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Stochastic growth process with exp-OU growth rates

This repository contains codes for the numerical simulations for the paper Growth rate of a stochastic growth process driven by an exponential Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process (2022) also available on arxiv. A brief summary of the main results of the paper is given below.

Consider a stochastic growth process in discrete time for a quantity B i with random growth rates r i B i + 1 = ( 1 + r i ) B i started at B 0 = 1 .

Take the growth rate r i proportional to the exponential of a stationary Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (exp-OU) process r i = ρ e Z t i 1 2 v a r ( Z t i ) ( 1 ) where the OU process Z t is sampled on uniformly spaced times t i = i τ with time step τ . The process Z t satisfies the SDE d Z t = γ Z t d t + σ d W t and mean-reverts to zero. Recall that for a stationary OU process Z = N ( 0 , σ 2 2 γ ) . Thus the expectation of the growth rate is constant E [ r i ] = ρ .

The limiting case of Z t = σ W t a Brownian motion, corresponds to the growth rates r t following a geometric Brownian motion in discrete time. This case is more tractable and all positive integer moments E [ ( B i ) n ] can be computed exactly. This case is discussed in this paper, and a statistical mechanics analogy to a lattice gas is given here. Chapter 2 of Pirjol (2022) gives a pedagogical discussion with Mathematica codes.

The process (1) describes for example the growth of a bank account accruing interest each period at an interest rate which follows an exp-OU process. This is the interest rates process assumed in the Black-Karasinski model. A similar model can be used to describe the growth of a positive quantity with correlated growth rates, for example a population undergoing growth in a random environment. More precisely the growth rates r i have Markovian dependence, which is appropriate for example for an environmental variable such as temperature, oxygen supply or food resources.

Mathematically the process for B i is a stochastic recursion B i + 1 = a ( Z i ) B i with Markov dependence of the multipliers a ( Z ) = 1 + ρ e Z 1 2 v a r ( Z ) .

The process can be generalized such that the growth rates r i can be both positive and negative, for example by adding deterministic multipliers as B i + 1 = 1 1 + ρ ( 1 + ρ e Z i 1 2 v a r ( Z i ) ) B i ( 2 ) which corresponds to a growth rate r i = 1 1 + ρ ( ρ e Z i 1 2 v a r ( Z i ) ρ ) This process has growth rates averaging to zero E [ r i ] = 0 .

Let us study the expectation M t = E [ B t ] . If the growth rates r t were uncorrelated, the expectation M t would have an exponential growth M n = Π i = 0 n 1 ( 1 + E [ r i ] ) = ( 1 + ρ ) n . The exponential growth rate is λ n := 1 n log M t = log ( 1 + ρ ) .

However, the growth rates r i in the process considered here have serial correlation. Let's simulate the process and compute the sample autocorrelation of r i


# stationary exp-OU compounding process

n <- 1000 # no time steps
tau <- 0.01 # time step
gamma <- 0.1 # mean reversion
sigma <- 0.2 # volatility

rho <- 0.025

dG <- sigma^2/(2*gamma)*(1-exp(-2*gamma*tau))
varZ <- sigma^2/(2*gamma) # stationary OU process variance
beta <- exp(-gamma*tau)

# Generate random normals N(0,sqrt(dG))
e <- rnorm(n, mean=0, sd=sqrt(dG))

rate = numeric(n)
Z = numeric(n)

Z1 = rnorm(1,0,sqrt(varZ))

Z[1] = Z1
rate[1] = (rho*exp(Z1 - 0.5*varZ)-rho)/(1+rho)

for(i in 2:n) {
  Z[i]= beta*Z[i-1] + e[i]
  rate[i] = (rho*exp(Z[i] - 0.5*varZ)-rho)/(1+rho)

plot(rate, type="l", col="blue",xlab="Time",main="Growth rate r(t)")
abline(h=0, col="red")

acf(rate,type="correlation", lag.max=1500, main="ACF(r)")

Sample paths of r t for γ = 0.1 , σ = 0.2


The autocorrelation plot of the growth rates r i shows long-range correlation. This will be seen to change the growth pattern of B n in an unexpected way.


The Mathematica code attached evaluates the expectation M n by Monte Carlo simulation. The left plot below shows the expectation M n for n = 100 and time step τ = 0.01 with γ = 0.1 as σ increases. The parameter ρ = 0.025 . The horizontal black line is at 1. The expectation increases with σ , first smoothly and then more erratically.


The growth rate λ n = 1 n log M n is shown in the right plot. For small σ , it is close to log ( 1 + ρ ) ρ , but as σ increases, it becomes larger and with larger errors.

The theoretical result for λ n is shown as the solid blue curve in the right plot. It has a sharp turn and increases very rapidly. This phenomenon cannot be seen in a MC simulation because the standard deviation of B n also explodes to very large values. Instead we see an explosion of the MC error, observed as a widening of the error bars.

Main result of the paper

The paper proves the existence of the limit λ ( ρ , β , a ) = lim n 1 n log M n taken at fixed ρ , β := 1 2 σ 2 τ n 2 and a := γ n τ . The limit is mathematically equivalent with the thermodynamical pressure of a one-dimensional lattice gas of particles interacting by attractive exponential potentials ε i j e a n | i j | at temperature T = 1 / β and chemical potential T log ρ . This system was studied by Kac and Helfand (1963) so we call it here the Kac-Helfand gas. Kac and Helfand showed that in the long-range limit a , the thermodynamical pressure approaches the van der Waals equation of state. A similar result is recovered here for λ ( ρ , β , a ) in the a limit.

The function λ ( ρ , β , a ) has discontinuous derivatives with respect to ρ , β along a critical curve β c ( ρ , a ) . The critical curves for 3 values of a are shown below, in coordinates ( T , ρ ) with T = 1 / β .


This phenomenon is associated with a liquid-gas phase transition in the analog lattice gas.

Analytical upper and lower bounds on λ ( ρ , β , a ) are obtained, which constrain it with an error less than 4% over the entire range of parameters. (The lower bound is shown in the right plot above.) For a = 1 and ρ = 0.025 , the lower and upper bounds on λ are shown below. They are so close that the curves are practically indistinguishable, and determine λ for all practical purposes. The kink in this curve is the same as the upwards kink in the growth rate λ shown as the solid blue curve in the right plot with the MC simulation.


An exact solution for λ ( ρ , β , a ) is derived in Chapter 5 of Pirjol (2022).


Numerical simulation of a stochastic growth process with exp-OU growth rates







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