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Kube Installation

No Ansible, just plain shell scripts

Table of Contents


Please make sure

  1. Your DNS-Server (maybe integrated in you router) do not resolve your server hostname to ipv6 address, since we don't tend to ipv6 routes between servers
  2. Your DNS-Server (maybe integrated in you router) resolve your server hostname to ipv4 address, or there can be some issues when deploying services


  • System
    • Ubuntu 18.04
  • Software
    • ssh, scp (with public-key installed)


  • cfssl
  • kubectl
  • helm (optional, if you want to deploy services via helm)
  • istioctl (optional, if you want to deploy service mesh demo app)

General steps

  1. Design your network and create virtual/bare-metal servers
  2. Generate ca and cert/key pair for etcd and kubernetes components
  3. Install and start etcd services
  4. Install kubernetes controller components on some of your servers, and configure
  5. Install kubernetes worker components on some of your servers, and configure
  6. Configure network and deploy

How to use

First time deployment

  1. Copy and modify according to your homelab

    $ cp
    # edit `` with your favourite editor
  2. Generate CA, certificates and kubeconfig

    $ ./ gen_ca && ./ gen_all
  3. Download all software required and prepare them for uploading

    $ ./ download_all && ./ prepare_bin_all
  4. Upload all required files to your server, then deploy them

    $ ./ upload_all && ./ deploy_all
  5. Config local kubectl

    $ ./ config_local_kubectl

Cluster Configuration Update

  1. Edit with your favourite editor, then generate, upload configurations to your servers and deploy

    $ ./ update_conf

Software Update

  1. Edit with your favourite editor, then download and redeploy all files to your servers

    $ ./ download_all && ./ prepare_bin_all
    $ ./ upload_all && ./ deploy_all

Provisioning new kubernetes workers

In case you want to extend your cluster with more kubernetes workers and without any data loss or service interrupton after the first time deployment, we provide the following method

NOTE: Assuming you are at /path/to/homelab/kube

  1. Start with a copied project

    $ cd ../..
    $ cp -a homelab homelab-new
    $ cd homelab-new/kube
  2. Config for your new workers (keep controllers config as is)

  3. Generate worker configurations and deploy to new workers

    $ ./ gen_worker_all && ./ upload_worker_all
    $ ./ deploy_worker_all


Fundamental Services

  1. Install kube-dns (coredns)

    $ kubectl create -f services/kube-coredns
  2. Create certs for metrics-server and deploy metrics-server

    $ kubectl create secret generic \
        -n kube-system metrics-server-secrets \
        --from-file=ca=common/generated/ca-aggregator.pem \
        --from-file=ms-key=common/generated/aggregator-proxy-client-key.pem \
    # to delete, run
    # $ kubectl delete -n kube-system secrets metrics-server-secrets
    $ kubectl create -f services/metrics-server/deploy/1.8+
    # In China, you can use aliyun google container mirror (configured, maybe not the latest)
    # $ kubectl create -f services/metrics-server-cn
  3. Install kubernetes-dashboard (optional)

    $ kubectl apply -f
    # In China, you can use aliyun google container mirror
    # $ kubectl apply -f services/kube-dashboard/
    # (optional, not recommended if you are using public servers)
    # skip dashborad authentication (click `skip` on dashboard login page)
    # $ kubectl apply -f services/kube-dashboard/dashoard-admin.yaml

Extra Services with helm

Install helm

  1. Create and bind the tiller service account for helm

    $ kubectl create -f services/helm/tiller-cluster-role.yaml
  2. Init helm with tiller service account

    $ helm init --service-account tiller --upgrade
    # In China, you can use aliyun google container mirror to get tiller
    # $ helm init --service-account tiller --force-upgrade --upgrade -i

Monitoring Service

Install Prometheus via helm (non-persistent)
# modify services/prometheus/values.yaml if you want to persist metrics data or other features
$ helm install --namespace monitoring --name prometheus stable/prometheus -f services/prometheus/values.yaml
Install Grafana via helm
  1. Install grafana to your kubernetes cluster

    # modify services/grafana/values.yaml if necessary
    $ helm install --namespace monitoring --name grafana stable/grafana -f services/grafana/values.yaml
  2. Access your grafana

    $ export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods -n monitoring -l "app=grafana" -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
    $ kubectl --namespace monitoring port-forward ${POD_NAME} 3000
    # get admin password (for admin user)
    $ kubectl --namespace monitoring get secret grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode ; echo
    # open up your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000
  3. Configure your Grafana dashboard


  1. Add gitlab helm chart repo and update

    helm repo add gitlab && helm repo update
  2. Install gitlab with helm (see - all options)

    helm upgrade --install gitlab gitlab/gitlab \
    --timeout 600 \
    --set global.hosts.domain= \
    --set global.hosts.externalIP= \

GitLab Runner

Service Mesh

Install istio via helm

REFERENCE: istio - install/kubernetes/helm/istio

1.Create namespace for Istio

$ kubectl create ns istio-system

3.Install Istio with automatic sidecar injection

$ helm install services/istio/install/kubernetes/helm/istio --name istio --namespace istio-system
# wait for a while, this could take some time

# Again, In China, you can use docker mirror to install istio
# $ helm install services/istio-cn --name istio --namespace istio-system

# uninstalling
# $ helm del --purge istio
# $ kubectl -n istio-system delete crd --all

Deploy demo service mesh app bookinfo

1.Create demo namespace for management ease

$ kubectl create namespace demo

2.Label demo namespace for automatic istio sidecar injection

$ kubectl label namespaces demo istio-injection=enabled

3.Deploy bookinfo demo app to demo namespace

$ kubectl -n demo apply -f services/istio/samples/bookinfo/platform/kube/bookinfo.yaml

# wait for a while, this could take some time

4.Create gateway for bookinfo app

$ kubectl -n demo apply -f services/istio/samples/bookinfo/networking/bookinfo-gateway.yaml

5.Access to bookinfo app via one of istio-ingress-gateway

$ export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get po -l istio=ingressgateway -n istio-system -o 'jsonpath={.items[0]}')
$ kubectl -n istio-system port-forward ${POD_NAME} 8080:80

# check app working
# open up your browser and navigate to
# or use curl to check http status code
# $ curl -o /dev/null -s -w "%{http_code}\n"
# should give you output `200`

6.Change bookinfo routing

$ kubectl -n demo apply -f services/istio/samples/bookinfo/networking/destination-rule-all.yaml
# refresh page and you will find differences!


We will setup ingress with ingress-nginx and envoy for remote service access

1.Deploy nginx-ingress to your Kubernetes cluster

kubectl apply -f

2.Deploy NodePort to your cluster, since we are using bare-metal

kubectl apply -f
