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RedisKeybeat is an extension of RedisBeat - the Beat used for Redis monitoring. RedisKeyBeat adds the ability to query keys from redis and publish them as events periodically.It has retained the features offered by RedisBeat, so it also does everything the original RedisBeat did.

Note: This extension has a dependency on version 1.1 of libbeat so make sure you switch your branch to correct version once the libbeat has been cloned by go get

Use Case

  • It is useful if you use redis as central data store for vital stats of other services
  • If you have cron jobs running that collect data from logs and store them into redis
  • If you want to visualize data stored in redis (Like customer activity and behavior)

Elasticsearch template

To apply Redisbeat template for Redis status:

curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/_template/redisbeat' -d@etc/redisbeat.template.json

Build, Test, Run

# Build
GOPATH=<your go path> make

# Test
GOPATH=<your go path> make unit-tests

# Run Test Suite
GOPATH=<your go path> make testsuite

# Run
./redisbeat -c redisbeat.yml

Exported fields

RedisKeyBeat supports LIST, HASH and STRING keys from redis, it takes a pattern and exports all the keys matching the pattern.

Sample event from LIST key (All the string keys are grouped together and exported in single event)

  "_index": "redisbeat-2016.07.21",
  "_type": "list_keys",
  "_id": "AVYNB5AP7Tv348UCguHo",
  "_score": null,
  "_source": {
    "@timestamp": "2016-07-21T10:36:53.676Z",
    "beat": {
      "hostname": "gaurav-laptop",
      "name": "gaurav-laptop"
    "type": "list_keys",
    "useop": [
  "fields": {
    "@timestamp": [
  "sort": [

Sample event from HASH key

  "_index": "redisbeat-2016.07.21",
  "_type": "hash_key",
  "_id": "AVYNB5AP7Tv348UCguHn",
  "_score": null,
  "_source": {
    "@timestamp": "2016-07-21T10:36:53.676Z",
    "beat": {
      "hostname": "gaurav-laptop",
      "name": "gaurav-laptop"
    "birthyear": "1977",
    "type": "hash_key",
    "username": "antirez",
    "verified": "1"
  "fields": {
    "@timestamp": [
  "sort": [

Sample events from STRING keys (All the string keys are grouped together and exported in single event)

  "_index": "redisbeat-2016.07.21",
  "_type": "string_keys",
  "_id": "AVYNB5AP7Tv348UCguHm",
  "_score": null,
  "_source": {
    "@timestamp": "2016-07-21T10:36:53.675Z",
    "beat": {
      "hostname": "gaurav-laptop",
      "name": "gaurav-laptop"
    "gra": "dss",
    "type": "string_keys",
    "user": "gauravashutosh",
    "userhulu": "djsd",
    "userhuu": "djsd",
    "userhuudsad": "djsdasdas",
    "username": "jugnu"
  "fields": {
    "@timestamp": [
  "sort": [

Tinkering with the configuration

Settings can be altered by making changes in the redisbeat.yml, there's a sample configuration provided in the sample-redisbeat.yml

New Fields in redisbeat.yml

  • cache_expiry_time: <seconds>
  • RedisKeyBeat stores the keys matching a pattern for 5 minutes by default you can alter that time by changing the cache_expiry_time: <seconds>
  • key_pattern_limit: <integer>
  • By default we export a limited number of keys (Default 10, use -1 for all) of each SUPPORTED_TYPE that match the pattern, the setting can be changed here
  • redis_beat_cache_key: <string>
  • This is the key RedisKeyBeat uses to cache key patterns, change it if it conflicts with your existing keys
  • keypattern: <list>
  • Here you can specify the list of patterns you want to match. For example -
  - <string>
  - <string>

Features Retained from Parent Project

Redisbeat exports each INFO section.

  • type: server General information about the Redis server
  • type: clients Client connections section
  • type: memory Memory consumption related information
  • type: persistence RDB and AOF related information
  • type: stats General statistics
  • type: replication Master/slave replication information
  • type: cpu CPU consumption statistics
  • type: commandstats Redis command statistics
  • type: cluster Redis Cluster section
  • type: keyspace Database related statistics

Server stats:

	"_index": "redisbeat-2016.01.27",
	"_type": "server",
	"_id": "AVKAgQBCRp3uTbpE00b9",
	"_version": 1,
	"_score": 1,
	"_source": {
		"@timestamp": "2016-01-27T00:34:42.952Z",
		"beat": {
			"hostname": "localhost",
			"name": "localhost"
		"count": 1,
		"stats": {
			"arch_bits": "64",
			"config_file": "/etc/redis/redis-config.conf",
			"gcc_version": "4.8.2",
			"hz": "10",
			"lru_clock": "11014306",
			"multiplexing_api": "epoll",
			"os": "Linux 3.16.0-37-generic x86_64",
			"process_id": "26866",
			"redis_build_id": "7b6a15f737658530",
			"redis_git_dirty": "0",
			"redis_git_sha1": "00000000",
			"redis_mode": "standalone",
			"redis_version": "3.0.0",
			"run_id": "973eb4c0772fe7846015e295c1ddaa0cd4d92b96",
			"tcp_port": "6379",
			"uptime_in_days": "6",
			"uptime_in_seconds": "519706"
		"type": "server"

Clients stats:

	"_index": "redisbeat-2016.01.27",
	"_type": "clients",
	"_id": "AVKAgXVxRp3uTbpE00cc",
	"_version": 1,
	"_score": 1,
	"_source": {
		"@timestamp": "2016-01-27T00:35:12.963Z",
		"beat": {
			"hostname": "localhost",
			"name": "localhost"
		"count": 1,
		"stats": {
			"blocked_clients": "0",
			"client_biggest_input_buf": "0",
			"client_longest_output_list": "0",
			"connected_clients": "3"
		"type": "clients"

Memory stats:

	"_index": "redisbeat-2016.01.27",
	"_type": "memory",
	"_id": "AVKAgZyARp3uTbpE00cn",
	"_version": 1,
	"_score": 1,
	"_source": {
		"@timestamp": "2016-01-27T00:35:22.971Z",
		"beat": {
			"hostname": "localhost",
			"name": "localhost"
		"count": 1,
		"stats": {
			"mem_allocator": "jemalloc-3.6.0",
			"mem_fragmentation_ratio": "0.98",
			"used_memory": "2839218984",
			"used_memory_human": "2.64G",
			"used_memory_lua": "35840",
			"used_memory_peak": "2839451672",
			"used_memory_peak_human": "2.64G",
			"used_memory_rss": "2791378944"
		"type": "memory"

Persistence stats:

	"_index": "redisbeat-2016.01.27",
	"_type": "persistence",
	"_id": "AVKAgQBCRp3uTbpE00cA",
	"_version": 1,
	"_score": 1,
	"_source": {
		"@timestamp": "2016-01-27T00:34:42.979Z",
		"beat": {
			"hostname": "localhost",
			"name": "localhost"
		"count": 1,
		"stats": {
			"aof_base_size": "2141338459",
			"aof_buffer_length": "0",
			"aof_current_rewrite_time_sec": "-1",
			"aof_current_size": "2148807529",
			"aof_delayed_fsync": "1",
			"aof_enabled": "1",
			"aof_last_bgrewrite_status": "ok",
			"aof_last_rewrite_time_sec": "-1",
			"aof_last_write_status": "ok",
			"aof_pending_bio_fsync": "0",
			"aof_pending_rewrite": "0",
			"aof_rewrite_buffer_length": "0",
			"aof_rewrite_in_progress": "0",
			"aof_rewrite_scheduled": "0",
			"loading": "0",
			"rdb_bgsave_in_progress": "0",
			"rdb_changes_since_last_save": "0",
			"rdb_current_bgsave_time_sec": "-1",
			"rdb_last_bgsave_status": "ok",
			"rdb_last_bgsave_time_sec": "36",
			"rdb_last_save_time": "1453843449"
		"type": "persistence"


	"_index": "redisbeat-2016.01.27",
	"_type": "stats",
	"_id": "AVKAgNvXRp3uTbpE00b3",
	"_version": 1,
	"_score": 1,
	"_source": {
		"@timestamp": "2016-01-27T00:34:32.993Z",
		"beat": {
			"hostname": "localhost",
			"name": "localhost"
		"count": 1,
		"stats": {
			"evicted_keys": "0",
			"expired_keys": "0",
			"instantaneous_input_kbps": "0.03",
			"instantaneous_ops_per_sec": "1",
			"instantaneous_output_kbps": "0.33",
			"keyspace_hits": "487338",
			"keyspace_misses": "10",
			"latest_fork_usec": "39656",
			"migrate_cached_sockets": "0",
			"pubsub_channels": "0",
			"pubsub_patterns": "0",
			"rejected_connections": "0",
			"sync_full": "0",
			"sync_partial_err": "0",
			"sync_partial_ok": "0",
			"total_commands_processed": "523535",
			"total_connections_received": "385",
			"total_net_input_bytes": "39050370",
			"total_net_output_bytes": "117696185"
		"type": "stats"

Replication stats:

	"_index": "redisbeat-2016.01.27",
	"_type": "replication",
	"_id": "AVKAhRIoRp3uTbpE00c0",
	"_version": 1,
	"_score": 1,
	"_source": {
		"@timestamp": "2016-01-27T00:39:09.700Z",
		"beat": {
			"hostname": "localhost",
			"name": "localhost"
		"count": 1,
		"stats": {
			"connected_slaves": "0",
			"master_repl_offset": "0",
			"repl_backlog_active": "0",
			"repl_backlog_first_byte_offset": "0",
			"repl_backlog_histlen": "0",
			"repl_backlog_size": "1048576",
			"role": "master"
		"type": "replication"

Cpu stats:

	"_index": "redisbeat-2016.01.27",
	"_type": "cpu",
	"_id": "AVKAgQBCRp3uTbpE00cD",
	"_version": 1,
	"_score": 1,
	"_source": {
		"@timestamp": "2016-01-27T00:34:43.008Z",
		"beat": {
			"hostname": "localhost",
			"name": "localhost"
		"count": 1,
		"stats": {
			"used_cpu_sys": "450.40",
			"used_cpu_sys_children": "35.24",
			"used_cpu_user": "185.76",
			"used_cpu_user_children": "273.30"
		"type": "cpu"


	"_index": "redisbeat-2016.01.27",
	"_type": "commandstats",
	"_id": "AVKAgSdSRp3uTbpE00cO",
	"_version": 1,
	"_score": 1,
	"_source": {
		"@timestamp": "2016-01-27T00:34:53.027Z",
		"beat": {
			"hostname": "localhost",
			"name": "localhost"
		"count": 1,
		"stats": {
			"cmdstat_auth": "calls=337,usec=2031,usec_per_call=6.03",
			"cmdstat_dbsize": "calls=2,usec=8,usec_per_call=4.00",
			"cmdstat_flushdb": "calls=1,usec=8155,usec_per_call=8155.00",
			"cmdstat_get": "calls=162264,usec=294211,usec_per_call=1.81",
			"cmdstat_hexists": "calls=308,usec=14478,usec_per_call=47.01",
			"cmdstat_hget": "calls=324527,usec=700351,usec_per_call=2.16",
			"cmdstat_hgetall": "calls=249,usec=145421,usec_per_call=584.02",
			"cmdstat_hset": "calls=30060,usec=143089,usec_per_call=4.76",
			"cmdstat_info": "calls=3546,usec=159072,usec_per_call=44.86",
			"cmdstat_keys": "calls=688,usec=269581,usec_per_call=391.83",
			"cmdstat_ping": "calls=2,usec=10,usec_per_call=5.00",
			"cmdstat_select": "calls=270,usec=1408,usec_per_call=5.21",
			"cmdstat_set": "calls=1304,usec=4397,usec_per_call=3.37"
		"type": "commandstats"

Cluster stats:

	"_index": "redisbeat-2016.01.27",
	"_type": "cluster",
	"_id": "AVKAgZyARp3uTbpE00ct",
	"_version": 1,
	"_score": 1,
	"_source": {
		"@timestamp": "2016-01-27T00:35:23.029Z",
		"beat": {
			"hostname": "localhost",
			"name": "localhost"
		"count": 1,
		"stats": {
			"cluster_enabled": "0"
		"type": "cluster"

Keyspace stats:

	"_index": "redisbeat-2016.01.27",
	"_type": "keyspace",
	"_id": "AVKAgU5jRp3uTbpE00ca",
	"_version": 1,
	"_score": 1,
	"_source": {
		"@timestamp": "2016-01-27T00:35:03.030Z",
		"beat": {
			"hostname": "localhost",
			"name": "localhost"
		"count": 1,
		"stats": {
			"db0": "keys=716456,expires=0,avg_ttl=0",
			"db1": "keys=755,expires=0,avg_ttl=0",
			"db2": "keys=755,expires=0,avg_ttl=0"
		"type": "keyspace"


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