Jsolar is a lightweight library for serializing/deserializing the Jsolar format in C++. Taking advantage of templates and operator overloading on the backend, you can immediately create and work with Jsolar objects, as you would expect from a language like JavaScript.
#include <jsolar/jsolar.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace wingmann::serializing::json;
int main() {
Jsolar obj;
// Create a new array as a field of an object.
obj["array"] = array(true, "two", 3, 4.9213798);
// Create a new object as a field of another object.
obj["object"] = object();
// Assign to one of the inner object's fields.
obj["object"]["inner"] = "inside";
// We don't need to specify the type of the json object.
obj["new"]["some"]["deep"]["key"] = "value";
obj["another_array"].append(false, "three");
// We can also parse a string into a json object.
obj["parsed"] = Jsolar::load(R"([{"key": "value"}, false])");
std::cout << obj << '\n';
return 0;
#include <jsolar/jsolar.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace wingmann::serializing::json;
int main() {
auto obj = Jsolar::load(R"({
"array": [true, "two", 3, 4.9213798],
"another_array": [false, "three"],
"new": {
"some": {
"deep": {
"key": "value"
"object": {
"inner": "inside"
"parsed": [{ "key": "value" }, false]
std::cout << obj << '\n';
return 0;
"array": [true, "two", 3, 4.921380],
"another_array": [false, "three"],
"new": {
"some": {
"deep": {
"key": "value"
"object": {
"inner": "inside"
"parsed": [{ "key": "value" }, false]