A cat clock with a camera inside. The cat’s tail and eyes move as a pendulum with every "tick". When the camera detects a face, the tail and eyes stop moving until the face is no longer in the camera view.
There are 2 services: scaredycat_tick_controller.service and scaredycat_main.service. Services can be restarted via:
sudo systemctl restart scaredycat_main.service scaredycat_tick_controller.service
Logs can be viewed via:
journalctl | grep SCAREDYCAT
Kit Cat Klock Gentlemen The Original (Classic Black) (These come in two sizes - small and large. Make sure you get the large [original] one)
3D printed models: https://github.com/dasl-/scaredy-cat/tree/main/models
Raspberry pi 4b
Servo, electromagnet, and associated control circuitry
You will likely get better motion of the pendulum if you mount the clock on the wall very slightly off-center. Instead of aligning the clock straight up and down (12 o’clock), mount it towards 11 o’clock (head leaning to the left). This should be an almost imperceptible angle — don’t do anything drastic. Very subtle changes in alignment can have big impacts on the pendulum motion.