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Node.js Neo4J OGM inspired by Mongoose & GraphQL


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Node.js Neo4j OGM inspired by Mongoose & GraphQL

Node.js CI npm version



Use GraphQL schema language to define Models. On Model CRUD input validated & output resolved through a generated GraphQL schema. Modularize your neo4js-graphql-js augmented schema with the additional power of an OGM for further database operations.

Models are not designed to support querying relationships use a session for this. This library is designed to place a CRUD api over nodes. You can also create an Executable schema to execute more complex queries.


First install Node.js, then start Neo4j & finally...

$ npm install neogoose

neo4j-driver and graphql are peerDependencies you may need to install them too.

$ npm install neo4j-driver graphql


const neogoose = require("neogoose");


await neogoose.connect("neo4j://localhost");

Creating Multiple connections

const connection1 = await neogoose.createConnection("neo4j://");
const connection2 = await neogoose.createConnection("neo4j://");


await neogoose.disconnect();

Defining a Model

Models are defined using GraphQL schema language.

const User = neogoose.model(
        typeDefs: `
            type User {
                id: ID!
                name: String!
                email: String!

Creating a session

await neogoose.connect("neo4j://localhost");

const session = await neogoose.session();

Retrieving a model

const user = neogoose.model("User");

Executable schema

Compile your models into an neo4js-graphql-js augmented schema

const schema = neogoose.makeAugmentedSchema();

Transforms made before calling makeAugmentedSchema

  1. constraint directives removed
  2. Validation directives removed

⚠ All other schema directives here are ignored in neogoose land


Used with;

  1. findOne
  2. findMany
  3. updateOne
  4. updateMany
  5. deleteOne
  6. deleteMany
  7. count


const dan = await User.findOne({
    name: "Dan",


const users = await User.findMany({
    $or: [
        { name: "Dan" },
        { name: "Daniel" }


const users = await User.findMany({
    $and: [
        { name: "Dan" },
        { repo: "neogoose" }


const users = await User.findMany({
    name: {
        $regex: '(?i)d.*' // equal to new Regex("^d", "i")

⚠ Javascript regex not supported use regex stated here


const users = await User.findMany({
    name: {
        $in: ["Dan", "Daniel"]

Comparison Operators

  1. $eq
  2. $gt
  3. $gte
  4. $in
  5. $lt
  6. $lte
  7. $ne
  8. $nin

Logical Operators

  1. $and
  2. $or

Evaluation Operators

  1. $regex


Used with

  1. findMany
  2. updateMany
  3. deleteMany
const paginatedUsers = await User.findMany(
    { skip: 30, limit: 10 }

Creating nodes

  1. create
  2. createMany
const user = await User.create(
        id: uuid(),
        name: "Dan",
        email: "[email protected]"
        return: true

await User.createMany([ ... ])

Find nodes

  1. findMany
  2. findOne
const query = {
    name: "Dan",

const users = await User.findMany(query);

const dan = await User.findOne(query);

Update nodes

  1. updateOne
  2. updateMany
const query = {
    name: "Dan",

const update = {
    name: "naD"

await User.updateMany(query, update);

const user = await User.updateOne(
    { return: true } // use to return the updated node

Using $set

Regular update will replace all properties use $set to += properties on the node

const query = {
    name: "Dan",

const update = {
    repo: "neogoose"

const user = await User.updateOne(
    { $set: update },
    { return: true }
); // Dan
user.repo // neogoose

Deleting properties

$set to null

const user = await User.updateOne(
    { $set: { loggedIn: null }

Delete nodes

  1. deleteOne
  2. deleteMany
const query = {
    name: "Dan",

await User.deleteOne(
        detach: true // set to true for DETACH DELETE, delete nodes and relationships

const users = await User.deleteMany(
    { return: true } // use to return the deleted nodes

Count nodes

  1. count
const query = {
    name: "Dan",

const userCount = await User.count(


Records returned from your Neo4j instance are 'pulled' through a GraphQL schema, you can use Resolvers to achieve 'virtuals' on a model.

const User = neogoose.model(
        typeDefs: `
            type User {
                id: ID!
                name: String!
                email: String!
                resolved: String!
        resolvers: {
            User: {
                id: (root) =>, // Not needed
                resolved: () => "I was Resolved"

Selection Set

Select more than Autogenerated Selection Set works well with Resolvers and complex nested types, Used with;

  1. findOne
  2. findMany
  3. updateOne
  4. updateMany
  5. deleteOne
  6. deleteMany
const User = neogoose.model(
        typeDefs: `
            type NestedType {
                abc: String

            type User {
                id: ID!
                name: String!
                email: String!
                nested: NestedType!

const selectionSet = `
        nested {

const dan = await User.findOne(
        name: "Dan",
    { selectionSet }

// exists( === true

Autogenerated Selection Set

⚠ If you don't specify Selection Set an auto generated one will be made based on the provided type.

const User = neogoose.model(
        typeDefs: `
            type NestedType {
                abc: String

            type User {
                id: ID!
                name: String!
                email: String!
                nested: NestedType!

        nested # ⚠ ERROR


Built in support for @Validation directive.

const User = neogoose.model(
        typeDefs: `
            input UserProperties {
                id: ID! 
                name: String
                email: String

            type User @Validation(properties: UserProperties) {
                id: ID!
                name: String!
                email: String!

Auto Validation

⚠ If you don't specify @Validation an auto generated input will be made based on the provided type. Nested input types are not supported!


    typeDefs: `
        type User  {
            id: ID!
            name: String!
            email: String!


The below is representing the Models auto generated schema if you don't provide @Validation directive.

    typeDefs: `
        input AUTO_GENERATED { # Default if you don't specify properties
            id: ID!
            name: String!
            email: String!  

        type User @Validation(properties: AUTO_GENERATED) {
            id: ID!
            name: String!
            email: String!


Built in support for graphql-constraint-directive.

const User = neogoose.model(
        typeDefs: `
            input UserProperties {
                id: ID! @constraint(minLength: 5, format: "uid")
                name: String @constraint(minLength: 5)
                email: String @constraint(minLength: 5, format: "email")

            type User @Validation(properties: UserProperties) {
                id: ID!
                name: String!
                email: String!

@constraint directives are removed before augmented schema generation.