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SegTrackDetect - A framework for ROI-based Tiny Object Detection at full resolution.


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SegTrackDetect is a modular framework designed for accurate small object detection using a combination of segmentation and tracking techniques. It performs detection within selected Regions of Interest (ROIs), providing a highly efficient solution for scenarios where detecting tiny objects with precision is critical. The framework's modularity empowers users to easily customize key components, including the ROI Estimation Module, ROI Prediction Module, and Object Detector. It also features our Overlapping Box Suppression Algorithm that efficiently combines detected objects from multiple sub-windows, filtering them to overcome the limitations of window-based detection methods.


See the following sections for more details on the framework, its components, and customization options:

To get started with the framework right away, head to the Getting Started section.


SemSegTrack is an object detection framework that selects ROIs for detailed detection through two main modules: the ROI Prediction Module and the ROI Estimation Module.

  • The ROI Prediction Module leverages object tracking to predict object locations based on previous detections and is specifically used in video mode. Users can switch between video or image mode, depending on their use case
  • The ROI Estimation Module uses binary semantic segmentation to identify promising regions within the input image

Both branches feed into the ROI Fusion Module, where their outputs are merged. The framework then determines a set of detection window coordinates. Detection is performed independently on each window, and the results are aggregated. To prevent redundancy, the Overlapping Box Suppression Algorithm filters overlapping detections. In video mode, detections are further utilized to update the tracker’s state.


ROI Fusion Module

The ROI Fusion Module merges output masks from both branches and utilizes the fused mask to determine detection window coordinates. Based on the dataset being used, the framework offers flexibility with two strategies for handling large ROIs: resizing or sliding window detection. If the --allow_resize flag is enabled, large ROIs (exceeding the detection window size) will be cropped and scaled to fit the detector’s input. Otherwise, a sliding-window approach will be applied within the larger ROI regions. Detection windows are generated by positioning them at the center of each ROI region. Prior to detection, they undergo a filtering process to eliminate unnecessary detector calls for redundant windows. Both the Prediction and Estimation branches are designed to be highly customizable, allowing users to fine-tune the framework for a wide range of scenarios. While the included datasets are examples, all decisions should be driven by the specific data at hand, ensuring the best performance in real-world applications.

ROI Prediction with Object Trackers

The framework currently integrates the SORT tracker from a forked repository, allowing for efficient ROI prediction in video mode. However, the framework is designed to be adaptable, enabling users to integrate any other object tracker, provided that the tracker's prediction and update functions are modular and separate. For guidance, users can refer to our implementation of the SORT tracker to see how it has been adapted to fit seamlessly within the framework's workflow.

ROI Estimation with Segmentation

The ROI Estimation Module processes input images to generate probability masks used for selecting Regions of Interest (ROIs). All models utilized in this module are in TorchScript format, ensuring seamless integration into the framework.

A comprehensive list of currently supported models, along with their names, can be found in the model ZOO. The behavior of the ROI Estimation Module can be easily customized for the existing models, and you can also add your own models. To do this, navigate to the estimator configs directory and create your own configuration dictionaries. Remember to register any new configurations in the ESTIMATOR MODELS to enable their usage by name in the main scripts.

For existing models, you can implement new postprocessing functions or modify postprocessing parameters (e.g., thresholding or dilation). Please ensure that the postprocess function returns the mask in a [H, W] format.

Object Detection

In SegTrackDetect, the object detector is executed multiple times for each sub-window to effectively capture the features of tiny objects. A comprehensive list of all available models can be found in the model ZOO. You can customize the behavior of each model (e.g., the NMS parameters) by modifying the configuration dictionaries located in the detectors config directory.

New models can be registered similarly to the ROI Estimation Models: create a new configuration dictionary and register it in the DETECTION_MODELS.

Detection Aggregation and Filtering

Finally, detections from all sub-windows are aggregated and filtered using the Overlapping Box Suppression (OBS) Algorithm. OBS leverages the sub-window coordinates to eliminate partial detections that arise from overlapping detection sub-windows. You can customize the IoU threshold for OBS using the --obs_iou_th argument in the main scripts. For more detailed information on OBS, please refer to the documentation.

Getting Started


To simplify the setup process, we provide a Dockerfile that manages all necessary dependencies for you. Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Install Docker: Begin by installing the Docker Engine
  2. Install NVIDIA Container Toolkit: If you plan to run detection on a GPU, make sure to install the NVIDIA Container Toolkit

Once you have Docker set up, you can download all the trained models listed in the Model ZOO and build the Docker image by running the following command:


We currently support four datasets, and we provide scripts to download and convert them into a compatible format. To download and convert all datasets at once, execute:


If you prefer to download specific datasets, you can run the corresponding scripts located in the scripts directory.

⚠️ For the MTSD dataset, please visit the official dataset page to download the data manually. For details on the required directory structure, refer to this script. After downloading the dataset and the older annotation version, you will need to convert it to the framework format using:

python /SegTrackDetect/scripts/converters/


The SegTrackDetect framework enables robust tiny object detection both across consecutive video frames (video mode) and within independent detection windows. The dataset type is automatically inferred from the dataset directory structure. For more information, see datasets.

The main features of the SegTrackDetect framework can be explored by executing the script with varius configurations. To perform detection on video data using a supported dataset like SeaDronesSee, run the following command:

python \
--roi_model 'SDS_large' --det_model 'SDS' --tracker 'sort' \
--data_root '/SegTrackDetect/data/SeaDronesSee' --split 'val' \
--bbox_type 'sorted' --allow_resize --obs_iou_th 0.1 \
--out_dir 'results/SDS/val' --debug

To detect objects in independent windows, for instance, using the MTSD dataset, you can use the same script with slight modifications:

python \
--roi_model 'MTSD' --det_model 'MTSD' \
--data_root '/SegTrackDetect/data/MTSD' --split 'val'  \
--bbox_type 'sorted' --allow_resize --obs_iou_th 0.7 \
--out_dir 'results/MTSD/val' --debug

The following table outlines the command-line arguments that can be used when running the inference script. These arguments allow you to customize the behavior of the detection process by specifying models, datasets, and various configurations.

Argument Type Description
--roi_model str Specifies the ROI model to use (e.g., SDS_large). All available ROI models are defined here
--det_model str Specifies the detection model to use (e.g., SDS). All available detectors are defined here
--tracker str Specifies the tracker to use (e.g., sort). All available trackers are defined here
--data_root str Path to the dataset directory (e.g., /SegTrackDetect/data/MTSD)
--split str Data split to use (e.g., val for validation). If present, the script will save the detections using the coco image ids used in val.json
--flist str An alternative version of providing an image list, path to the file with absolute paths to images.
--name str A name for provided flist, coco annotations name.json will be generated and saved in the dataset root directory
--bbox_type str Type of the detection window filtering algorithm (all - no filtering, naive, sorted).
--allow_resize flag Enables resizing of cropped detection windows. Siling window within large ROIs will be used otherwise.
--obs_iou_th float Sets the IoU threshold for Overlapping Box Suppresion (default is 0.7).
--cpu flag Use cpu for computations, if not set use cuda
--out_dir str Directory to save output results (e.g., results/SDS/val).
--debug flag Enables saving visualisation in out_dir
--vis_conf_th float Confidence threshold for the detections in visualisation, default 0.3.

All available models can be found in Model ZOO. Currently, we provide trained models for 4 detection tasks.


To assess the performance of the SegTrackDetect framework, we use a customized COCO metrics implementation designed for tiny objects, available in the tinycocoapi repository.

A dedicated script is provided to compute evaluation metrics, comparing predicted detections with ground truth annotations. The inference script ensures proper indexing of images.

To run the metrics computation script, use the following command:

python --dir <directory_with_detections> --gt_path <path_to_ground_truth_json> --th <score_threshold> --csv <path_to_save_metrics>

This will generate the evaluation metrics and save them in the specified CSV file for further analysis.


Existing Models

You can easily customize the behavior of existing models in the SegTrackDetect framework. This includes modifying post-processing functions or adjusting parameters such as thresholds and dilations. To do this, locate the configuration dictionaries for the models you wish to customize in the respective configuration directories. For instance, you can find the configurations for ROI estimation models in the estimator configs directory, for ROI prediction models in the predictor configs, and for object detectors in the detectors config directory.

New Models

To add new models to the framework, you will need to create a configuration dictionary for your model. Place this configuration in the appropriate directory (e.g., estimator configs for ROI estimation models, predictor configs for ROI predictors or detectors configs for object detectors). After defining your model and its configuration, register the new model in the relevant ESTIMATOR_MODELS, PREDICTOR_MODELS or DETECTION_MODELS in the file to enable its use in main scripts.

By following these steps, you can seamlessly integrate custom models into the SegTrackDetect framework, enhancing its capabilities to meet your specific needs.

Object Detection Module

The configuration dictionary for the detection models is structured as follows:

CustomModel = dict(
    weights = '/SegTrackDetect/weights/',
    in_size = (h,w),
    preprocess = preprocess_function,
    preprocess_args = dict(),
    postprocess = postprocess_function,
    postprocess_args = dict(),
    classes = ['class_a', 'class_b', 'class_c', ...],
    colors = [(255, 0, 0), (0, 255, 0), (0, 0, 255), ...]

The pre-process and post-process functions are defined using the following snippets:

def preprocess_function(input_tensor, **preprocess_args):
    Pre-processes the input tensor for the detection model

        input_tensor (torch.Tensor): The input tensor [B,C,H,W] representing the image batch to preprocess. 
        **preprocess_args: Additional keyword arguments.

        torch.Tensor: The modified tensor in format required by the detection model.
    return input_tensor

def postprocess_function(output, **postprocess_args):
    Post-process the detection model output.

        output (torch.Tensor): The output tensor from the detection model.
        **postprocess_args: Additional keyword arguments.
        List[Tensor]: List of detections, where each detection is a (n,6) tensor per image [xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax,score,class_id].
    return output

ROI Estimation Module

The configuration dictionary for the ROI Estimation Module is structured as follows:

CustomModel = dict(
    weights = 'weights/',
    in_size = (h,w),
    postprocess = postprocess_function,
    postprocess_args = dict(),
    preprocess = preprocess_function,
    preprocess_args = dict()

And the processing functions are defined using the following snippets:

def preprocess_function(input_tensor, **preprocess_args):
    Pre-processes the input tensor for the estimation model

        input_tensor (torch.Tensor): The input tensor [B,C,H,W] representing the image batch to preprocess. 
        **preprocess_args: Additional keyword arguments.

        torch.Tensor: The modified tensor in format required by the ROI estimation model.
    return input_tensor
def postprocess_function(output, **postprocess_args):
    Postprocesses the output of the ROI estimation model to generate a binary mask.

        output (torch.Tensor): The output tensor from the estimation model.
        **postprocess_args: Additional keyword arguments.

        torch.Tensor: The binary mask [H,W].
    return output

ROI Prediction Module

The framework currently integrates the SORT tracker from a forked repository, enabling efficient ROI prediction in video mode. However, it is designed to be adaptable, allowing users to incorporate any object tracker, as long as the tracker's prediction and update functions are modular and separate. Below is a template that users can use to adapt any tracker for ROI Prediction:

class CustomTracker:
    Template for a custom object tracker class designed to handle both prediction and update steps separately.

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Initialize CustomTracker with arguments required by your tracker.

    def get_pred_locations(self):
        Predicts locations of the trackers in the current frame. This function should retrieve and predict the positions of existing trackers.
            np.ndarray: A numpy array of predicted bounding boxes in the format [[x1, y1, x2, y2, score], ...].

    def update(self, dets=np.empty((0, 5)), trks=[]):
        Updates the tracker's internal state with new detections and predicted tracker locations.

            dets (np.ndarray): A numpy array of detections in the format [[x1, y1, x2, y2, score], ...].
            trks (np.ndarray): Predicted tracker locations from `get_pred_locations()`.

            np.ndarray: Updated tracker states in the format [[x1, y1, x2, y2, track_id, score], ...].

Once the user has implemented the CustomTracker class, it can be integrated into the framework by defining and registering the configuration dictionary, as shown below:

CustomTracker = dict(
  module_name = 'rois.predictor.CustomTracker', 
  class_name = 'CustomTracker',
  args = dict(),
  frame_delay = 3,

   'sort': sort,
   'custom': CustomTracker,

New Datasets

You can use any dataset that adheres to the specified directory structure for video data. The required structure for organizing videos in the SegTrackDetect framework is as follows:

├── images
│   ├── seq1               # Sequence 1 with A images
│   ├── seq2               # Sequence 2 with B images
│   ├── seq3               # Sequence 3 with C images
│   ├── seq4               # Sequence 4 with D images
│   └── ...                # Additional sequences as needed
├── split_x.json           # Annotations in COCO format
├── split_y.json           # Annotations in COCO format
└── split_z.json           # Annotations in COCO format

Each sequence (e.g., seq1, seq2, etc.) should contain its respective images.

You can use any dataset that follows the specified directory structure for image data. The required structure for organizing images in the SegTrackDetect framework is as follows:

├── images                # All images should be placed directly in this directory
│   ├── image1.jpg       # Image file 1
│   ├── image2.jpg       # Image file 2
│   ├── image3.png       # Image file 3
│   └── ...              # Additional image files as needed
├── split_x.json         # Annotations in COCO format
├── split_y.json         # Annotations in COCO format
└── split_z.json         # Annotations in COCO format

All image files (e.g., image1.jpg, image2.jpg, etc.) should be placed directly in the images directory.

The annotations.json files should contain the annotations for the respective splits. Please ensure that the file_name entries in the annotations point to absolute paths for proper integration. Once your dataset is structured correctly, you can integrate it into the framework, allowing you to run inference and perform other operations on your video data.

Model ZOO

In the SegTrackDetect framework, we utilize a range of pre-trained models for both Region of Interest (ROI) Estimation and Object Detection. All models are provided in TorchScript format, enabling seamless integration and deployment within the system. Below, you will find a comprehensive list of supported models along with their respective details, including the objects they target, the datasets used for training, input sizes, links to the pre-trained weights, and their configurations.

Region of Interest Estimation

Model Objects of Interest Dataset Model name Input size Weights Config
u2netp traffic signs MTSD MTSD 576x576 here here
unet fish ZebraFish ZeF20 160x256 here here
unet people DroneCrowd DC_tiny 96x160 here here
unet people DroneCrowd DC_small 192x320 here here
unet people DroneCrowd DC_medium 384x640 here here
unet people, boats SeaDronesSee SDS_tiny 64x96 here here
unet people, boats SeaDronesSee SDS_small 128x192 here here
unet people, boats SeaDronesSee SDS_medium 224x384 here here
unet people, boats SeaDronesSee SDS_large 448x768 here here

Object Detectors

Model Objects of Interest Dataset Model name Input size Weights Config
yolov4 traffic signs MTSD MTSD 960x960 here here
yolov7 tiny fish ZebraFish ZeF20 160x256 here here
yolov7 tiny people DroneCrowd DC 512x512 here here
yolov7 tiny people, boats SeaDronesSee SDS 512x512 here here


The SegTrackDetect framework supports a variety of datasets tailored for different object detection tasks. Each dataset is accompanied by specific models designed to optimize performance in their respective domains. Below is a list of the supported datasets, along with suitable ROI and detection models that can be utilized for inference. These datasets encompass a range of scenarios, from traffic sign detection to maritime object detection, enabling comprehensive evaluation and testing of the framework's capabilities.

Supported Datasets:

  • Mapillary Traffic Sign Dataset 🚥
  • ZebraFish 🐟
  • DroneCrowd 🚁
  • SeaDronesSee 🌊

Example outputs: ouptputs


The code in this repository is licensed under the MIT License.
For third-party submodules, such as the SORT tracker, please refer to their respective licenses.
All trained models are distributed under licenses that comply with the terms of the datasets they were trained on.


This project makes use of the following datasets, model architectures, and object tracking methods:



  • 🟥 UNet and 🟪 U2Net in ROI Estimation Module
  • 🟨 SORT tracker in ROI Prediction Module
  • 🟦 YOLOv4 and 🟫 YOLOv7 in Object Detection Module

This research was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science under the "Doktorat Wdrożeniowy" program.


SegTrackDetect - A framework for ROI-based Tiny Object Detection at full resolution.







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