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1.9.9 (core) / 0.25.9 (libraries)

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@elementl-devtools elementl-devtools released this 17 Jan 20:01
· 827 commits to master since this release


  • Added a new function load_definitions_from_module, which can load all the assets, checks, schedules, sensors, and job objects within a module scope into a single Definitions object. Check out the documentation to learn more.
  • When using the DAGSTER_REDACT_USER_CODE_ERRORS environment variable to mask user code errors, the unmasked log lines are now written using a dagster.masked Python logger instead of being written to stderr, allowing the format of those log lines to be customized.
  • The croniter package is now vendored in dagster.
  • [ui] Corrected the minstral typo and updated the Mistral logo for asset kinds tag.
  • [ui] The relevant runs are now shown within the same dialog when viewing details of an automation evaluation.
  • [ui] Clicking to view runs with a specific status from the backfill overview now switches to the new backfill runs tab with your filters applied, instead of the global runs page.
  • [ui] In the run timeline, all run ids and timings are now shown in the hover popover.
  • [ui] Added a new tab on the Runs page that shows a filterable list of recent backfills.
  • [dagster-airlift] Added support for Python 3.7.
  • [dagster-aws] Added a task_definition_prefix argument to EcsRunLauncher, allowing the name of the task definition families for launched runs to be customized. Previously, the task definition families always started with run.
  • [dagster-azure] Moved azure fake implementations to its own submodule, paving the way for fake implementations to not be imported by default. (Thanks @futurwasfree!)
  • [dagster-dlt] The dagster-dlt library is added. It replaces the dlt module of dagster-embedded-elt.
  • [dagster-sling] The dagster-sling library is added. It replaces the Sling module of dagster-embedded-elt.
  • [helm] Added support for sidecar containers for all Dagster pods, for versions of K8s after 1.29 (Native Sidecars). (Thanks @hom3r!)


  • Fixed an issue where the tick timeline wouldn't load for an automation condition sensor that emitted a backfill.
  • Fixed a bug with asset checks where additional_deps/additional_ins were not being threaded through properly in certain cases, and would result in errors at job creation.
  • Fixed a bug where the UI will hit an unexpected error when loading details for a run containing a step retry before the step has started.
  • Fixed a bug with load_assets_from_x functions where we began erroring when a spec and AssetsDefinition had the same key in a given module. We now only error in this case if include_specs=True.
  • Fixed a bug with load_assets_from_modules where AssetSpec objects were being given the key_prefix instead of the source_key_prefix. Going forward, when load_specs is set to True, only the source_key_prefix will affect AssetSpec objects.
  • Fixed a bug with the run queue criteria UI for branch deployments in Dagster Plus.
  • [ui] Fixed the "View evaluation" links from the "Automation condition" tag popover on Runs.
  • [dagster-aws] Fixed an issue with the EcsRunLauncher where it would sometimes create a new task definition revision for each run if the "task_role_arn" or "execution_role_arn" parameters were specified without the arn:aws:iam: prefix.
  • [dagster-aws] Fixed a bug with PipesEMRServerlessClient trying to get the dashboard URL for a run before it transitions to RUNNING state.
  • [dagster-dbt] Fixed an issue where group names set on partitioned dbt assets created using the @dbt_assets decorator would be ignored.
  • [dagster-azure] Fixed the default configuration for the show_url_only parameter on the AzureBlobComputeLogManager. (Thanks @ion-elgreco!)
  • [dagster-aws] Fixed an issue handling null networkConfiguration parameters for the ECS run launcher. (Thanks @markgrin!)


  • Added example potential use cases for sensors. (Thanks @gianfrancodemarco!)
  • Updated the tutorial to match the outlined structure. (Thanks @vincent0426!)


  • [dagster-embedded-elt] the dagster-embedded-elt library is deprecated in favor of dagster-dlt and dagster-sling.

Dagster Plus

  • The Alert Policies page will now show a warning if a slack channel for a policy no longer exists.