did:btc1 is a censorship resistant DID Method using the Bitcoin blockchain as a Verifiable Data Registry to announce changes to the DID document. It improves on prior work by allowing: zero-cost off-chain DID creation; aggregated updates for scalable on-chain update costs; long-term identifiers that can support frequent updates; private communication of the DID document; private DID resolution; and non-repudiation appropriate for serious contracts.
The full specification may be viewed at http://dcdpr.github.io/did-btc1/.
First, make sure you have 'pandoc' installed on your machine - https://pandoc.org/getting-started.html. Then you also need 'npm', a package manager for the JavaScript programming. Mac users can get both with homebrew: brew install npm pandoc
Then run:
cd did-btc1
npm install
npm run pandoc-spec-local
The specification will be compiled and available in the _site/index.html
After editing the markdown files for the specification, see the chapters
you will need to rerun the script npm run pandoc-spec-local
to see the changes.
Included under the notebooks
folder are a set of Jupyter notebooks that implement the
various features of the did:btc1 specification. These are included as helpful reference
material for those intending to implement the specification. To run the notebooks locally see
the notebooks/README.md