ofxstatement is a tool to convert proprietary bank statement to OFX format, suitable for importing to GnuCash. Plugin for ofxstatement parses a particular proprietary bank statement format and produces common data structure, that is then formatted into an OFX file.
Users of ofxstatement have developed several plugins for their banks. They are listed on main ofxstatement site. If your bank is missing, you can develop your own plugin.
$ ofxstatement convert -t jlpartnership input.csv output.ofx
uses pipenv to manage the development environment and
$ pip install pipenv $ pipenv shell $ pipenv sync --dev
And finally run the test suite:
$ pipenv shell $ pytest
- Or use make:
- $ make
- Install the source using pip for local testing
- $ pip install -e .
- Build packages
- $ python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
- Upload packages to PiPI (using API key saved to ~/.pypirc)
- $ twine upload dist/*
When satisfied, you may create a pull request.