Scripting for Libretro cores
My initial use case was to be able to track evolution requirements for Digimon World (PS1). Scripting support for emulators is very inconsistent. RetroArch has network commands, but it's a barely documented, UDP only API. Allowing external code to easily access the memory of emulated games opens up many interesting tool possibilities. Think RetroAchievements or custom trackers used by retro game randomizers.
This project implements a retro_scripting_libretro
core that acts as a proxy to another Libretro core.
All emulation functionality is handled by the proxied core.
The proxy core starts a jsonrpc server listening on http://localhost:3030.
Any app running on the same machine can then send requests to the jsonrpc server asking for retro_scripting
to execute a command,
like for example, reading some value from the game's memory.
When loading retro_scripting
as a core, you need to set the RETRO_SCRIPTING_CORE_PATH
environment variable,
otherwise retro_scripting
won't know what core to proxy to.
Since retro_scripting
needs to load the proxied core file,
passing the core's short name to RetroArch with -L
won't work, you need to pass the full path.
On Linux / Mac:
LIBRETRO_CORE_PATH=path/to/ retroarch -L path/to/ path/to/content_file.ext
On Windows:
set LIBRETRO_CORE_PATH=path/to/ && retroarch -L path/to/ path/to/content_file.ext
Current features are very limited, but sufficient to implement a full game tracker. You can read either u8 or u16 values from core memory:
curl -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "read_memory",
"params": {
"u8": {
"some_u8": 1234,
"another_u8": 1235
"u16le": {
"some_u16": 1236,
"another_u16": 1238
"id": 1337
A Digimon World (PS1) evolution requirements tracker is included in the repo under /client.
To run it, first start the game with RetroArch using the retro_scripting_libretro
point a local web server to /client
finally open http://localhost:8000/index.html on your web browser.
- Add proper logging to the jsonrpc server.
- Implement memory reading for other data types. (C strings?, Entire structs?)
- Implement memory writing?
- Extract the Digimon World evolution tracker to it's own repo.