React-grid-layout-builder offers a React user interface to interact with the react-grid-layout configuration. Be careful:
- React-grid-layout-builder doesn't add additional features to existing React-grid-layout. Read more about React-grid-layout features if required.
- React-grid-layout-builder works only on responsive react-grid-layout. Any help on other React-grid-layout component is welcome :)
React-grid-layout is fun. I wanted to play with it without coding the configuration. So I tried to make a user-friendly editor. Happy to share it now :)
- clone this repository
- go into the cloned folder
- cmd
npm i
- cmd
npm run start
- open urls
- http://localhost:3100/bootstrap/index.html for bootstrap editor
- http://localhost:3100/material-ui/index.html for material-ui editor
Install the React-Grid-Layout-builder package package using npm:
npm install react-grid-layout-builder
Include the following stylesheets in your application:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheets/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css">
This builder editor is graphically powered by Bootstrap
Include the following stylesheets in your application:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
Or create your own editor on the model given in src/bootstrapEditor. You'll be able to add fields or remove others
In that case, you'll have to wrap it with connectReactGridLayoutBuilderToEditor
. Example:
//YourOwnBuilderEditor is a copy of src/bootstrapEditor with your own style and your own fields
var ReactGridLayoutBuilder = connectReactGridLayoutBuilderToEditor(YourOwnBuilderEditor);
export default ReactGridLayoutBuilder;
This opening dock icon is graphically powered by Bootstrap
Include the following stylesheets in your application if you use it:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
Or put the editor anywhere else on your app.
React-grid-layout-builder is to use on the responsive react-grid-layout only and can be used to:
- track any changes when playing with React-grid-layout
- edit number of columns on the fly
- edit breakpoints pixel value on the fly
- edit the height defined as basic row
- set all the grid as static
All questions about the grid generation and the possible configurable options are presents on react-grid-layout repository. I trust you know how to use react-grid-layout and will explain now how React-Grid-Layout-builder works. React-Grid-Layout-builder is used as a wrapper on an existing React-Grid-Layout component. To demonstrate how to us the builder, I'll try it on the responsive react-grid-layout example
To have the builder work with the responsive react-grid-layout example, we must:
- import the connect function
to track any change in thereact-grid-layout
component - import the builder
to offer additional field to modify the react-grid-layout configuration - put the react-grid-layout configuration into a state to be able to modify it from a callback
- sent the callback that modify the react-grid-layout configuration to both
import {Responsive, WidthProvider} from 'react-grid-layout';
import ReactGridLayoutBuilder, {connectReactGridLayoutBuilder} from 'react-grid-layout-builder';
//the responsive react-grid-layout is wrapped to be connected to the builder functions
const ResponsiveReactGridLayout = connectReactGridLayoutBuilder(WidthProvider(Responsive));
constructor() {
//the grid layout is put on the state
this.state.gridLayout =
layouts: getLayoutsFromSomewhere(),
breakpoints: {lg: 1200, md: 996, sm: 768, xs: 480, xxs: 0},
cols: {lg: 12, md: 10, sm: 6, xs: 4, xxs: 2}
//any update from the grid layout or from the builder will update the component state to update both ReactGridLayoutBuilder & ResponsiveReactGridLayout data
updateConfig = (newGridLayout) => {
this.setState({gridLayout: newGridLayout});
//An additional props updateConfigFunc must be provided to ResponsiveReactGridLayout to be able to track relevant changes when playing with the grid layout component it-self
//The usual react grid layout configuration, put in the component state, is sent to the grid layout component.
render() {
return (
<ReactGridLayoutBuilder reactGridLayout={this.props.conf} updateConfigFunc={this.props.updateConfig}/>
<ResponsiveReactGridLayout className="layout"
<div key={"1"}>1</div>
<div key={"2"}>2</div>
<div key={"3"}>3</div>
is a react component that renders fields to edit some of the react-grid-layout possible props.
This component uses Bootstrap & React-Bootstrap for rendering the fields
The builder can be used to set:
// If true, the container height swells and contracts to fit contents
autoSize: ?boolean = true,
// {name: pxVal}, e.g. {lg: 1200, md: 996, sm: 768, xs: 480}
// Breakpoint names are arbitrary but must match in the cols and layouts objects.
breakpoints: ?Object = {lg: 1200, md: 996, sm: 768, xs: 480, xxs: 0},
// # of cols. This is a breakpoint -> cols map, e.g. {lg: 12, md: 10, ...}
cols: ?Object = {lg: 12, md: 10, sm: 6, xs: 4, xxs: 2},
// If true, the layout will compact vertically
verticalCompact: ?boolean = true,
// Margin between items [x, y] in px.
margin: ?[number, number] = [10, 10],
// Rows have a static height, but you can change this based on breakpoints
// if you like.
rowHeight: ?number = 150,
// Flags
isDraggable: ?boolean = true,
isResizable: ?boolean = true,
is a high order component wrapping the responsive react-grid-layout component to trigger a callback updateConfig
when the layout is changed there. the callback has as parameter the react-grid-layout possible props.
import {Responsive, WidthProvider} from 'react-grid-layout';
import {connectReactGridLayoutBuilder} from 'react-grid-layout-builder';
//the responsive react-grid-layout is wrapped to be connected to the builder functions
const ResponsiveReactGridLayout = connectReactGridLayoutBuilder(WidthProvider(Responsive));
constructor() {
//the grid layout is put on the state
this.state.gridLayout =
layouts: getLayoutsFromSomewhere(),
breakpoints: {lg: 1200, md: 996, sm: 768, xs: 480, xxs: 0},
cols: {lg: 12, md: 10, sm: 6, xs: 4, xxs: 2}
//any update from the grid layout or from the builder will update the component state to update both ReactGridLayoutBuilder & ResponsiveReactGridLayout data
updateConfig = (newGridLayout) => {
this.setState({gridLayout: newGridLayout});
//An additional props updateConfigFunc must be provided to ResponsiveReactGridLayout to be able to track relevant changes when playing with the grid layout component it-self
//The usual react grid layout configuration, put in the component state, is sent to the grid layout component.
render() {
return (
<ResponsiveReactGridLayout className="layout"
<div key={"1"}>1</div>
<div key={"2"}>2</div>
<div key={"3"}>3</div>
is a high order component used to have a react component displayed only if the user choose it. This is a simple UI component and you can choose to not use it if you want.
If you want to use it, wrap ReactGridLayoutBuilder
with it:
import ReactGridLayoutBuilder, {withOpeningDock} from '../../src';
const ReactGridLayoutBuilder = connectReactGridLayoutBuilder(WidthProvider(Responsive));
var DockedReactGridLayoutBuilder = withOpeningDock(ReactGridLayoutBuilder);
render() {
return (
<DockedReactGridLayoutBuilder reactGridLayout={this.props.conf} updateConfigFunc={this.props.updateConfig}/>
<ResponsiveReactGridLayout className="layout"
<div key={"1"}>1</div>
<div key={"2"}>2</div>
<div key={"3"}>3</div>
- Get feedbacks and improve
- Transform the generated layout as static
- Choose which item is static or not
- Choose which item is displayed or not
- Provide an editor for not-responsive grid layout
- Provide an editor based on material UI (thanks to @nywooz)
- Have the materia-ui demo working without bootstrap css (fix css grid)
- Save & load the current custom layout in local storage (thanks to @nywooz)
- Download the current layout & upload a custom one (thanks to @nywooz)