Simplified API for working with Local Storage, Session Storage or Async Storage. Stores anything that is JSON.stringify
-able. This can be scoped to only a particular prefix so as to not interfere with other code that might be using the storage implementation. You can optionally hook into sets and deletes.
// Pass the storage API that you will use
// All keys will be prefixed with `hey:[key]`
const local = new AppStorage(localStorage, 'hey');
// With hooks
const local = new AppStorage(localStorage, {
prefix: 'hey',
onBeforeSet(keyOrObject: string | object, value?: any) {
if (typeof keyOrObject === 'object') {
events.emit('storage-changed', keyOrObject);
events.emit('storage-changed', { [keyOrObject]: value });
onBeforeRemove(keyOrKeys: string | string[]) {
if (Array.isArray(keyOrKeys)) {
events.emit('storage-removed', keyOrKeys);
events.emit('storage-removed', [keyOrKeys]);
const theFruits = {
apples: 5,
bananas: 10,
oranges: 12
// Save an object
await local.set('fruits', theFruits);
// You can fetch an object and pass the type
// that you expect to get back from it
const savedFruits = await local.get <typeof theFruits>('fruits');
// Object.assign the existing object
await local.assign('fruits', {
peaches: 5,
dragonFruit: 15
// Set an entire object and its keys will be
// saved as part of the store
await local.set({
many: true,
different: 'keys',
can: 'be set',
when: ['you', 'pass', 'an', 'object']
await local.get('many')
// > true
await local.get('different')
// > 'keys'
await local.get('can')
// > 'be set'
await local.get('when')
// > ['you', 'pass', 'an', 'object']
// Remove a keyor many keys
await local.rm('when');
await local.rm(['can', 'when']);
// Check if a key exists
await local.has('when'); // false
// Similar API to an object
const keys = await local.keys();
const values = await local.values();
const entries = await local.entries();
You can extend the typings used to identify keys and the shape of the data they will have by extending the interface StoredAppValues
import {
} from 'easy-app-storage'
type Auth = {
bearer_token: string,
refresh_token: string
type Themes = 'dark' | 'light';
declare module 'easy-app-storage' {
export interface StoredAppValues {
auth: Auth | null;
theme: Theme;
showHelp: boolean;
const themeSwitcher = (theme: Themes) => {
// this will scream if the value is incorrect
await storage.set('theme', theme);
// this will accurately retrieve the auth type
const auth = await storage.get('auth');
interface onSet {
<K extends Keys>(key: K, value: Shapes<K>): Void;
(value: StoredAppValues & Record<string, JsonStringifyable>): Void;
interface onRemove {
(key: Keys): Void;
(key: Keys[]): Void;
interface AppStorageOptions {
prefix?: string
onBeforeSet?: onSet
onAfterSet?: onSet
onBeforeRemove?: onRemove
onAfterRemove?: onRemove
interface AppStorage {
constructor(storage: StorageImplementation, prefixOrOptions?: string | AppStorageOptions)
// ...etc
* Returns an object of all keys
async get <T = StoredAppValues>(): Promise<T>
* Returns a single value from storage
* @param key key to find
async get <K extends Keys>(key: K): Promise<Shapes<K>>
async get <T = JsonStringifyable>(key: string): Promise<T>
* Returns an object of the keys passed
* @param keys keys to find
async get <
K1 extends Keys,
K2 extends Keys,
// ...etc
>(keys: [K1, K2]): Promise<
Record<K1, Shapes<K1>> &
Record<K2, Shapes<K2>>
// ...etc
* Or maybe you don't care about being typed and want to return anything.
* You can always define the return type.
* @param keys keys to find
async get <T = Record<string, JsonStringifyable>>(keys: string[]): Promise<T>
returns the entire storageget('key')
returns the value of that particular keyget(['key1', 'key2'])
returns an object of{ key: value }
* Saves entire object by `{ key: value }`
* @param values object to save to storage
async set(values: Partial<StoredAppValues> & Record<string, any>): Promise<void>
* Sets a key to given value into storage
* @param key
* @param value
async set <K extends Keys>(key: K, value: Shapes<K>): Promise<void>
async set <K extends Keys | string>(key: K, value: Shapes<K>): Promise<void>
* `Object.assign()` given value to given key
* @param key key to merge
* @param val value to merge
async assign <K extends Keys>(key: K, val: Partial<Shapes<K>>): Promise<void>
async assign <K extends Keys | string>(key: K, val: Partial<Shapes<K>>): Promise<void>
* Removes a single key
* @param key
async remove <K extends Keys>(key: K): Promise<void>
async remove(key: string): Promise<void>
* Removes the given array of keys
* @param keys
async remove(key: Keys[]): Promise<void>
async remove(keys: string[]): Promise<void>
* Returns an array of boolean values denoting
* whether the keys exist within the storage or not
* @param keys
has(keys: Keys[]): Promise<boolean[]>
has(keys: string[]): Promise<boolean[]>
* Returns whether key exists within the storage
* @param key
has(keys: Keys): Promise<boolean>
has(key: string): Promise<boolean>
* Removes all prefixed values from the storage
clear(): Promise<void>;
* Returns all keys scoped by prefix
keys(): Promise<string[]>;
* `Object.entries()` against the entire store as an object
entries(): Promise<[string, JsonStringifyable][]>;
* `Object.values()` against the entire store as an object
values(): Promise<JsonStringifyable[]>;