Predicting true age from T1 and resting state data.
Started @ NeuroHackademy 2018
Presentation of preliminary results on validation set:
Split CNP_T1_gridsearch into gridsearch and preprocessing.
- Rerun gridsearch.
- T1 for clinical population.
- Run crossvalidation instead of train-validation split.
- Try to predict clinical population from NKI
- Predict NKI and CNP tuned models
- Maybe train NKI models on CNP clinical data
- Train multimodel stacked random forest models.
- Clean NKI T1 data
Make example of transforming T1 and resting state for nilearn.
The model was trained and validated using the control sample (n = 122) from the Consortium for Neuropsychiatric Phenomics dataset (information about preprocessing of the rs-MRI and T1 scans can be found at The clinical dataset was comprised of three samples:
- ADHD (n = 40)
- Bipolar (n = 49)
- Schizophrenia (n = 50)
- CNP_T1_preprocess.ipynb
- CNP_T1_gridsearch_age.ipynb
- CNP_T1_validation_age.ipynb
- CNP_func_preprocess_corr_matrix.ipynb
- Parcell-based Pearson's correlation matrix: A parcel-based functional connectivity matrix was obtained from the resting-state functional data of each subject using the the 197- and 444-scale BASC atlases (Bellec et al., 2010). Parcel time-series were obtained by averaging the voxel-specific time-series within each parcel. A functional connectivity matrix was obtained for each subject using Pearson's correlation between the derived parcel time-series. Subsequently, the upper triangular of the connectivity matrix of each subject was extracted and reshaped into a vector that was used to predict age.
- CNP_func_gridsearch_age.ipynb
- CNP_func_validation_age.ipynb
- CNP_clinical_T1_preprocess.ipynb
- CNP_clinical_T1_validation_age.ipynb
- CNP_clinical_func_preprocess_corr_matrix.ipynb
- CNP_clinical_func_validation_age.ipynb
- NKI_CNP_func_validation_age.ipynb
Gorgolewski, K. J., Durnez, J., & Poldrack, R. A. (2017). Preprocessed Consortium for Neuropsychiatric Phenomics dataset. F1000Research, 6.
Liem, F., Varoquaux, G., Kynast, J., Beyer, F., Masouleh, S. K., Huntenburg, J. M., ... & Riedel-Heller, S. (2017). Predicting brain-age from multimodal imaging data captures cognitive impairment. NeuroImage, 148, 179-188.
Nooner, K. B., Colcombe, S., Tobe, R., Mennes, M., Benedict, M., Moreno, A., ... & Sikka, S. (2012). The NKI-Rockland sample: a model for accelerating the pace of discovery science in psychiatry. Frontiers in neuroscience, 6, 152.