This Spotify Visualizer was created using the create-react-app npm package as a barebones framework and an Oauth Bridge Template
- Visualize the BPM of your currently playing Spotify Song
- See error messages thrown right onto your very own screen (!!!)
- Fueled by espresso and 2am coding sessions.
- Disclaimer: Documentation may harm your mental health
- It works
- Auth token expires after one hour (definitely a feature)
- Make sure a song is playing on your spotify account
- Log in with spotify
- Success! Now you can watch a slightly dizzying circle bounce around
Didn't have enough time to fully try/catch everything so uh there's quite a few of them
- Random exceptions -> just close the error screen when it pops up (sometimes Spotify throws a 502 error on their side)
- Undefined values -> probably just means you either aren't playing a song or the access token has expired. Try playing a song first, or going to the root URL and logging in again
- Song not in sync with visualizer -> sometimes the API is slow, pause/play your song and wait 2 seconds for my server to catch up then it should be fine
A brief outline of the important files that are in this repo
Path | Description |
spotify-visualizer/src/Home.js | React component that renders the one pager, also includes API calls |
spotify-visualizer/src/P5Wrapper.js | React component that takes a P5 sketch as input and renders it (better cross-platform in-browser performance) |
spotify-visualizer/src/js/sketch.js | Where my P5 sketch and some API calls reisde |
spotify-visualizer-backend/server.js | Basic OAuth Bridge to instantiate Spotify Auth flows and pass tokens to my frontend server |
Want to run this on your local machine?
Clone this github repo and install the LTS version of Node.js You will also need to sign in as a Spotify Developer and create an app
In the app, you will need your CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET, make sure to set your callback URLs to localhost:yourPort/callback
In each folder, create a .env
file to store your environment variables.
In the spotify-visualizer folder, you will need the following variables
Variable | Description |
PORT | The port you want the frontend server to run off of (defaults to 3000) |
CLIENT_ID | The Spotify Client ID (obtained from your developer dashboard) |
SECRET | Spotify Client Secret |
AUTH_URL | Authentication URL the "Login with Spotify" button redirects to |
In the spotify-visualizer-backend folder, add these variables to the .env
file you created
Variable | Description |
PORT | The port you want the frontend server to run off of (defaults to 80) |
CLIENT_ID | The Spotify Client ID (obtained from your developer dashboard) |
CLIENT_SECRET | Spotify Client Secret |
REDIRECT_URI | The URI spotify will run a callback redirect on with the access codes |
FRONTEND_URI | The URI where the front end server is running (defaults to localhost:3000) |
Open your favorite Terminal and run these commands.
First Tab:
$ cd spotify-visualizer
$ npm install
$ npm start
Second Tab:
$ cd spotify-visualizer-backend
$ npm install
$ npm start
At this point, React-scripts would have opened a browser tab with the app in it. Verify that logging in and getting callbacks works. Then you're free to modify this!
- Write MORE Tests
- try/catch for server response errors
- pop up modal instructing users to play music if music is not currently playing
- fully implement refresh tokens so access tokens can automatically refresh after the 60 minute limit