Wait for changes of DNS A/AAAA records and run a given command each time.
sudo make install
dnswatch [@<nameserver>|T<stime>|AAAA] [--] [fqdn] [command] [args]...
The changed records are stored in the envvars $ADDRESSES
Well, I use it for wireguard clients connecting to a peer with a dynamic address.
dnswatch T30 nonexistent.freemyip.com sh -c 'wg-quick down wg0; wg-quick up wg0'
dnswatch @ T120 AAAA nonexistent.freemyip.com restart_wireguard.sh
dnswatch golem.de sh -c 'echo "changed to $ADDRESSES!"'
<-- will contact the default name server ( every 60 seconds, executes the command in case of changednswatch @ golem.de sh -c 'echo "changed to $ADDRESSES!"'
<-- will contact google's name server every 60 seconds, executes the command in case of changednswatch @ T10 golem.de sh -c 'echo "changed to $ADDRESSES!"'
<-- will contact google's name server every 10 seconds, executes the command in case of changednswatch @ T10 AAAA golem.de sh -c 'echo "changed to $ADDRESSES!"'
<-- will contact google's name server every 10 seconds, fetches the AAAA record, executes the command in case of change