CMPUT275, Winter 2019 Assignment2 part1: Server
Dikstra algorithm, to find least cost path in a graph. Program designed as backbone for server feedback of the Edmonton pathfinder Arduino interface project, can be used as C++ terminal program on Ubuntu (Windows not tested).
- digraph.h
- dijkstra.cpp
- dijkstra.h
- heap.h
- server.cpp
- wdigraph.h
- Makefile
- edmonton-roads-2.0.1.txt
- type "make" in the terminal.
- Needs "edmonton-roads-2.0.1.txt" (provided) to run.
- Use argument: ./server < input.txt > output.txt to construct output text file.
- Use make clean to remove objectives and executable.
Edmonton graph data (edmonton-roads-2.0.1.txt) is provided. Graph and Heap class from our own previous works. Files used under permission of CMPUT275 course University of Alberta. All rights reserved.