This commandline tool combines videos/images of arbitrary formats/resolutions into a single video.
- Uses ffmpeg to convert all desired images/videos into individual videos of the same format, and then merges everything into a single video (see advanced usage to specify the output format), and adds padding as needed so the final video is 1920x1080 (allowing you to combine videos of different resolutions).
- (I selected these output codecs because they always works with the Davinci Resolve video editing software).
- Create the config file
# run with no arguments, and follow the interactive prompts:
- Note that
defines a list of pictures/video files to be combined in the order they appear in the file (initially ordered by increasing date).- After generating this file you can remove files from the list by adding a
symbol to the start of a line or by deleting the line entirely. - for image files, you can optionally edit the duration field from
to a number like5
to set the duration the image will be shown for in the outputted video. If you don't change this value, the default will be used (as defined byIMG_DUR
at the top
- After generating this file you can remove files from the list by adding a
- Now generate the combined video defined by
./ project.ffpres .
# the program expects 2 arguments of the form:
./ /path/to/project.ffpres /path/to/desired/output/dir
- after running, the combined video
will appear in the foldercombined_output/
within the providedoutput_dir
- you can also view
in the output directory to troubleshoot if anything went wrong.
- you can also view
- choose your desired output video format:
are supported (default ismp4
# specify the desired output format (mp4, mov, and webm)
./ project.ffpres . --mp4
./ project.ffpres . --mov
./ project.ffpres . --webm
(video codec: dnxhd, audio: pcm_s16le) will be higher quality, but the video filesize will be much larger. (However this format works well with Davinci Resolve for video editing). -
other ways to generate
# run with arguments instead of interactive mode:
./ "<folder_with_videos>" <ext1> <ext2> <ext3> <...>
# for example:
./ "/media/dan/My Passport/CALI/" mov MOV mp4 MP4 jpg
# or if you have a list of filenames (one per line) you can also generate project.ffpres with:
./ -g list.txt
- Note that drives formatted with the FAT32 filesystem dont't support storing mp4 files above 4GB. This can lead to the error "av_interleaved_write_frame() file too large" more info.
- file names containing a comma will mess up the scripts?
- file names containing an apostrophe will mess up the combination process (I will fix this soon)
- The script is kind of slow (best to leave running overnight when combining many videos). In the future I will experiment further with parallel processing.
- add option to blend in a list of music files
- adjust audio to max during for image portions
- and use an optional flag in the video config file to specify if the audio there is "important" (so it knows to lower the music to say 20% audio there)
- (and blend the volume changes in audio during transitions)
filtergraph defined (read definition/options for each filter to understand):
view the time_base of files (this is important):
ls *.mov | xargs -L 1 ffprobe -select_streams a -show_entries stream=time_base -of compact=p=0 2>/dev/null| grep -i "time_base"
- what is a timebase?
- (a defined unit of time to serve as a unit representing one tick of a clock)
- PTS (Presentation Time Stamps) are denominated in terms of this timebase.
- "tbn" (in ffmpeg readout) = Timescale = 1 / timebase
working example for converting all vertical videos to horizontal with padding:
ffmpeg -hide_banner -y -i iphone/VER_2.MOV -c:v dnxhd -vf "scale=-1:1080,pad=1920:1080:(ow-iw)/2:color=AliceBlue,fps=30000/1001,format=yuv422p" -b:v 45M -c:a pcm_s16le /tmp/converted_vids/
# (also seemed to drastically lower the file size of my slideshow video without much noticeable quality drop):
fmpeg -i combined_output/ -i ../source_music/combined_music/combined-music.mp3 -map 0:v:0 -map 1:a:0 -shortest combined_output/
- convert mp3 files to wav for Davinci Resolve:
ls *.mp3 | xargs -L 1 -I@ bash -c "ffmpeg -i \"@\" \"`dirname @`/wav/@.wav\""
listing files:
- get list of all file extensions inside a folder: reference
find . -type f -name '*.*' | sed 's|.*\.||' | sort -u
- list all files in order by date:
find -printf "%TY-%Tm-%Td %TT,%p\n" | sort -n | cut -d',' -f 2
- get all files matching a list of extensions: reference
find /path/to -type f -regex ".*\.\(jpg\|gif\|png\|jpeg\)"