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leonardopedroso authored Jul 10, 2021
2 parents bc6a480 + f4b1b65 commit 57ecaf3
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Showing 14 changed files with 931 additions and 69 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Examples/NTanksNetworkControlOneStep.m
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Expand Up @@ -453,7 +453,7 @@
cte.iLQReps = 1e-4; % parameter for the stopping criterion of iLQR

%% getConstantsNTankNetwork - Description
%% getEquilibriumMatrices - Description
% This function computes matrices alpha and beta according to [1] for
% equilibrium level computation
% Output: -alpha, beta: matrices to compute water level
Expand Down
535 changes: 535 additions & 0 deletions Examples/NTanksNetworkEstimationOSFH.m

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions LQRFiniteHorizonLTI.m
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Expand Up @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
n = size(A,1); % Get value of n from the size of A
% Initialise Finite Horizon with One Step gain and covariance matrices
[K,P] = LQROneStepSequenceLTI(A,B,Q,R,E,opts.W);
Z = vectorZ(vec(E)); % Compute matrix Z
%Z = vectorZ(vec(E)); % Compute matrix Z
Pprev = zeros(n,n); % Previous iteration
Kinf = NaN;
counterSteadyState = 0; % Counter for the number of iterations for which a steady-state solution was found
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
C_eq = B'*Q*A*Lambda;
% Adjust gain using efficient solver
% Adjust gain using efficient solver [1]
K{k,1} = sparseEqSolver(S,Lambda,...

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -232,3 +232,8 @@


%[1] Pedroso, Leonardo, and Pedro Batista. 2021. "Efficient Algorithm for the
% Computation of the Solution to a Sparse Matrix Equation in Distributed Control
% Theory" Mathematics 9, no. 13: 1497.

22 changes: 7 additions & 15 deletions LQROneStepLTI.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,25 +32,12 @@

%% Gain computation
n = size(A,1); % Get value of n from the size of A
m = size(B,2); % Get value of n from the size of B
Pinf = Q; % terminal condition
Pprev = NaN; % Previous iteration
it = opts.maxIt;
while it > 0 % LQ iterations
Kinf = zeros(m,n);
S = R+B'*Pinf*B;
for i = 1:n
L = zeros(n);
L (i,i) = 1; % Generate matrix L_i
M = zeros(m);
for j = 1:m % Gererate matrix M_i
if E(j,i) ~= 0
M(j,j) = 1;
% Compute the ith term of the summation
Kinf = Kinf + (eye(m)-M+M*S*M)\M'*B'*Pinf*A*L';
% Compute gain with efficient algorithm [1]
Kinf = sparseEqSolver(R+B'*Pinf*B,eye(n),B'*Pinf*A,E);
% Update P
Pinf = Q + Kinf'*R*Kinf+(A-B*Kinf)'*Pinf*(A-B*Kinf);
it = it-1;
Expand All @@ -70,3 +57,8 @@

%[1] Pedroso, Leonardo, and Pedro Batista. 2021. "Efficient Algorithm for the
% Computation of the Solution to a Sparse Matrix Equation in Distributed Control
% Theory" Mathematics 9, no. 13: 1497.

39 changes: 8 additions & 31 deletions LQROneStepLTV.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,42 +29,19 @@
%% Gain computation
persistent n
if isempty(n)
n = size(system{1,1},1); % Get value of n from the size of A
persistent m
if isempty(m)
m = size(system{1,2},2); % Get value of n from the size of B
persistent M L
if isempty(M) || isempty(L)
M = cell(m,1);
L = cell(m,1);
for j = 1:n
L{j,1} = zeros(n);
L{j,1}(j,j) = 1; % Generate matrix L_i
M{j,1} = zeros(m);
for i = 1:m % Gererate matrix M_i
if E(i,j) ~= 0
M{j,1}(i,i) = 1;
n = size(system{1,1},1); % Get value of n from the size of A
P = cell(T+1,1); % Initialize cell arrays
K = cell(T,1);
P{T+1,1} = system{T+1,3}; % terminal condition
for k = T:-1:1
K{k,1} = zeros(m,n);
S = system{k,4}+system{k,2}'*P{k+1,1}*system{k,2};
for j = 1:n
% Compute the ith term of the summation
K{k,1} = K{k,1} + ...
% Compute gain with efficient algorithm [1]
K{k,1} = sparseEqSolver(system{k,4}+system{k,2}'*P{k+1,1}*system{k,2},eye(n),system{k,2}'*P{k+1,1}*system{k,1},E);
% Update P
P{k,1} = system{k,3}+K{k,1}'*system{k,4}*K{k,1}+...

%[1] Pedroso, Leonardo, and Pedro Batista. 2021. "Efficient Algorithm for the
% Computation of the Solution to a Sparse Matrix Equation in Distributed Control
% Theory" Mathematics 9, no. 13: 1497.
72 changes: 72 additions & 0 deletions Tutorials/kalmanFiniteHorizonLTVTutorial.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
%% Tutorial of kalmanFiniteHorizonLTV
%% Synthetic random system
T = 50;
n = 5;
o = 3;
rng(1); % Pseudo-random seed for consistency
% Alternatively comment out rng() to generate a random system
% Do not forget to readjust the synthesys parameters of the methods
system = cell(T,4);
% Initial matrices (just to compute the predicted covariance at k = 1)
A0 = rand(n,n)-0.5;
Q0 = rand(n,n)-0.5;
Q0 = Q0*Q0';
for i = 1:T
if i == 1
system{i,1} = A0+(1/10)*(rand(n,n)-0.5);
system{i,2} = rand(o,n)-0.5;
else % Generate time-varying dynamics preventing erratic behaviour
system{i,1} = system{i-1,1}+(1/10)*(rand(n,n)-0.5);
system{i,2} = system{i-1,2}+(1/10)*(rand(o,n)-0.5);
system{i,3} = rand(n,n)-0.5;
system{i,3} = system{i,3}*system{i,3}';
system{i,4} = rand(o,o)-0.5;
system{i,4} = system{i,4}*system{i,4}';
E = round(rand(n,o));

%% Synthesize regulator gain using the finite-horizon algorithm
% Generate random initial predicted covariance for the initial time instant
P0 = rand(n,n);
P0 = P0*P0';
% Algorithm paramenters (optional)
opts.verbose = true;
opts.epsl = 1e-5;
opts.maxOLIt = 100;
% Synthesize regulator gain using the finite-horizon method
[K,P] = kalmanFiniteHorizonLTV(system,E,T,P0,opts);

%% Simulate error dynamics
% Initialise error cell
x = cell(T,1);
% Generate random initial error
x0 = transpose(mvnrnd(zeros(n,1),P0));
% Init predicted covariance matrix
Ppred = A0*P0*A0'+Q0;
for j = 1:T
% Error dynamics
if j == 1
x{j,1} = (system{j,1}-K{j,1}*system{j,2})*x0;
x{j,1} = (system{j,1}-K{j,1}*system{j,2})*x{j-1,1};

%% Plot the norm of the estimation error
% Plot the ||x||_2 vs instant of the simulation
hold on;
ax = gca;
ax.XGrid = 'on';
ax.YGrid = 'on';
xPlot = zeros(T,1);
for j = 1:T
xPlot(j,1) =norm(x{j,1}(:,1));
plot(1:T, xPlot(:,1),'LineWidth',3);
set(gcf, 'Position', [100 100 900 550]);
hold off;
66 changes: 66 additions & 0 deletions Tutorials/kalmanOneStepLTVTutorial.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
%% Tutorial of kalmanOneStepLTV
%% Synthetic random system
T = 50;
n = 5;
o = 3;
rng(1); % Pseudo-random seed for consistency
% Alternatively comment out rng() to generate a random system
% Do not forget to readjust the synthesys parameters of the methods
system = cell(T,4);
% Initial matrices (just to compute the predicted covariance at k = 1)
A0 = rand(n,n)-0.5;
Q0 = rand(n,n)-0.5;
Q0 = Q0*Q0';
for i = 1:T
if i == 1
system{i,1} = A0+(1/10)*(rand(n,n)-0.5);
system{i,2} = rand(o,n)-0.5;
else % Generate time-varying dynamics preventing erratic behaviour
system{i,1} = system{i-1,1}+(1/10)*(rand(n,n)-0.5);
system{i,2} = system{i-1,2}+(1/10)*(rand(o,n)-0.5);
system{i,3} = rand(n,n)-0.5;
system{i,3} = system{i,3}*system{i,3}';
system{i,4} = rand(o,o)-0.5;
system{i,4} = system{i,4}*system{i,4}';
E = round(rand(n,o));

%% Simulate error dynamics
% Generate random initial predicted covariance for the initial time instant
P0 = rand(n,n);
P0 = P0*P0';
% Initialise error cell
x = cell(T,1);
% Generate random initial error
x0 = transpose(mvnrnd(zeros(n,1),P0));
% Init predicted covariance matrix
Ppred = A0*P0*A0'+Q0;
for j = 1:T
% Synthesize regulator gain using the one-step method
[K,Ppred,~] = kalmanOneStepLTV(system(j,:),E,Ppred);
% Error dynamics
if j == 1
x{j,1} = (system{j,1}-K*system{j,2})*x0;
x{j,1} = (system{j,1}-K*system{j,2})*x{j-1,1};

%% Plot the norm of the estimation error
% Plot the ||x||_2 vs instant of the simulation
hold on;
ax = gca;
ax.XGrid = 'on';
ax.YGrid = 'on';
xPlot = zeros(T,1);
for j = 1:T
xPlot(j,1) =norm(x{j,1}(:,1));
plot(1:T, xPlot(:,1),'LineWidth',3);
set(gcf, 'Position', [100 100 900 550]);
hold off;
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions kalmanCentralizedLTV.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
function [K,Ppred,Pfilt] = kalmanCentralizedLTV(system,Pprev)
%% Description
% This function computes the centralized kalman filter gain for a time-instant
% k, i.e., K(k), subject to a sparsity constraint.
% Input: - system: 1x4 cell whose rows contain matrices A,C,Q and R i.e.,
% - system{1,1} = A(k)
% - system{2,2} = C(k)
% - system{3,3} = Q(k)
% - system{4,4} = R(k)
% - Pprev: Previous predicted error covariance matrix, i.e., P(k|k-1)
% Output: - K: filter gain K(k)
% - Ppred: Predicted error covarinace matrix P(k+1|k)
% - Pfilt: Predicted error covarinace matrix P(k|k)

%% Gain computation
n = size(system{1,1},1); % Get value of n from the size of A
% Compute gain
K = Pprev*transpose(system{1,2})/(system{1,2}*Pprev*transpose(system{1,2})+system{1,4});
% Update the covariance matrix after the filtering step, i.e., P(k|k)
Pfilt = K*system{1,4}*K'+...
% Compute P(k+1|k)
Ppred = system{1,1}*Pfilt*system{1,1}'+system{1,3};
9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions kalmanFiniteHorizonLTI.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
n = size(A,1); % Get value of n from the size of A
% Initialise Finite Horizon with One Step gain and covariance matrices
[K,P] = OneStepSequenceLTI(A,C,Q,R,E,opts.W,opts.P0);
Z = vectorZ(vec(E)); % Compute matrix Z
%Z = vectorZ(vec(E)); % Compute matrix Z
Pprev = zeros(n,n); % Previous iteration
Kinf = NaN;
counterSteadyState = 0; % Counter for the number of iterations for which a steady-state solution was found
Expand All @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
Lambda = Lambda + transpose(Gamma)*Gamma;
% Adjust gain using efficient solver
% Adjust gain using efficient solver [1]
K{i,1} = sparseEqSolver(Lambda,C*P_*transpose(C)+R,...
% Old solver commented out
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -226,3 +226,8 @@

%[1] Pedroso, Leonardo, and Pedro Batista. 2021. "Efficient Algorithm for the
% Computation of the Solution to a Sparse Matrix Equation in Distributed Control
% Theory" Mathematics 9, no. 13: 1497.


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