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[nested-grid] Organize demo components
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kimo-k committed Oct 31, 2024
1 parent 79d931e commit 3f9638e
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Showing 3 changed files with 230 additions and 293 deletions.
150 changes: 17 additions & 133 deletions src/re_com/nested_grid/util.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,33 +26,33 @@
(recur next-path next-acc remainder)))))

(defn cumulative-sum-window [low high value-fn coll]
(loop [coll coll
sum 0
num-below 0 total-below 0 items-below []
num-within 0 total-within 0 items-within []
num-above 0 total-above 0 items-above []]
(loop [coll coll
sum 0
num-below 0 total-below 0 items-below []
num-within 0 total-within 0 items-within []
num-above 0 total-above 0 items-above []]
(if (empty? coll)
[num-below total-below items-below
[num-below total-below items-below
num-within total-within items-within
num-above total-above items-above]
num-above total-above items-above]
(let [[i & remainder] coll
value (value-fn i)
new-sum (+ sum value)]
(< new-sum low)
(recur remainder new-sum
(recur remainder new-sum
(inc num-below) (+ total-below value) (conj items-below i)
num-within total-within items-within
num-above total-above items-above)
(and (>= new-sum low) (<= new-sum high))
(recur remainder new-sum
num-below total-below items-below
num-within total-within items-within
num-above total-above items-above)
(<= low new-sum high)
(recur remainder new-sum
num-below total-below items-below
(inc num-within) (+ total-within value) (conj items-within i)
num-above total-above items-above)
num-above total-above items-above)
(> new-sum high)
(recur remainder new-sum
num-below total-below items-below
num-within total-within items-within
(recur remainder new-sum
num-below total-below items-below
num-within total-within items-within
(inc num-above) (+ total-above value) (conj items-above i)))))))

(def children (comp seq rest))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -131,119 +131,3 @@
:window-end 472
:size-cache (volatile! {})
:tree test-tree})

;; iff a child intersects the window
;; window-end must be > branch start

;; when done traversing the branch:
;; if the whole branch intersected
;; should have collected the own-leaf
;; else if nothing intersected
;; should not have collected the own-leaf

;; always collect the own-leaf
;; when done traversing the branch:
;; if the whole branch intersected (either own-leaf or a child)
;; cool
;; else if nothing intersected
;; pop

(walk-size {:window-start 372
:window-end 472
:tree test-tree
:size-cache (volatile! {})})

(defn node->div [node {:keys [traversal path] :or {path []}}]
(let [style {:border-top "thin solid black"
:border-left "thin solid black"
:margin-left 50
:background-color :lightgreen}]
(leaf? node) (let [leaf-path (conj path node)]
[:div {:style (merge style
{:height (leaf-size node)
:background (if (contains? (set (some-> traversal deref :windowed-nodes)) leaf-path)
(str leaf-path)])
(branch? node) (let [[own-node & children] node
this-path (conj path (first node))]
(into [:div {:style (merge style
{:position :relative
:height :fit-content
:background (if (contains? (set (some-> traversal deref :windowed-nodes)) this-path)
[:div {:style {:height (leaf-size own-node)}}
(str this-path)]]
(map #(do [node->div % {:traversal traversal :path (conj path own-node)}])

[:div {:style {:border "thin solid black",
:background-color :lightgreen,
:padding-left 20,
:height :fit-content}}
[:div {:style {:border "thin solid black", :background-color :lightgreen, :padding-left 20, :height :fit-content}} ":b" [:div {:style {:border "thin solid black", :background-color :lightgreen, :height 100}} "100"] [:div {:style {:border "thin solid black", :background-color :lightgreen, :height 200}} "200"] [:div {:style {:border "thin solid black", :background-color :lightgreen, :height 300}} "300"]]
[:div {:style {:border "thin solid black", :background-color :lightgreen, :padding-left 20, :height :fit-content}} ":c" [:div {:style {:border "thin solid black", :background-color :lightgreen, :height 200}} "200"]]
[:div {:style {:border "thin solid black", :background-color :lightgreen, :height 20}} ":d"]
[:div {:style {:border "thin solid black", :background-color :lightgreen, :height 20}} ":e"]]

(defn test-component []
(let [container-ref (r/atom nil)
set-container-ref! (partial reset! container-ref)
scroll-top (r/atom nil)
scroll-left (r/atom nil)
on-scroll! #(do (reset! scroll-top (.-scrollTop (.-target %)))
(reset! scroll-left (.-scrollLeft (.-target %))))
window-size 100
window-ratio 0.5
window-start (r/reaction (* 2 @scroll-top))
window-end (r/reaction (+ window-size (* 2 @scroll-top)))
height-cache (volatile! {})
path-seq (def node-seq (:windowed-nodes (walk-size {:window-start 0
:window-end 999999
:tree test-tree
:size-cache (volatile! {})})))
{:keys [sum-size]} (walk-size {:window-start 0
:window-end 100000
:tree test-tree
:size-cache (volatile! {})})
traversal (r/reaction (walk-size {:window-start @window-start
:window-end @window-end
:tree test-tree
:size-cache height-cache}))]
(fn [_] (.addEventListener @container-ref "scroll" on-scroll!))
:reagent-render (fn []
[:div {:ref set-container-ref!
:style {:width 400
:overflow-y :auto
:position :relative
:height sum-size}}
[:div {:style {:position :fixed
:margin-left 20
:display :grid
:grid-template-rows (str/join " " (->> path-seq
(map last)
(map leaf-size)
(map u/px)))}}
(node->div test-tree {:traversal traversal})]
[:div {:style {:position :fixed
:height window-size
:width 220
:margin-left "70px"
:border-top "thick solid red"
:border-bottom "thick solid red"
:margin-top (* 2 @scroll-top)
:background "rgba(0,0,1,0.2)"}}
(str (* 2 @scroll-top))]
[:div {:style {:width 400
:height (* sum-size (+ 1 window-ratio))}}
(str sum-size)]]
(str @traversal)]])}))))
160 changes: 1 addition & 159 deletions src/re_demo/core.cljs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -263,167 +263,9 @@
:padding "0px 0px 0px 50px"
:child [(:panel (item-for-id @selected-tab-id tabs-definition))]]]]]]))) ;; the tab panel to show, for the selected tab

(defn cumulative-sum-window [low high value-fn coll]
(loop [coll coll
sum 0
num-below 0 total-below 0 items-below []
num-within 0 total-within 0 items-within []
num-above 0 total-above 0 items-above []]
(if (empty? coll)
[num-below total-below items-below
num-within total-within items-within
num-above total-above items-above]
(let [[i & remainder] coll
value (value-fn i)
new-sum (+ sum value)]
(< new-sum low)
(recur remainder new-sum
(inc num-below) (+ total-below value) (conj items-below i)
num-within total-within items-within
num-above total-above items-above)
(<= low new-sum high)
(recur remainder new-sum
num-below total-below items-below
(inc num-within) (+ total-within value) (conj items-within i)
num-above total-above items-above)
(> new-sum high)
(recur remainder new-sum
num-below total-below items-below
num-within total-within items-within
(inc num-above) (+ total-above value) (conj items-above i)))))))

(defn new-grid [{:keys [cell row-height column-seq row-seq row-heights column-width column-widths] :as props}]
(let [cell-container-ref (r/atom nil)
cell-container-ref! (partial reset! cell-container-ref)
scroll-top (r/atom 0)
scroll-left (r/atom 0)
container-height (r/atom nil)
container-width (r/atom nil)
container-right (r/reaction (+ @scroll-left @container-width))
container-bottom (r/reaction (+ @scroll-top @container-height))
on-scroll! #(do (reset! scroll-top (.-scrollTop (.-target %)))
(reset! scroll-left (.-scrollLeft (.-target %))))
on-resize! #(do (reset! container-height (.-height (.-contentRect (aget % 0))))
(reset! container-width (.-width (.-contentRect (aget % 0)))))
path-fn vector
size-fn :cell-size
column-v-margin 100
row-v-margin 100
left-bound (r/reaction (max 0 (- @scroll-left column-v-margin)))
right-bound (r/reaction (+ @container-right column-v-margin))
top-bound (r/reaction (max 0 (- @scroll-top row-v-margin)))
bottom-bound (r/reaction (+ @container-bottom row-v-margin))
column-window (r/reaction (cumulative-sum-window @left-bound @right-bound size-fn (u/deref-or-value column-seq)))
row-window (r/reaction (cumulative-sum-window @top-bound @bottom-bound size-fn (u/deref-or-value row-seq)))]
(fn [_]
(.addEventListener @cell-container-ref "scroll" on-scroll!)
(.observe (js/ResizeObserver. on-resize!) @cell-container-ref))
(fn [{:keys [row-seq column-seq row-tree column-tree row-height column-width max-height max-width extra-height]}]

(let [[column-num-left column-space-left columns-left
column-num-within column-space-within columns-within
column-num-right column-space-right columns-right] @column-window
[row-num-top row-space-top rows-top
row-num-within row-space-within rows-within
row-num-bottom row-space-bottom rows-bottom] @row-window
grid-container [:div {:ref cell-container-ref!
:style {:max-height max-height
:max-width max-width
:min-width 100
:min-height 100
:overflow :auto
:width :fit-content
:display :grid
:grid-template-columns (ng/grid-template (concat [column-space-left]
(interleave (map path-fn columns-within)
(map size-fn columns-within))
:grid-template-rows (ng/grid-template (concat [row-space-top]
(interleave (map path-fn rows-within)
(map size-fn rows-within))
[(+ row-space-bottom @extra-height)]))}}]]
(into grid-container
(for [column-path (map path-fn columns-within)
row-path (map path-fn rows-within)
:let [props {:row-path row-path
:column-path column-path}]]
^{:key [column-path row-path]}
[cell props]))))})))

(def extra-height (r/atom 0))

(defn data-chunk [& {:keys [dimension index-offset size with-loader?] :or {size 10 with-loader? true}}]
(for [chunk-index (range size)]
{:index (+ chunk-index index-offset)
:chunk-index chunk-index
:size size
:id (gensym)
:cell-size (+ 25 (rand-int 75))
:dimension dimension}
(and with-loader? (= chunk-index 0)) (assoc :loader? true))))

(def row-seq (r/atom '()))

(def rows-loaded (r/atom 0))

(defn load-row-chunk! [& {:keys [size] :or {size 10}}]
(swap! row-seq concat (data-chunk {:size size
:index-offset @rows-loaded
:dimension :row}))
(swap! rows-loaded + size))

(def column-seq (r/atom (data-chunk {:dimension :column :size 100})))

(defn test-cell [{:keys [row-path column-path]}]
(let [{:keys [loader?]
row-index :index
row-size :size
row-chunk-index :chunk-index} (peek row-path)
{column-index :index
column-chunk-index :chunk-index} (peek column-path)
loader? (and loader? (= 0 column-chunk-index))
loaded? (r/reaction (pos? (- @rows-loaded row-index row-size)))
background-color (r/atom "#cceeff")
init-background! #(reset! background-color "#fff")]
#(do (when (and loader? (not @loaded?))
(fn [{:keys [children column-path row-path]}]
[:div {:style {:grid-column (ng/path->grid-line-name column-path)
:grid-row (ng/path->grid-line-name row-path)
:padding 5
:font-size 10
:transition "background-color 0.5s ease-in"
:background-color @background-color
:border "thin solid black"
:border-top (if (= 0 row-chunk-index)
"thick solid black"
"thin solid black")}}
(str row-index " // " column-index)])})))

(defn test-main []
[:<> [new-grid {:row-height 25
:column-width 100
:max-height "80vh"
:max-width "80vw"
:extra-height extra-height
:row-seq row-seq
:column-seq column-seq
:cell test-cell}]
[:div "rows loaded:" @rows-loaded]])

(defn ^:dev/after-load mount-root
(rdom/render [test-main] (get-element-by-id "app")))
(rdom/render [main] (get-element-by-id "app")))

(defn ^:export mount-demo
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