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ark3 edited this page Jan 22, 2016 · 5 revisions

New discussion


Install the service client library into my development environment so I can use it from my usual development process. If a needed tool doesn't exists (e.g., Maven), handle it gracefully. This may only be a problem if the user is trying to install all languages; a Node developer is likely to have npm, etc.

quark install java

Output the generated source code so that the user can build it using the same system he's using to build his own code, and so that he can distribute all the source code (generated code plus whatever he wrote) conveniently. This should also output a list of dependencies in a human-consumable manner, i.e. dependencies.txt.

quark compile java

|-- dependencies.txt
|-- slack
|   |--
|   |--
|   |-- ...
|   `-- event
|       |--
|       |-- ...
|       `--
`-- slack_md
    |-- ...

Output the source as above, but additionally include enough packaging metadata so that the library can be installed or pushed to a repository. This should incorporate the dependency information into the packaging metadata.

quark pkgsrc javascript

|-- index.js
|-- package.json
|-- slack
|   |-- event
|   |   `-- index.js
|   `-- index.js
`-- slack_md
    `-- index.js

Generate a package artifact that can be installed or redistributed manually. This may not make sense for Java.

quark package python

`-- slack-0.1.0-py2-none-any.whl

We should figure out some sort of developer setup command too, which would need to be told what sort of build tool for which quark should generate support, e.g., Eclipse or whatever.

quark develop <mumble>

Another idea for quark install: Does it matter whether the compilation et al happens on the server or client? Not really. If it happens on the server, we could offer a lighter command-line utility that just fetches and installs.

quark install


Evaluator Scenarios

Evaluator Phase 1

Can it do something cool/relevant at all?

One language which isn't necessarily the user's language is fine

Can Quark help talk to something that exists out there?


  • Run slack-bot
  • Look slack-bot, understand how to use Quark's output

Please comment: What other ways might evaluator phase 1 decide that Quark does something cool or relevant?

Evaluator Phase 2

Can it do something cool/relevant in my environment?

Can I use it in my language? Even better, with my existing toolset?

Can Quark express a service API I would like to offer?

  • Above steps
  • Look at slack.q, understand how to speak HTTP and WS
  • Look at generated code

Can I use Quark's output in my environment?

  • Same-ish as above?
  • ...?

Please comment: How else might evaluator phase 2, i.e. someone who has decided Quark is interesting, determine whether Quark may be a fit for his/her environment?

  • does it support my languages/toolsets?
  • does it make using my languages/toolsets easier?
  • does it help me test or deploy my app more easily?
  • does it simplify one or more difficult tasks I need to do?

Committed User Scenarios

  • Writing a brand new client.q incrementally from scratch
  • Taking an existing example client.q and tweaking it to fit another problem
  • Taking an existing/debugged client.q and building an app on top of it
  • Taking an existing/debugged client.q and easily distributing all packages that can be produced from it
  • Taking the output package from client.q (Wheel or JAR or NPM package) and building an app on top of it -- no client.q file required. Can Quark help on this end at all? Maybe generate a skeleton for the user code? Boilerplate? See also: Adaptive (or Thrift or GRPC).


  • committed service author
  • committed service user
  • committed protocol author

The key difference between service author and protocol author is that protocol author will need to write and debug Quark code, service author likely will not (they will use annotations)

Note: this requires the ability for third party annotation development

Scenarios to consider for java backend

Writing a brand new client.q incrementally from scratch


  • service already exists
  • client.q does not exist
  • developing client.q means developing client API in quark and the client unit tests in java
  • should support developing in an IDE

user deliverables

  • client.q
  • client unit tests
  • useable development source tree

setup a new project

    quark --java develop --java-package client.q

produces the following layout:

      + -- pom.xml
      + -- src/main/quark/client.q
      + -- src/test/java/org/foo/api/

The pom.xml references a quark-maven-plugin that will invoke quark compile --out ${project-build-directory}/generated-sources/quark

define a mocked API in client.q

API is developed using a text editor

implement a test for the API

The test template can contain a factory method to instantiate the default quark runtime

API tests are written by the user using a text editor

replace the mock API implementation in client.q with a real implementation

user implements API in quark against the server and tests

Quark gaps

quark develop

A new quark sub-command to generate the above structure


A simple maven plugin that integrates quark compilation into the maven build process. Good examples to adapt is protobuf-maven-plugin

Taking an existing example client.q and tweaking it to fit another problem

delta to above is that client.q already exists.

    quark develop --java client.q

the command notices that client.q already exists and it can either:

  • generate the pom.xml with a different source location for the client.q, or
  • ask user for permission to move client.q into the 'standard location' as per above scenario

no other changes to above are needed

Taking an existing/debugged client.q and building an app on top of it

    quark install --java client.q

emits dependency section to put into your pom.xml

    quark install --java client.q --into path/to/users/pom.xml

same as above, but quark modifies users pom.xml

Taking an existing/debugged client.q and easily distributing all packages that can be produced from it

    quark publish --java client.q

emits dependency and repository sections to put into your pom.xml

Taking the output package from client.q (Wheel or JAR or NPM package) and building an app on top of it

no client.q file required. Can Quark help on this end at all?

Maybe generate a skeleton for the user code? Boilerplate? See also: Adaptive (or Thrift or GRPC).

Version numbers note

When generating or installing a package from Quark code, we will use the annotated version, but if there is a text tag at the end (e.g., alpha), then we will append an incrementing number on each subsequent build. 1.0.3-alpha -> 1.0.3-alpha-2303 (JS) or 1.0.3a2303 (Py) or 1.0.3-2303 (Java). This will facilitate rapid iteration of Quark code.

Quark Command Line

This is in my (ark3) tree, but needs to be reconsidered based on the above discussion.

Quark compiler.

  quark [options] <command> <file>...
  quark -h | --help | help
  quark --version

Commands (One target language)
  develop               Create a project directory skeleton
  package               Emit package artifact in the current directory
  install               Generate, install, and discard package artifact
  docs                  Emit HTML documentation
  publish               Push installable artifacts to language repository
                        (Maven Central, PyPi, and show the
                        corresponding usage commands.

Developer Commands (One or more target languages, defaults to all)
  compile               Emit code in target language(s) to the output directory
  build                 Compile, then run the target language compiler(s)
  build-docs            Build, then build the target language documentation

Target languages:
  --java                Emit Java code
  --python              Emit Python code
  --javascript          Emit JavaScript code

  -h --help             Show this information
  --version             Show version
  -o DIR, --output DIR  Directory for output files (caution; see below)
                        [defaults to basename of the first input file]

Developer Command options:
  --all                 Emit code for all available target languages
  --java-out DIR        Subdirectory for Java code [default: java].
  --python-out DIR      Subdirectory for Python code [default: py].
  --javascript-out DIR  Subdirectory for JavaScript code [default: js].
  --in-place            Output everything to the current directory. This option
                        overrides all other directory/subdirectory options. It
                        does not delete existing output files, but can overwrite
                        almost anything in the current directory. Use with
                        extreme care. Not recommended. Deprecated, i.e. will be
                        removed in a future release.