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Running the Mirroring Command

Creating & updating dataset mirrors of Dandisets and their Zarrs for the dandisets and dandizarrs organizations is done with the backups2datalad command in this repository.


Before running backups2datalad, the following setup must be performed:

  • backups2datalad must be installed in a Python environment using either pip install . (run from a clone of this repository) or pip install git+ At least Python 3.10 is required.

  • git-annex must be installed. At least version 10.20240430 is required, though you should endeavor to obtain the latest version.

  • An API token needs to be obtained for the DANDI instance that is being mirrored. When invoking backups2datalad, the environment variable DANDI_API_KEY must be set to the token.

  • A configuration file should be written. This is a YAML file containing a mapping with the following keys:

    • dandi_instance — The name of the DANDI instance whose Dandisets should be mirrored. Defaults to "dandi".

    • s3bucket — The name of the S3 bucket on which the assets for the DANDI instance are stored. Currently, only buckets in the us-east-1 region are supported. Defaults to "dandiarchive".

      • When dandi_instance is "dandi", this should be "dandiarchive".

      • When dandi_instance is "dandi-staging", this should be "dandi-api-staging-dandisets".

    • s3endpoint — The base endpoint URL of the S3 instance on which the bucket is located. If this is set, the base bucket URL will be calculated as {s3endpoint}/{s3bucket}; otherwise, it will be https://{s3bucket} This option is intended primarily for use in testing.

    • content_url_regex — A regular expression used to identify which of an asset's contentUrls is its S3 URL. Defaults to "*blobs/".

    • dandisets — A mapping containing configuration specific to the mirroring of Dandisets. If not given, it will default to a mapping in which path is set to "dandisets" and all other fields are unset.

      • path (required) — The path to the local directory in which dataset mirrors of Dandisets will be placed, relative to backup_root. The directory need not already exist.

        • This directory will be made into a DataLad dataset.
      • github_org — The name of the GitHub organization (which must already exist) to which the mirror repositories will be pushed. If not set, mirrors will not be pushed to GitHub.

        • dandisets.github_org and zarrs.github_org must be either both set or both unset.
      • remote — Description of a git-annex special remote to create in new mirror repositories and for the populate subcommand to copy data to. If not set, populate cannot be run.

        When present, remote is a mapping with the following keys:

        • name (required) — The name of the remote
        • type (required) — The type of the remote
        • options (required) — A string-valued mapping specifying parameters to pass to git-annex initremote
    • zarrs — A mapping containing configuration specific to the mirroring of Zarrs. If not given, backups2datalad will error upon trying to back up a Dandiset containing a Zarr. The mapping has the same schema as for dandisets.

      • zarrs.path will not be made into a DataLad dataset.

      • dandisets.github_org and zarrs.github_org must be either both set or both unset.

      • zarrs.remote is a prerequisite for the populate-zarrs subcommand.

    • backup_root — The path to the local directory in which the Dandiset and Zarr mirror directories will be placed. Defaults to the current directory.

      • This option can also be set via the --backup-root global CLI option, which overrides any value given in the configuration file.
    • asset_filter — A regular expression; if given, only assets whose paths match the regex will be processed.

      • This option can also be set via the --asset-filter option of the update-from-backup and release subcommands, which overrides any value given in the configuration file.
    • jobs (integer) — The number of parallel git-annex jobs to use when downloading & pushing assets. Defaults to 10.

      • This option can also be set via the --jobs global CLI option, which overrides any value given in the configuration file.
    • workers (integer) — The number of asynchronous worker tasks to run concurrently. Defaults to 5.

      • This option can also be set via the --workers option of the update-from-backup, backup-zarrs, populate, and populate-zarrs subcommands, which overrides any value given in the configuration file.
    • force — If set to "assets-update", all assets are forcibly updated, even those whose metadata hasn't changed.

      • This option can also be set via the --force option of the update-from-backup and release subcommands, which overrides any value given in the configuration file.
    • enable_tags (boolean) — Whether to enable creation of tags for releases; defaults to true

      • This option can also be set via the --tags/--no-tags options of the update-from-backup subcommand, which override any value given in the configuration file.
    • gc_assets (boolean) — If set and assets.json contains any assets neither on the server nor in the backup, delete the extra assets instead of erroring. Defaults to false.

      • This option can also be set via the --gc-assets option of the update-from-backup subcommand, which overrides any value given in the configuration file.
    • mode — Specify how to decide whether to back up a Dandiset. Possible values are:

      • "timestamp" (default) — only back up if the timestamp of the last backup is older than the "modified" timestamp on the server

      • "force" — always back up

      • "verify" — always back up, but error if there are any changes without a change to the "modified" timestamp

      This option can also be set via the --mode option of the update-from-backup subcommand, which overrides any value given in the configuration file.

    • zarr_mode — Specify how to decide whether to back up a Zarr. Possible values are:

      • "timestamp" (default) — only back up if the timestamp of the last backup is older than some Zarr entry in S3

      • "checksum" — only back up if the Zarr checksum is out of date or doesn't match the expected value

      • "asset-checksum" — only back up if the Zarr asset's "modified" timestamp is later than that in assets.json and the checksum is out of date or doesn't match the expected value

      • "force" — always back up

      This option can also be set via the --zarr-mode option of the update-from-backup subcommand, which overrides any value given in the configuration file.

  • If pushing mirror repositories to GitHub, a GitHub access token with appropriate permissions must be stored in the hub.oauthtoken key of your ~/.gitconfig, and an SSH key that has been registered with a GitHub account must be in use as well.


Run backups2datalad with:

backups2datalad --config path/to/config/file <subcommand> ...

The environment variable DANDI_API_KEY must be set to an API token for the DANDI instance being mirrored.

Run backups2datalad --help for details on the global options and summaries of the subcommands.

backups2datalad subcommands:

  • update-from-backup — Create & update local mirrors of Dandisets and the Zarrs within them

  • backup-zarrs — Create (but do not update) local mirrors of Zarrs for a single Dandiset

  • update-github-metadata — Update homepages and descriptions for mirrors pushed to GitHub

  • release — Create a tag (and a GitHub release, if pushing to GitHub) in a Dandiset mirror for a given published version

  • populate — Copy assets from local Dandiset mirrors to the git-annex special remote

  • populate-zarrs — Copy assets from local Zarr mirrors to the git-annex special remote

  • zarr-checksum — Computes the Zarr checksum for a given Zarr mirror

  • register-s3urls — Ensure that all blob assets in the backup of the given Dandiset have their S3 URLs registered with git-annex

Run backups2datalad <subcommand> --help for further details on each subcommand.

The primary mirroring subcommands are update-from-backup, populate, and populate-zarrs; the other subcommands are for minor/maintenance tasks and usually do not need to be run.


Mirror Dandisets as git-annex repositories







No releases published
