A library of Qt extensions I have found useful
For a basic install, run the following:
qmake PREFIX=/usr/local
make install
There is a helper script that will generate a debian package that can be used for installation. To generate debian packages for dqtx, run the following:
scripts/generate_deb [debian|vivid|trusty|precise]
This will create two .deb files in the deb.DIST directory. These can then be installed using dpkg.
Note: generate_deb
uses debuild
which is provided by the devscripts
dqtx is currently comprised of two libraries. libdqtx.so and libdqtxAppIndicator.so. Both are installed with pkg-config files so you can get the appropriate link commands by running pkg-config --libs dqtx
or pkg-config --libs dqtxAppIndicator
. To do this easily in a qmake .pro file, add the following:
CONFIG += link_pkgconfig
PKGCONFIG += dqtxAppIndicator
QSparkLineWidget is a widget that draws a spark line (small graph) of a time series. It is useful in QTableWidgets as an easy way of visualizing trends in data.
QSparkLineAndBarsWidget is a widget that displays a spark line on top and a bar chart on the bottom. It tracks two coincident time series. It makes the most sense when the line tracks a value over time and the bars track an event count of some sort over time (think price and volume for a stock).
QDensityWidget is a widget that displays a density plot for a data set. It is useful for easily visualizing a distribution.
QTextIconFactory has static functions for creating QIcons from arbitrary text. It fits the text into the specified size and creates a QIcon.
QAppIndicator is a wrapper for libappindicator that allows you to easily (and using Qt paradigms) create AppIndicators for Unity.
QIconTheme creates a temporary icon theme with the icons and names that you give it. These can then be accessed by classes that require icons from a theme (e.g. QAppIndicator).
cpumonitor is a small demo application that uses QSparklineWidget and QSparkLineAndBarsWidget to display CPU load on a system. Each individual CPU is represented by a QSparkLineWidget. The composite of all CPUs is represented by QSparkLineAndBarsWidget where the line represents the current CPU utilization and the bars represent currently running processes.
distribution is a small demo application that uses QDensityWidget and C++11 random number generators to display some density plots.
appindicator is a small demo application that uses QAppIndicator, QIconTheme, and QTextIconFactory to display and hide a Unity AppIndicator. The icon of the AppIndicator is generated by QTextIconFactory and is an ever increasing integer followed by the letter k. It also has a label that is the same number as is displayed in the icon (this will only be visible in Unity). The AppIndicator shows and hides itself every 5 seconds. It has a menu with one item, Quit, that you can use to exit the example.