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Databricks Unity Catalog Terraform module

Terraform module for creation Databricks Unity Catalog


This module manages Unity Catalog resources like Catalogs, Schemas. In addition, it is possible to manage permissions within Metastore, Catalog and Schemas.

# Configure Databricks Provider
data "azurerm_databricks_workspace" "example" {
  name                = "example-workspace"
  resource_group_name = "example-rg"

provider "databricks" {
  alias                       = "workspace"
  host                        = data.databricks_workspace.example.workspace_url
  azure_workspace_resource_id =

locals {
  catalog_config = [

    # Catalog w/o grants
      catalog_name = "catalog_with_no_grants"

    # Catalog with grants
      catalog_name = "catalog_with_grants"
      catalog_grants = [
        { principal = "account users", privileges = ["USE_CATALOG", "APPLY_TAG", "CREATE_SCHEMA", "SELECT"] }

    # Catalog with grants and schemas
      catalog_name = "catalog_with_schemas"
      catalog_grants = [{ principal = "account users", privileges = ["USE_CATALOG", "APPLY_TAG", "SELECT"] }]
      schema_configs = [
        { schema_name = "schema_01" },
        { schema_name = "schema_02" }

    # Catalog with schemas where 'schema_01' and 'schema_02' have a default set of grants from 'schema_default_grants' parameter
    # and 'schema_03' has its own set of grants managed with 'schema_custom_grants' parameter
      catalog_name = "catalog_custom_schema_grants"
      catalog_grants = [{ principal = "account users", privileges = ["USE_CATALOG", "APPLY_TAG"] }]
      schema_default_grants = [{ principal = "account users", privileges = ["CREATE_TABLE", "SELECT"] }]
      schema_configs = [
        { schema_name = "schema_01" },
        { schema_name = "schema_02" },
          schema_name = "schema_03", 
          schema_custom_grants = [
            { principal = "account users", privileges = ["CREATE_VOLUME", "READ_VOLUME", "WRITE_VOLUME", "SELECT"] },

module "unity_catalog" {
  source  = "data-platform/unity-catalog/databricks"
  version = "~> 2.0.0"

  catalog_config = local.catalog_config

  providers = {
    databricks = databricks.workspace
  depends_on = [module.metastore_assignment]


Name Version
terraform ~>1.3
databricks ~>1.0


Name Version
databricks ~>1.0


No modules.


Name Type
databricks_catalog.this resource
databricks_grants.catalog resource
databricks_grants.schema resource
databricks_schema.this resource
databricks_workspace_binding.this resource


Name Description Type Default Required

# Catalog config
catalog_name = string
catalog_owner = optional(string) # Username/groupname/sp application_id of the catalog owner.
catalog_storage_root = optional(string) # Location in cloud storage where data for managed tables will be stored
catalog_isolation_mode = optional(string, "OPEN") # Whether the catalog is accessible from all workspaces or a specific set of workspaces. Can be ISOLATED or OPEN.
catalog_comment = optional(string) # User-supplied free-form text
catalog_properties = optional(map(string)) # Extensible Catalog Tags.
catalog_grants = optional(list(object({ # List of objects to set catalog permissions
principal = string # Account level group name, user or service principal app ID
privileges = list(string)
})), [])

# Schemas
schema_default_grants = optional(list(object({ # Sets default grants for each schema created by 'schema_configs' block w/o 'schema_custom_grants' parameter set
principal = string # Account level group name, user or service principal app ID
privileges = list(string)
})), [])

schema_configs = optional(list(object({
schema_name = string
schema_owner = optional(string)
schema_comment = optional(string)
schema_properties = optional(map(string))
schema_custom_grants = optional(list(object({ # Overwrites 'schema_default_grants'
principal = string # Account level group name, user or service principal app ID
privileges = list(string)
})), [])
})), [])
[] no
catalog_name = string # Name of ISOLATED catalog
binding_type = optional(string, "BINDING_TYPE_READ_WRITE") # Binding mode. Possible values are BINDING_TYPE_READ_ONLY, BINDING_TYPE_READ_WRITE
[] no
workspace_id ID of the target workspace. string null no


No outputs.


Apache 2 Licensed. For more information please see LICENSE