Welcome to our repository for the DAISY project to develop user requirements for reading apps.
This project will enhance the experience of print disabled people using apps to read accessible content, leveraging the collective expertise and experiences of DAISY Consortium members and friends.
The primary audience is DAISY members and other providers of specialist reading services involved in evaluating, procuring, or developing solutions for reading services. The project output will be a document that expresses user requirements of individuals with diverse print disabilities for reading digital publications. The document will be highly valuable for the developers of specialized reading systems and provide inspiration for mainstream reading solutions.
Participants are invited to join the project mailing list which will be used to share information, ask questions, and announce activities. We will collect issues and existing resources in the GitHub repo.
The working group meetings will be alternate weeks starting 13 January at 15 UTC.
The working group has developed many relevant user stories and is compiling the user requirements document.