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1.10.3 (core) / 0.26.3 (libraries)

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@elementl-devtools elementl-devtools released this 28 Feb 20:32
· 88 commits to master since this release


  • Added links from pool info in run event logs to the respective pool configuration pages.
  • Added queued run information on the pool info page, even if the pool granularity is set to op.
  • [ui] Added information about asset partitions that fail to materialize due to run cancellations to the asset partition detail page.
  • [ui] Added two new themes for users with reduced sensitivity to red and green light.
  • [ui] Added Not Diamond icon for asset kinds tag. (Thanks @dragos-pop!)
  • [ui] Added Weaviate icon for asset kinds tag. (Thanks @jjyeo!)
  • [ui] Made Alerts page visible to users with Viewer roles.
  • [dagster-postgres] Removed the cap on PostgresEventLogStorage QueuePool by setting max_overflow to -1. (Thanks @axelwas!)


  • Fixed a bug where a sensor emitting multiple RunRequests with the same run key within a single tick would cause two runs with the same key to be executed. Now, only the first run will be executed. (Thanks @Gw1p!)
  • Fixed a bug where run step selections were not affecting which pools limit a given run.
  • Fixed an issue where seeding the random number generator during code import or when initializing a resource could cause every step to write to the same stdout or stderr key.
  • [ui] Fixed an issue where certain jobs weren't showing the assets they targeted.
  • Asset backfills will now move into a CANCELED state instead of a FAILURE state when not every requested partition has been marked as materialized or failed by the backfill.
  • [dagster-dbt] Fixed a bug breaking packaged_project_dir since supporting profiles_dir in DbtProject.
  • Fixed an issue with DbIOManagers being unable to process subclasses of handled types.
  • [ui] Preserved asset selection filters when navigating folders in the asset catalog.
  • [ui] Corrected PostgreSQL SVG icon for asset kinds tag. (Thanks @dragos-pop!)
  • [ui] Fixed an issue that caused Markdown with code blocks in languages not supported for syntax highlighting to crash the page.
  • Fixed an issue where asset backfills included failed partitions in the in-progress list in logging output.


  • Fixed broken image links in quickstart examples. (Thanks @stevenayers!)
  • [dagster-dbt] Made several fixes to the "Using dbt with Dagster" page. (Thanks @jjyeo!)
  • Fixed broken link in (Thanks @Exlll!)
  • Fixed link in leading to a 404. (Thanks @Exlll!)
  • Fixed typo in (Thanks @kgeis!)
  • Fixed typo in (Thanks @petrusek!)

Dagster Plus

  • [ui] Enabled setting long-running job alerts in minutes instead of hours.
  • [dagster-insights] Fix links to branch deployments in the deployment list UI.
  • [dagster-insights] Adjusted the way batching runs from the create_snowflake_insights_asset_and_schedule sensor using the schedule_batch_size_hrs parameter works to yield a single partition range run instead of individual runs per partition.