Wrapper around tape that adds functions for testing React components.
npm install retap --save-dev
I wanted tests for generated markup that were thorough, and easy to read
and maintain. Use t.isSameMarkup
to compare a JSX representation of
a component with a JSX representation of the elements you expect to see.
This module can return a
react-unit component from
Since your tests probably include JSX, they need to be transpiled. I use babel-tape-runner:
npm install -g babel-tape-runner
babel-tape-runner tests/**/*.jsx
That gives raw tap output. You can pipe it to faucet to make it easier to read.
npm install -g faucet
babel-tape-runner tests/**/*.jsx | faucet
Rather than global installs, you can install babel-tape-runner and faucet
as dev dependencies and run them with npm test
// package.json
"scripts": {
"test": "babel-tape-runner tests/**/*.jsx | faucet"
"devDependencies": {
"babel-tape-runner": "^1.2.0",
"faucet": "0.0.1",
"react": "^0.13.3"
Use it like tape, but now you can call t.isSameMarkup()
with JSX to
compare. You don't have to use JSX - if you feel like using
, who am I to stop you?
import test from 'retap'
// needed for compiled JSX in expected
import React from 'react'
import DwarfPlanet from '../components/DwarfPlanet'
test('DwarfPlanet generates correct markup', t => {
const actual = (
<DwarfPlanet designation="134340 Pluto"
className="plutoid trans-neptunian-object kuiper-belt-object"
satellites={['Charon', 'Styx', 'Nix', 'Kerberos', 'Hydra']}/>
const expected = (
<div className="dwarf-planet plutoid trans-neptunian-object kuiper-belt-object">
<h2>134340 Pluto</h2>
<li className="moon">Charon</li>
<li className="moon">Styx</li>
<li className="moon">Nix</li>
<li className="moon">Kerberos</li>
<li className="moon">Hydra</li>
t.isSameMarkup(actual, expected)
// it is easier to use t.end() rather than try to figure out how many
// comparisons isSameMarkup will do to use t.plan()
You can get a react-unit component with t.createComponent()
manually check props and other things (see
react-unit). The component
cannot be passed to isSameMarkup (I intend to fix that in future), so
keep the JSX return value if you want to use both approaches:
import test from 'retap'
// needed for compiled JSX
import React from 'react'
import DwarfPlanet from '../components/DwarfPlanet'
test('DwarfPlanet generates correct markup', t => {
const actual = (
<DwarfPlanet designation="1 Ceres"
const actualComponent = t.createComponent(actual)
const heading = actualComponent.findByQuery('h2')
t.equal(heading.props.value, '1 Ceres', 'Should show designation in H2')
t.isSameMarkup(actual, (
<div className="dwarf-planet">
<h2>1 Ceres</h2>
No known satellites
// it is easier to use t.end() rather than try to figure out how many
// comparisons isSameMarkup will do to use t.plan()
Generate tap errors in the output for mismatches between actual and expected. Not everything is checked, checks run are:
- elements are of correct types and are in the same tree structure
- classNames match (in any order)
- styles match in any order
- text content matches
- title attribute matches
- src matches (for
- href matches (for tags)
- content set with dangerouslySetInnerHTML matches
*Note: isSameMarkup
will perform numerous checks that each count as part
of the test plan, so take these into account if using t.plan()
Both must be React elements, which you can make with JSX or manually.
- actual - the element under test, with test props
- expected - the expected markup
t.isSameMarkup(<MinorPlanet name="Eris"/>,
<div className="minor-planet">Eris</div>)
Create a react-unit component. Basically a shortcut to the react-unit module. See react-unit
- jsx - React element, specified with JSX or manually.