It creates:
- AWS EKS cluster
- aws loadbalancer controller: listens for service type
and creates ALB. Used to create ALB on top on nginx controller - vpc cni: created via addon, used to provide networking via AWS subnet
- cert manager: automatically creates certificates via Let's Encrypt
- ebs csi driver: manages PVC for EBS volume
- efs csi driver: manages PVC for EFS volume
- external dns: listens
and create Route53 records pointing on nginx controller ALB - fluent bit: forward k8s logs to cloudwatch
- nginx ingress controller: redirect traffic to the right service
- metrics-server: collects CPU/memory metrics used by pod HPA
- prometheus: monitors the Kubernetes cluster
- aws loadbalancer controller: listens for service type
Check pipeline access job
aws eks --region ${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION} update-kubeconfig --name ${CLUSTER_NAME}
via the AWS ALB