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A set of shared methods that can be used throughout Datawrapper

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a set of shared methods that can be used throughout Datawrapper

Import single functions:

import purifyHtml from '@datawrapper/shared/purifyHtml';

Import entire package:

import shared from '@datawrapper/shared';

API reference

__(key, scope) ⇒ string

translates a message key. translations are originally stored in a Google spreadsheet that we're pulling into Datawrapper using the scripts/update-translations script, which stores them as :locale.json files in the /locale folders (both in core as well as inside plugin folders)

for the client-side translation to work we are also storing the translations in the global window.dw.backend.__messages object. plugins that need client-side translations must set "svelte": true in their plugin.json

Returns: string - -- the translated text

Param Type Default Description
key string - the key to be translated, e.g. "signup / hed"
scope string "core" - the translation scope, e.g. "core" or a plugin name

area(vertices) ⇒ number

Computes the area of a polygon

Returns: number - -- polygon area, might be negative

Param Type Description
vertices Array.<array> - polygon vertices as [[x,y], [x,y], ...] array

arrayToObject(o) ⇒ object

This function fixes an uglyness when working with PHP backends. in PHP, there is no distiction between arrays and objects, so PHP converts an empty object {} to a empty array []. When this empty array then ends up in client-side JS functions which might start to assign values to the array using = "bar" which results in a data structure like this:

Param Type Description
o array the input


  foo: "bar"
  length: 0
  <prototype>: Array []

Object { foo: "bar" }

autoTickFormat(column) ⇒ string

Convenient wrapper around autoTickFormatNumber and autoTickFormatDate. Returns either a numeral.js or day.js format, depending on the column type.

Returns: string - -- a numeral|dayjs format string

Param Type Description
column object - dw.column instance that is displayed on the axis

autoTickFormatDate(range, precision) ⇒ string

auto-detects a nice default axis tick format for date columns based on the input range and precision

Returns: string - - day.js compatible format string

Param Type Description
range array [min, max] of the data
precision string the input data precision (year


import {autoTickFormatDate} from '@datawrapper/shared/autoTickFormat';
autoTickFormatDate([new Date(2000,0,1), new Date(2002,0,1)], 'quarter'); // 'YYYY|[Q]Q'

autoTickFormatNumber(range) ⇒ string

auto-detects a nice default axis tick format for numeric columns based on the input range

Returns: string - - numeral.js compatible format string

Param Type Description
range array [min, max] of the data


import {autoTickFormatNumber} from '@datawrapper/shared/autoTickFormat';
autoTickFormatNumber([0,100]); // '0,0.[00]'
autoTickFormatNumber([0.2,0.7]); // '0,0.00[00]'

clone(object) ⇒ *

Clones an object

Returns: * - - the cloned thing

Param Type Description
object * the thing that should be cloned

colorLightness(hexColor) ⇒ number

Returns the Lab lightness value of a given hexidecimal RGB color. Uses chroma-js to convert from Hex to Lab, but only adds a few hundreds bytes to your build.

To use this function, you have to manually install chroma-js using npm install chroma-js.

Returns: number - - the Lab lightness, between 0 (black) and 100 (white)

Param Type Description
hexColor string the RGB color as hexadecimal string, e.g. "#330066"


import colorLightness from '@datawrapper/shared/colorLightness';
colorLightness('#ff3399') // 57.9

columnFormatter(column, metadata, axis) ⇒ function

This function returns a formatting function based, given a column object, a metadata object and the axis column name.

Param Type Description
column object the date column object
metadata object the full metadata object
axis string the column name of the axis

columnNameToVariable(name) ⇒ string

converts a column name to a variable name that can be used in the custom column editor. variable names can't contain spaces and special characters and are also converted to lowercase.

Returns: string - -- variable name

Param Type Description
name string - name of the column


import columnNameToVariable from '@datawrapper/shared/columnNameToVariable';

columnNameToVariable('GDP (per cap.)') // gdp_per_cap

combinations(input) ⇒ Array.<array>

computes all combinations of input elements

Returns: Array.<array> - -- array of combinations

Param Type Description
input Array.<array> - array of input objects, could be numbers, strings, etc


// returns [['a','b'], ['a'], ['b']]
combinations(['a', 'b']);


// returns [[1,2,3], [1,2], [1,3], [1], [2,3], [2], [3]]

dateColumnFormatter(column) ⇒ function

This function returns a date formatting function based on a dw column object. The implementation is backwards-compatible with our old Globalize-based date formatting, but uses dayjs under the hood.

Param Type Description
column object the date column object

defaultColors(theme) ⇒ *

defines colors for the various chart elements like axis text, gridlines, bar background etc. based on the theme background color, and some other optional theme parameters

Returns: * - -- object with color definitions

Param Type Description
theme * - theme data for a chart


// returns {"tickText":{"secondary":"#9d9d9d","primary":"#d9d9d9"},"series":"#f1f1f1","value":"#d9d9d9","axis":"#f1f1f1","gridline":"#707070","fallbackBaseColor":"#f1f1f1"}
defaultColors({"colors": {"background": "#333333"}});


// returns {"tickText":{"secondary":"#ffffff","primary":"#ffffff"},"series":"#ffffff","value":"#fef2e4","axis":"#ffffff","gridline":"#fedeb5","fallbackBaseColor":"#ffffff"}
defaultColors({"colors": {"bgBlendRatios": {"gridline": 0.5,"tickText": {"primary": 0,"secondary": 0}},"chartContentBaseColor": "#ffffff","background": "#FCB716"}});

deleteJSON(url, callback) ⇒ Promise


Download and parse a remote JSON endpoint via DELETE. credentials are included automatically Use httpReq or delete instead.

Param Type
url string
callback function


import { deleteJSON } from '@datawrapper/shared/fetch';

deleteJSON('').then(() => {


draws a configurable pattern into an svg pattern def, so that it can be used as a fill

Param Type Description
parameters * - style parameters for the pattern

equalish(a, b) ⇒ boolean

returns true if two numeric values are close enough

Param Type
a number
b number


// returns true
equalish(0.333333, 1/3)


// returns false
equalish(0.333, 1/3)

escapeHtml(unsafe) ⇒ string

returns escaped HTML that can be used to display untrusted content

Param Type
unsafe string

estimateTextWidth(text, fontSize) ⇒ number

returns the estimated width of a given text in Roboto. this method has proven to be a good compromise between pixel-perfect but expensive text measuring methods using canvas or getClientBoundingRect and just multiplying the number of characters with a fixed width.

be warned that this is just a rough estimate of the text width. the character widths will vary from typeface to typeface and may be off quite a bit for some fonts (like monospace fonts).

Param Type Description
text string the text to measure
fontSize number the output font size (optional, default is 14)


import estimateTextWidth from '@datawrapper/shared/estimateTextWidth';
// or import {estimateTextWidth} from '@datawrapper/shared';
const width = estimateTextWidth('my text', 12);

fetchJSON(url, method, credentials, body, callback) ⇒ Promise


Download and parse a remote JSON document. Use httpReq instead

Param Type Description
url string
method string HTTP method, either GET, POST or PUT
credentials string | undefined set to "include" if cookies should be passed along CORS requests
body string
callback function


import { fetchJSON } from '@datawrapper/shared/fetch';
fetchJSON('', 'GET', 'include');

findConfigPath() ⇒ String

Function to find a Datawrapper config file (config.js). It looks in the current working directory and in /etc/datawrapper/. If no config is found, the process will exit with a non zero exit code.

It is possible to overwrite the config path with the env variable DW_CONFIG_PATH. Useful for tests!

This is a Node module, that will probably not work in a browser environment.


const { findConfigPath } = require('@datawrapper/shared/node/findConfig')

const path = findConfigPath()
// -> /etc/datawrapper/config.js

formatNumber(value, options) ⇒ string

special number formatting that can deal with microtypography and "prepend currencies" (e.g., −$1234.57)

Use initNumeralLocale to set a custom locale.

Returns: string - - the formatted number

Param Type Description
value number the number to format
options object options, see below
options.format string numeral.js compatible number format
options.prepend string string to prepend to number
options.append string string to append to number
options.minusChar string custom character to use for minus
options.multiply number multiply number before applying format


// returns '1234.57'


// returns '−$1234.57'
formatNumber(-1234.567, { prepend: '$' })

get(object, key, _default) ⇒

Safely access object properties without throwing nasty cannot access X of undefined errors if a property along the way doesn't exist.

Returns: the value

Param Type Description
object the object which properties you want to acccess
key String | Array.<String> path to the property as a dot-separated string or array of strings
_default * the fallback value to be returned if key doesn't exist


import get from '@datawrapper/shared/get';
const someObject = { key: { list: ['a', 'b', 'c']}};
get(someObject, 'key.list[2]') // returns 'c'
get(someObject, 'missing.key') // returns undefined
get(someObject, 'missing.key', false) // returns false

getJSON(url, credentials, callback) ⇒ Promise


Download and parse a JSON document via GET. Use httpReq or get instead.

Param Type Description
url string
credentials string | undefined optional, set to undefined to disable credentials
callback function


import { getJSON } from '@datawrapper/shared/fetch';
// use it callback style
getJSON('', 'include', function(data) {
// or promise-style
  .then(data => {

highlightTimer(action, delay) ⇒ object

A delayed highlight setter

Param Type Description
action function the highlight action callback
delay int how long something needs to be highlighted before the highlight triggers (in milliseconds)


import {highlightTimer} from '@datawrapper/shared';
const myTimer = highlightTimer(value => {
    if (value) {'opacity', d => d === value ? 1 : 0.3);
    } else {'opacity', 1);

lines.on('mouseenter', d => myTimer.set(d));
chart.on('mouseleave', myTimer.clear);

httpReq(path, options) ⇒ Promise

The response body is automatically parsed according to the response content type.

Returns: Promise - promise of parsed response body or raw response

Param Type Description
path string the url path that gets appended to baseUrl
options.body object raw body to be send with req
options.payload object raw JSON payload to be send with req (will overwrite options.body)
options.raw boolean disable parsing of response body, returns raw response
options.baseUrl string base for url, defaults to dw api domain
options * see documentation for window.fetch for additional options


import httpReq from '@datawrapper/shared/httpReq';
 let res = await httpReq('/v3/charts', {
     method: 'post',
     payload: {
         title: 'My new chart'
 import { post } from '@datawrapper/shared/httpReq';
 res = await post('/v3/charts', {
     payload: {
         title: 'My new chart'
 // send raw csv
 await httpReq.put(`/v3/charts/${chartId}/data`, {
      body: csvData,
      headers: {
          'Content-Type': 'text/csv'


Like httpReq but with fixed http method DELETE

See: httpReq


Like httpReq but with fixed http method GET

See: httpReq


Like httpReq but with fixed http method HEAD

See: httpReq


Like httpReq but with fixed http method PATCH

See: httpReq

Like httpReq but with fixed http method POST

See: httpReq


Like httpReq but with fixed http method PUT

See: httpReq


in order to use formatValue with custom locales and to avoid version conflicts with numeral, this method allows setting a locale.

Param Type
locale object

isValidUrl(input) ⇒ boolean

checks if a given string is a valid URL

Param Type
input string

kMeans(values, numCluster) ⇒ array.<Array.<number>>

Performs one-dimensional k-means clustering on an array of numbers. Useful for finding n groups of "similar values".

Returns: array.<Array.<number>> - - array of clusters

Param Type Description
values Array.<number> sorted array of numbers
numCluster number the desired cluster count


import kMeans from '@datawrapper/shared/kMeans';

const values = [1, 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 7, 7.1, 10];
// returns [[1, 1.1, 1.2, 2.1], [3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3], [7, 7.1, 10]]
kMeans(values, 3)

loadScript(src, callback)

injects a <script> element to the page to load a new JS script

Param Type
src string
callback function


import { loadScript } from '@datawrapper/shared/fetch';

loadScript('/static/js/library.js', () => {
    console.log('library is loaded');

loadStylesheet(src, callback)

injects a <link> element to the page to load a new stylesheet

Param Type
src string | opts
callback function


import { loadStylesheet } from '@datawrapper/shared/fetch';

loadStylesheet('/static/css/library.css', () => {
    console.log('library styles are loaded');

numberColumnFormatter(config) ⇒ function

This function returns a number formatting function based on a column configuration object stored in The implementation is backwards-compatible with our old Globalize-based number formatting, but uses numeral under the hood.

Param Type Description
config object the column configuration from metadata

observeFonts(fontsJSON, typographyJSON) ⇒ Promise

Function that returns a promise, that resolves when all fonts, specified in fontsJSON and typographyJSON have been loaded.

Param Type
fontsJSON Object | Array
typographyJSON Object

opts : object


Name Type Description
src string stylesheet URL to load
parentElement DOMElement DOM element to append style tag to

patchJSON(url, body, callback) ⇒ Promise


Param Type
url string
body string
callback function


import { patchJSON } from '@datawrapper/shared/fetch';

patchJSON('', JSON.stringify({
   query: 'foo',
   page: 12

postEvent(chartId) ⇒ function

Use this function to post event messages out of Datawrapper iframe embeds to the parent website.

Param Type Description
chartId string the chart id each message should be signed with


import genPostEvent from '@datawrapper/shared/postEvent';
const postEvent = genPostEvent(chart.get('id'));
postEvent('bar:hover', {value: 123});

postJSON(url, body, callback) ⇒ Promise


Download and parse a remote JSON endpoint via POST. credentials are included automatically. Use httpReq or post instead.

Param Type
url string
body string
callback function


import { postJSON } from '@datawrapper/shared/fetch';

postJSON('', JSON.stringify({
   query: 'foo',
   page: 12

purifyHTML(input, allowed) ⇒ string

Remove all non-whitelisted html tags from the given string

Returns: string - - the cleaned html output

Param Type Description
input string dirty html input
allowed string list of allowed tags, defaults to <a><b><br><br/><i><strong><sup><sub><strike><u><em><tt>

putJSON(url, body, callback) ⇒ Promise


Download and parse a remote JSON endpoint via PUT. credentials are included automatically Use httpReq or put instead.

Param Type
url string
body string
callback function


import { putJSON } from '@datawrapper/shared/fetch';

putJSON('', JSON.stringify({
   query: 'foo',
   page: 12

requireConfig() ⇒ Object

Tiny wrapper around findConfigPath that directly requires the found config.


const { requireConfig } = require('@datawrapper/shared/node/findConfig')

const config = requireConfig()

round(value, decimals) ⇒ number

rounds a value to a certain number of decimals

Returns: number - - rounded value

Param Type Description
value number the value to be rounded
decimals number the number of decimals


import round from '@datawrapper/shared/round';
round(1.2345); // 1
round(1.2345, 2); // 1.23
round(12345, -2); // 12300

set(object, key, value) ⇒

safely set object properties without throwing nasty cannot access X of undefined errors if a property along the way doesn't exist.

Returns: the value

Param Type Description
object the object which properties you want to acccess
key String | Array.<String> path to the property as a dot-separated string or array of strings
value * the value to be set

significantDimension(values, tolerance) ⇒ number

computes the significant dimension for a list of numbers That's the number of decimals to which we can round the numbers without loosing information

Returns: number - - number of significant dimensions (= the number of decimals)

Param Type Description
values Array.<number> list of input numbers
tolerance number percent of input values that we allow to "collide"


import {significantDimension} from '@datawrapper/shared/significantDimension';
significantDimension([0,10,20,30]); // -1

smartRound(values, addPrecision, tolerance) ⇒

rounds an array of numbers to the least number of decimals without loosing any information due to the rounding

Returns: the rounded values

Param Type Description
values array the numbers to be rounded
addPrecision number force more precision (=numbers of decimals) to the rounding
tolerance number the percent of uniq input values that we can tolerate to lose after rounding


import {smartRound} from '@datawrapper/shared/smartRound';
smartRound([9, 10.5714, 12.1428, 13.7142]); // [9, 11, 12, 14]
smartRound([9, 10.5714, 12.1428, 12.4142]); // [9, 10.6, 12.1, 12.4]

tailLength(value) ⇒ number

returns the length of the "tail" of a number, meaning the number of meaningful decimal places

Param Type
value number


// returns 3


// returns 2

toFixed(value) ⇒ string

Automatically converts a numeric value to a string. this is better than the default number to string conversion in JS which sometimes produces ugly strings like "3.999999998"

Param Type
value number


import toFixed from '@datawrapper/shared/toFixed';
// returns '3.1'

trackEvent(category, category, category, category)

tracks a custom event in Matomo

Param Type Description
category string the event category
category string the event action
category string the event name
category string | number the event value, optional


tracks a custom page view in Matomo. Useful for single page apps in Datawrapper, such as the locator maps UI. The page title and URL are automatically detected using the window object.

Param Type Description
loadTime number optional page load time, has to be measured manually

truncate(str, start, end) ⇒ string

Shorten a string by removing characters from the middle

Param Type Description
str string
start number characters to keep at start of string
end number characters to keep at end off string


import truncate from '@datawrapper/shared/truncate';
// returns 'This is a…tring'
truncate('This is a very very long string')


A set of shared methods that can be used throughout Datawrapper






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