Spring MVC Tutorial with IntelliJ IDEA, Gradle with tomcat-plugin
To run locally: ./gradlew tomcatRun ==> to start tomcat with app deployed ./gradlew jettyRun ==> to start jetty with app deployed
If using jettyRun, use port: 9080 instead.
Hello page: http://localhost:8080/hello-springmvc/hello
With a name param: http://localhost:8080/hello-springmvc/hello?name=bob
Goodbye page: http://localhost:8080/hello-springmvc/hello/goodbye
Form sample page: http://localhost:8080/hello-springmvc/hello/form ==> submits to "/result" (in HelloController)
Some notes on the context-root i.e. /hello-springmvc in the url:
- The context-root defaults to the WAR file name (in IDEA, Open Module Settings (F4) > Artifacts). If you deploy this WAR in tomcat (e.g., under /webapps), the url should have the /context-root as well, e.g. http://localhost:8080/hello-springmvc/........
- When using gradle jettyRun or tomcatRun, use the contextPath property to set the context-root for that runtime.