- SSOE has a derivatives trading desk which trades in Crude Oil and iron ore.
- They are only allowed to make one trade per day.
- So having a good idea about the market and its sentiment can potentially help increase the profits of the company.
- Assess the effectiveness and accuracy of new data sources and data gathering techniques.
- Understood the analytical tools and techniques and the ability to apply the relevant tool/technique to the given business problem.
- Python based libraries for Forecasting, Natural Language Processing, Cloud analytics, GPU based computing etc.
- One day ahead Forecasting based on different metrics for SSOE.
- Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) : Finding relationships between variables, outlier detection, plotting graphs of those relationships, correlations and preparing final data for modelling.
- Time Series Univariate Models : ARIMA, SARIMA, Holt-Winters.
- Multivariate Regression Models : Random Forest, XgBoost, Random Forest Quantile-Regression.
- HyperParameter Optimization : Finding the best parameters using RandomSearch, HyperOpt.
- Twitter Based News Analytics to find the market sentiment of crude oil for the next day.
- Using libraries like GetOldTweets3, Python-Twitter to fetch historical Tweet data to train classifier models (LSTM, GRU).
- Unsupervised techniques like Word Cloud and Topic Modelling for Twitter Data visualization.
- Achieved a Forecasting accuracy of 97% and a Directional accuracy of 55% for a test period of 5 months.
- Baseline Twitter Classifier model able to acheive an accuracy of 60% in correctly classifying the price change in Crude oil for each day.