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DmarcRua is a simple .NET serializer for DMARC aggregate reports. Given aggregate report XML, DmarcRua serializes the report into an object and provides some convenience functions for identifying and exploring DMARC failures. DmarcRua supports both v1 and v2 aggregate reports.


  • Serialize DMARC aggregate report XML into .NET types and objects.
  • Discover reported DMARC failures.
  • Summarize or itemize DMARC failures by IP address.
  • Summarize or itemize DMARC failures by From header.


Current Version: 2.0.0

Target Framework: netstandard2.0


  • None.

Development Dependencies


AggregateReport objects can be constructed with a stream of the report XML or the report can be serialized later.

For example:

    using (var stream = File.OpenRead("\path\to\report.xml"))
        var aggregateReport = new AggregateReport(stream);


    var aggregateReport = new AggregateReport();
    using (var stream = File.OpenRead("\path\to\report.xml"))

Features / Methods in Brief

  • AggregateReport.GetFailureRecords()
    • An enumeration of all report records that failed DMARC.
  • AggregateReport.GetFailureCount()
    • Count of all report records that failed DMARC
  • AggregateReport.SummarizeFailuresByIpAddress()
    • All report records that failed DMARC summarized by IP address.
  • AggregateReport.SummarizeFailuresByHeaderFrom()
    • All report records that failed DMARC summarized by From header.
  • AggregateReport.GetFailedRecordsByIpAddress(IPAddress ipAddress)
    • Itemized DMARC fail report records for a single IP address.
  • AggregateReport.GetFailedRecordsByFromHeader(string fromHeader)
    • Itemized DMARC fail report records for a single From header.


Specifications on the DMARC aggregate report format were taken from the specifications for version 2 come from

Reporting Issues

Issues can be reported on the Issues page of the GitHub repo. If reporting an issue related to a report that won't parse, please attach an anonymized copy of the report.

Anonymizing Reports

Remove any references to your domain(s). These will appear in <domain></domain> and <header_from></header_from> elements throughout the report. They can be replaced with any dummy domain, e.g.

Remove any references to your IP(s). These will appear in the <source_ip></source_ip> elements of the report. They should be replaced with a parseable IPv4 or IPv6 address, e.g. Do not use localhost.


Contributions are always welcome.

  1. Begin by forking and cloning the repository.
    • Go to the DmarcRua repository and click the "Fork" button.
    • Clone the repository git clone DmarcRua
  2. Checkout the develop branch
    git checkout develop
  3. Update the develop branch with the latest upstream changes.
    git pull upstream develop
  4. Create a new branch
    git checkout -b fix-parse-for-xyz
  5. Make your changes
    • If your changes involve parsing of a report, put an anonymized sample report in the /dev/testing/resources/dmarc/aggregate/ directory and make sure to run the ResourceTests in the DmarcRua.Tests project. Refer to the Anonymizing Reports section above for anonymization details.
  6. Add and commit your changes
    git add .
    git commit -m "Fixed enum value observed in report from"
  7. Push your local changes to the remote branch.
    git push origin fix-parse-for-xyz
  8. Go to the repo and open a pull request. Please make sure to write a detailed explanation of your changes.

Running Tests

Project tests are in DmarcRua.Tests. When running the ResourceTests make sure to set the environment variable AGGREGATE_REPORTS to the path of the sample reports. $ export AGGREGATE_REPORTS=/home/alice/projects/DmarcRua/dev/testing/resources/dmarc/aggregate/ $ dotnet test src/DmarcRua.Tests/DmarcRua.Tests.csproj