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## GMH a Google Maps Helper

by dda @

This is a small helper library for Google Maps v3 I am developing for my own use.

I am adding a small test html page that shows what GMH can do for you.

v 0.1.17
    - Global Airport Database []
      I built two large JS arrays based on this database, mostly redundant:
      IATA[] and ICAO[];
      they provide essentially the same data, cross-referenced, with the IATA and
      ICAO codes as indexes.
      These are used in the following functions:
      . nearestAirport(latLng). Returns the nearest airport and distance in an array.
      . goToAirport(code, type). Centers the map around an airport designated
        by IATA/ICAO code.
      . lookupAirportsByName(name). Returns a list of airports whose name matches
        the string/regex pattern passed.
    - New object GMH_MarkerIcon. Will be used in the addMarker code to provide
      more versatile marker icons.
    - New function filterMarkers(nw, se, [myMarkers]). Returns a list of markers
      that are within given NW/SE bounds.
    - Geocoding stuff:
      . addressToCoordinates(myCallback, myAddress, myRegion, myOptions)
        Versatile function that looks up an address and either hands over the result
          to a callback, or handles the results itself. For the moment only
          one action is present, "MARKER", which creates a marker, and
          optionally centers the maps around it.
    - bestZoomLevel(sw, ne, pixelWidth).
      A Stack Overflow question turned into good use.
    - infoWindow stuff. So much has been (re)written, I should list everything again:
      . setInfowindowStyle(name, options, target). Sets some CSS options onto
        a (jQuery selector style) target. Rudimentary and fragile, but works well
        enough in the sample project.
      . addTextIntoInfowindow(name, text). Insert text into the infoWindow, after
        the existing text.
      . removeBubblePointerFromInfowindow(name). Removes the arrow-ish shape of the
        comic books-style bubble. The infoWindow turns into a square, and no shadow.
        Necessary if you want to do intricate styling.
      . slideInfowindowBy(name, w, h). Moves the infoWindow along the x and y axis.
      . removeCloseBoxFromInfowindow/restoreCloseBoxFromInfowindow(name).
        Another Stack Overflow-inspired feature.
        Very fragile hack, but seems to work most of the time. For now.
      . Ignore for now the `Sprite` functions. I am just messing around with
        the little yellow dude.
      . staticMapIMG(). Returns an IMG element with a static copy of the current map.

That's about it. I am working on documenting the code (more). More to come soon.

v 0.1.16
  Added some functions to infoWindows. You can manipulate some of the style options of the infowindows (like opacity).

v 0.1.15
  Fixed some bugs
  Added the .removeCloseBoxFromInfowindow / .restoreCloseBoxFromInfowindow functions


Google Map Helper






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