s11 (x18 .. x27) | — | (callee saved) | Saved registers |
t3 .. t6 (x28 .. x31) | — | - | Temporaries |
The all system call input arguments are passed in register.
Supported syscalls:
void exit(int status) __NR_exit (93)
Stop/end execution of the program. The argument is exit status code, zero means OK, other values informs about error.
ssize_t read(int fd, void *buf, size_t count) __NR_read (63)
Read count
bytes from open file descriptor fd
. The emulator maps file descriptors 0, 1 and 2 to the internal
terminal/console emulator. They can be used without open
call. If there are no more characters to read from the
console, newline is appended. At most the count bytes read are stored to the memory location specified by buf
argument. Actual number of read bytes is returned.
ssize_t write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count) __NR_write (64)
Write count
bytes from memory location buf
to the open file descriptor
. The same about console for file handles 0, 1 and 2 is valid as for read
int close(int fd) __NR_close (57)
Close file associated to descriptor fd
and release descriptor.
int openat(int dirfd, const char *pathname, int flags, mode_t mode) __NR_openat (56)
Open file and associate it with the first unused file descriptor number and return that number. If the
option OS Emulation
->Filesystem root
is not empty then the file path pathname
received from emulated environment is appended to the path specified
by Filesystem root
. The host filesystem is protected against attempt to traverse to random directory by use of ..
path elements. If the root is not specified then all open files are targetted to the emulated terminal. Only TARGET_AT_FDCWD
= -100) mode is supported.
void * brk(void *addr) __NR_brk (214)
Set end of the area used by standard heap after end of the program data/bss. The syscall is emulated by dummy implementation. Whole address space up to 0xffff0000 is backuped by automatically attached RAM.
int ftruncate(int fd, off_t length) __NR_truncate (46)
Set length of the open file specified by fd
to the new length
. The length
argument is 64-bit even on 32-bit system and it is passed as the lower part and the higher part in the
second and third argument.
ssize_t readv(int fd, const struct iovec *iov, int iovcnt) __NR_Linux (65)
The variant of read
system call where data to read are would be stored to locations specified by iovcnt
pairs of
base address, length pairs stored in memory at address pass in iov
ssize_t writev(int fd, const struct iovec *iov, int iovcnt) __NR_Linux (66)
The variant of write
system call where data to write are defined by iovcnt
pairs of base address, length pairs stored in memory at address pass in iov
- See list of currently supported instructions.
- Only very minimal support for privileged instruction is implemented for now (mret).
- Only machine mode and minimal subset of machine CSRs is implemented.
- TLB and virtual memory are not implemented.
- No floating point support
- Memory access stall (stalling execution because of cache miss would be pretty annoying for users so difference between cache and memory is just in collected statistics)
- Only limited support for interrupts and exceptions. When
instruction is recognized, small subset of the Linux kernel system calls can be emulated or simulator can be configured to continue by trap handler onmtvec
- RV32I:
lw, lh, lb, lwu, lhu, lbu
sw, sh, sb, swu, shu, sbu
- OP:
add, sub, sll, slt, sltu, xor, srl, sra, or, and
fence, fence.i
addi, sll, slti, sltiu, xori, srli, srai, ori, andi, auipc, lui
beq, bne, btl, bge, bltu, bgtu
jal, jalr
ecall, mret, ebreak, csrrw, csrrs, csrrc, csrrwi, csrrsi, csrrci
- RV64I:
lwu, ld, sd
- OP-32:
addw, subw, sllw, srlw, sraw, or, and
- OP-IMM-32:
addiw, sllw, srliw, sraiw
- Pseudoinstructions
la, li
, - OP:
mv, not, neg, negw, sext.b, sext.h, sext.w, zext.b, zext.h, zext.w, seqz, snez, sltz, slgz
beqz, bnez, blez, bgez, bltz, bgtz, bgt, ble, bgtu, bleu
j, jal, jr, jalr, ret, call, tail
- Extensions
- RV32M/RV64M:
mul, mulh, mulhsu, div, divu, rem, remu
- RV64M:
mulw, divw, divuw, remw, remuw
- RV32A/RV64A:
lr.w, sc.w, amoswap.w, amoadd.w, amoxor.w, amoand.w, amoor.w, amomin.w, amomax.w, amominu.w, amomaxu.w
- RV64A:
lr.d, sc.d, amoswap.d, amoadd.d, amoxor.d, amoand.d, amoor.d, amomin.d, amomax.d, amominu.d, amomaxu.d
- Zicsr:
csrrw, csrrs, csrrc, csrrwi, csrrsi, csrrci
- RV32M/RV64M:
For details about RISC-V, refer to the ISA specification:
Computer architectures pages at Czech Technical University in Prague
Dupak, J.; Pisa, P.; Stepanovsky, M.; Koci, K. QtRVSim – RISC-V Simulator for Computer Architectures Classes In: embedded world Conference 2022. Haar: WEKA FACHMEDIEN GmbH, 2022. p. 775-778. ISBN 978-3-645-50194-1. (Slides)
Please reference above article, if you use QtRvSim in education or research related materials and publications.
- FEE CTU - B35APO - Computer Architectures
- Undergraduate computer architecture class materials ( Czech) (English)
- FEE CTU - B4M35PAP - Advanced Computer Architectures
- Graduate computer architecture class materials (Czech/English)
- Graphical RISC-V Architecture Simulator - Memory Model and Project Management
- Jakub Dupak's thesis
- Documents 2020-2021 QtMips and QtRvSim development
- Graphical CPU Simulator with Cache Visualization
- Karel Koci's thesis
- Documents initial QtMips development
QtMips - MIPS predecessor of this simulator
RARS - RISC-V Assembler and Runtime Simulator
- Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Karel Koci [email protected]
- Copyright (c) 2019-2025 Pavel Pisa [email protected]
- Copyright (c) 2020-2025 Jakub Dupak [email protected]
- Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Max Hollmann [email protected]
This project is licensed under GPL-3.0-or-later
. The full text of the license is in the LICENSE file. The
license applies to all files except for directories named external
and files in them. Files in external directories
have a separate license compatible with the projects license.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see