Comes with user authentication included
- React
- React Native
- Expo
- TypeGraphQL
- Prisma
- Web, App & API monorepo
- Next.js
- TypeScript
- Postgres
- Apollo Client
- Apollo Server
- Express
- React hook form
- Chakra UI
- Customizable theme & Dark mode
- Eslint
- Prettier
- Graphql Code Generator
- Sendgrid SMTP
- Sentry
- Husky
- Lint staged
& many more tasty treats
You must have node, yarn, postgres and redis installed and setup locally
Clone the repo
Delete the app folder if you're working on a purely web project.
rm -rf packages/app
Install dependencies.
yarn install
Create local postgres database
createdb boilerplate
Create a
file and update theDATABASE_URL
with your local postgres database url.cp packages/api/.env.example packages/api/.env
# Replace <user>,<password> and <db-name> with your corresponding username, password, and database name of your postgresql database. DATABASE_URL=postgresql://<user>:<password>@localhost:5432/<db-name>
Migrate the database.
cd packages/api && yarn db:migrate
We use Husky to run a couple of checks each commit (prettier, eslint & commitlint), make sure to add a
file to your home directory:
touch ~/.huskyrc
and copy this into the file this in:
export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH"
then run this in the root of the project:
npx husky install
cd packages/api && yarn dev
cd packages/web && yarn dev
cd packages/app && yarn start
An example of creating a simple todo feature can be found here.
- Create a Sendgrid account and set a SENDGRID_API_KEY environment variable in .env
- Create templates for each email you want to send and use the templateId in the corresponding mailer class
- Create a Sentry account + project for each package and add the DSN to the web config and the api env variables
An example is deployed here
We are using Heroku for the API package and Vercel for the WEB package