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David Mason edited this page Aug 14, 2013 · 2 revisions

The game is currently just a brief prototype.

Initially the player is dropped into the world, with the dog (Wills) visible in the near distance. It is not intended that the mouse be used to look around or any keys be used to move sideways or backwards at this stage - at the time of writing they have not been disabled, but they will be in the near future.

Walking forward

The first instruction (which is not yet shown) is to push the up arrow or 'w' key to walk forward.

  • push the up arrow or W

The robot will not walk forward, but instead an error is shown indicating that the walking circuitry is damaged

  • wait a moment for the instructions to appear on the right of the screen
  • read the instructions
  • press Esc to unbind the mouse from robot
  • click on the undamaged circuit (white rectangle below the instructions)
  • type the code that is shown in the damaged circuit (grey rectangle below the instructions)
  • click on the robot to return control to the game
  • hold W or the up arrow until the 'Walking' heading turns green and the next instruction appears on screen


Instructions will appear indicating that Spacebar will make the robot jump.

  • push the Spacebar

The robot will not jump, but instead an error is shown indicating that the jumping circuitry is also damaged.

  • wait a moment for the next set of instructions to appear on the right of the screen (this looks very similar to the previous instructions)
  • read the instructions
  • press Esc to unbind the mouse from robot
  • click on the undamaged circuit (white rectangle below the instructions)
  • type the code that is shown in the damaged circuit (grey rectangle below the instructions)
  • click on the robot to return control to the game
  • use Spacebar and W or up arrow to jump onto the platform

That is all there is at the moment. The 'Jumping' heading should turn green when the robot lands on the platform (but it is currently possible to jump too high and miss the trigger).

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