Exercise my go skills, build something fun that I can use every day. I have to join a meet session every day. Why do I have to click a link? That is annoying to do every day. So why not automate it?
- Makefile to build consistently in a local environment and remote environment
- Dockerfile for a generic image to build for
- Go Mod (which you should to your project path change)
- VS Code environment
- Generic docker push
- Chromedp browser launch
- Google Login Detection
- Meeting Launch Automation
- Google Meet Support
- Client that grabs calendar events
- GRPC Server that opens the browser and launches the meeting
build a grpc service that opens up a meet sessionbuild a service that reads the calendarMake a grpc service for calendar and meet joiningMake a daemon that looks for new calendar events to autojoinREFACTOR- Add config and state support
- Seperate auth into a different service that gives oauth2 flow but browser grabs the token
- build a front end system in Dash
- make portable to share with people from a 1 click install
- support over the wire upgrades
brew install --verbose --build-from-source brew/Formula/go-grpc-video-call-manager.rb