🌧 Wireless Sensor Gateway Project 🌧
A gateway for recording wireless sensor readings using a raspberry pi in a MySQL database using a software defined radio (SDR), MQTT, acurite wireless temp/humidity sensors(other sensors can be used, check rtl_433 repo for support/config) & rtl_433 Generic data receiver.
- Devices
- Software
- RasPi Setup
- SoapySDR Setup
- RTL_433 Setup
- Reading Sensor Data
- Node-Red Setup
- MQTT Setup
- Running Multiple Devices with Different Frequencies
- Grafana Setup
- MySQL DB Setup
- Node Red Using APIs
- Loading Node-Red flow
- Starting the station
- Running RTL433 on boot
- Running node-red on boot
- Symfony https://github.com/danistark1/sensorGatewayAPISymf
- Laravel v8.60.0 (Latest, in-progress) https://github.com/danistark1/sensorGatewayAPILrv
- Accurite06002M wireless temperature and humidity sensor(433MHZ)
- NooElec Software defined radio(NTL SDR) to read the sensor's 433MHZ signal
- A raspberry-pi running raspbian https://www.raspberrypi.org/software/
- Node-Red with MySQL palette added(Not required is using the API). (menu->manage palette).
- rtl_433 Generic data receiver, mainly for the 433.92 MHz, 868 MHz (SRD), 315 MHz, and 915 MHz ISM bands
- Grafana
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get upgrade -y
- sudo reboot
- git clone https://github.com/merbanan/rtl_433.git
- git clone https://github.com/pothosware/SoapySDR.git
- cd SoapySDR/
- git pull origin master
- mkdir build
- cd build
- sudo apt-get install cmake
- cmake ..
- sudo make install
- SoapySDRUtil --info
- sudo apt-get install libtool libusb-1.0.0-dev librtlsdr-dev rtl-sdr build-essential autoconf cmake pkg-config
- cd rtl_433/
- mkdir build
- cd build
- cmake ..
- sudo make install
- sudo ldconfig
- rtl_433 -v You should see something like
Found 1 device(s) trying device 0: Realtek, RTL2838UHIDIR, SN: 00000001
- sudo apt install build-essential (installs required npm modules)
- bash <(curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/node-red/linux-installers/master/deb/update-nodejs-and-nodered)
- sudo systemctl start nodered (add node-red as a service to start on boot)
- sudo systemctl status nodered (to check the service status)
Now that Node-RED is installed, install and configure mosquitto aka MQTT
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get upgrade -y
- sudo apt-get install mosquitto mosquitto-clients
- sudo systemctl enable mosquitto.service
- sudo systemctl start mosquitto.service
- sudo systemctl status mosquitto.service
Now send the rtl_433 output to as MQTT messages - -R 40(is the device type of the acurite sensor I am using)
rtl_433 -M notime -F json -R 40 | mosquitto_pub -t home/acurite -l
in another terminal run the belelow
mosquitto_sub -t home/acurite
access your node-red from the top left menu under programming. Node-red uses port 1880 Import the file under node-red
**Frreuqncy 915 MHZ + 433 MHZ, Devices 142 & 40 **
Setting the hop to 80 seconds, to switch the frequency
- rtl_433 -f 915M -f 433920000 -M notime -F json -R 142 -R 40 -H 80 -E hop | mosquitto_pub -t home/sensors -l
Multiples devices, same frequency
- rtl_433 -F json -f 433920000 -R 103 -R 40 | mosquitto_pub -t home/sensors -l
- wget https://dl.grafana.com/oss/release/grafana_7.2.0_armhf.deb
- sudo dpkg -i grafana_7.2.0_armhf.deb (check latest version)
- sudo systemctl enable grafana-server (to start on boot)
- sudo systemctl start grafana-server
under /src/grapfana bckup
You can access grafana http://localhost:3000
(Not required if you are using SensorGateway API at https://github.com/danistark1/weatherStationApiSymfony)
From node-red, go to manage palette, add MySQL.
Use this function to read data from payload before inserting to MySQL db.
var date = new Date();
msg.topic="INSERT INTO sensor_data (room,temperature,humidity,station_id,insert_date_time) VALUES ('basement',?,?,?,?)";
return msg;
To read/write to mySQL db, you can use https://github.com/danistark1/wirelessSensorGatewayAPI which uses APIs.
Sample Node Red Http Request Flow
return {
payload: {
id: msg.payload.id,
temperature: msg.payload.temperature_C,
humidity: msg.payload.humidity,
room: 'basement',
station_id: 3026
Humidity Query
insert_date_time AS "time",
FROM sensor_data
station_id = 6126
ORDER BY insert_date_time`
Temperature Query
insert_date_time AS "time",
FROM sensor_data
station_id = 6126
ORDER BY insert_date_time`
- backup under /src/node-red flow
- CLI: Start node-red from the command line, type node-red
- URL: You can then access node-red's dashbaord from http://localhost:1880
(automated last step)
- node-red start
- rtl_433 -M notime -F json -R 40 | mosquitto_pub -t home/acurite -l
- mosquitto_sub -t home/acurite
- sudo apt-get install supervisor
- sudo nano rtl433.sh in the file above paste
rtl_433 -M notime -F json -R 40 | mosquitto_pub -t home/acurite -l
- sudo chmod +x rtl433.sh
- sudo nano /etc/supervisor/conf.d/rtl_433.conf
command=/home/pi/Desktop/weatherStationFiles/rtl_433service.sh --sleep=10 --tries=3 --daemon
do the same for mosquitto servi
Troublshooting supervisor
- sudo supervisorctl (check the running services)
- sudo service supervisor restart (or reload)
- sudo npm install -g pm2
- which node-red (to get current path)
- pm2 start /usr/bin/node-red --node-args="--max-old-space-size=128"
to access the logs
- pm2 info node-red
- pm2 logs node-red to run on startup
- pm2 save
- pm2 startup