chore: Update contact information in #59
GitHub Actions / Black
Jun 27, 2024 in 0s
4 errors
Black found 4 errors
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def revoke_permissions(ec2_client, group_id, permissions):
for sg in permissions:
if sg.get("IpPermissions", []):
for rule in sg.get("IpPermissions", []):
- ec2_client.revoke_security_group_ingress(GroupId=group_id, IpPermissions=[rule])
- print("Revoked ingress IP permissions for Security Group ID: {}".format(group_id))
+ ec2_client.revoke_security_group_ingress(
+ GroupId=group_id, IpPermissions=[rule]
+ )
+ print(
+ "Revoked ingress IP permissions for Security Group ID: {}".format(
+ group_id
+ )
+ )
if sg.get("IpPermissionsEgress", []):
for rule in sg.get("IpPermissionsEgress", []):
- ec2_client.revoke_security_group_egress(GroupId=group_id, IpPermissions=[rule])
- print("Revoked egress IP permissions for Security Group ID: {}".format(group_id))
+ ec2_client.revoke_security_group_egress(
+ GroupId=group_id, IpPermissions=[rule]
+ )
+ print(
+ "Revoked egress IP permissions for Security Group ID: {}".format(
+ group_id
+ )
+ )
def delete_security_group(ec2_client, group_id):
print("Deleted Security Group ID: {}".format(group_id))
github-actions / Black
# Modify the tag key and value to your own liking
tag_key = "ManagedByAmazonSageMakerResource"
tag_value_contains = f"arn:aws:sagemaker:{aws_region}:{account_id}:domain"
# Find security groups
- tagged_security_groups = find_security_groups(ec2_client, tag_key, tag_value_contains)
+ tagged_security_groups = find_security_groups(
+ ec2_client, tag_key, tag_value_contains
+ )
# Iterate through security groups, revoke permissions, and delete
for sg in tagged_security_groups:
group_id = sg["GroupId"]
# Fetch the current ingress and egress IP permissions
- sg = ec2_client.describe_security_groups(Filters=[{"Name": "group-id", "Values": [group_id]}]).get(
- "SecurityGroups", []
- )
+ sg = ec2_client.describe_security_groups(
+ Filters=[{"Name": "group-id", "Values": [group_id]}]
+ ).get("SecurityGroups", [])
# Revoke permissions
revoke_permissions(ec2_client, group_id, sg)
# Delete the security group
Check failure on line 49 in /home/runner/work/aws-toolbox/aws-toolbox/efs/
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# Delete the mount targets for the EFS filesystem
delete_mount_targets(efs_client, filesystem_id)
# Wait with exponential backoff
delay = (2**current_retry) + random.uniform(0, 1)
- print(f"Waiting for {delay} seconds before attempting to delete the EFS filesystem.")
+ print(
+ f"Waiting for {delay} seconds before attempting to delete the EFS filesystem."
+ )
# Delete the specified EFS filesystem
print("Deleted EFS Filesystem: {}".format(filesystem_id))
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print(f"Deleted task definition {arn}")
break # Break the loop if deletion was successful
except client.exceptions.ClientException as e:
if "Throttling" in str(e): # Check for throttling in the error message
- print(f"Throttling exception when deleting {arn}: {e}, retrying in {backoff} seconds...")
+ print(
+ f"Throttling exception when deleting {arn}: {e}, retrying in {backoff} seconds..."
+ )
backoff *= 2 # Exponential backoff
print(f"Client exception when deleting task definition {arn}: {e}")
break # Break the loop for other client exceptions
except client.exceptions.ServerException as e:
if "Throttling" in str(e): # Check for throttling in the error message
- print(f"Throttling exception when deleting {arn}: {e}, retrying in {backoff} seconds...")
+ print(
+ f"Throttling exception when deleting {arn}: {e}, retrying in {backoff} seconds..."
+ )
backoff *= 2 # Exponential backoff
print(f"Server exception when deleting task definition {arn}: {e}")
break # Break the loop for other server exceptions