Python back-end web application, powered by FastAPI. Designed to implement an e-learning platform where teachers can easily create courses, and students can enroll in courses based on their subscription tier.
Framework: FastAPI
Authentication: OAuth2 with JWT
Web Server: Uvicorn
Production Database: MariaDB (with SQLAlchemy ORM)
Testing framework: Pytest
Testing Database: SQLite (with SQLAlchemy ORM)
Database migrations: Alembic
Continuous Integration (CI): GitHub Actions
Email Notification: Mailjet API
git clone
or SSH
git clone [email protected]:delesray/poodle.git
(Optional) Instructions on creating and activating a virtual environment: Link
pip install -r requirements.txt
4. Swagger docs: Link
Available when you run the server (step 3).
Docker Setup: Link
Setup available at the docker-prod branch documentation.
To run the tests, navigate to src/app
and execute the following command:
python -m pytest tests
Public endpoints - accessible without authentication
- Register student
- Register teacher
- Login - available through the Authorize button on Swagger
- Get all courses - displays basic information about available courses
Authentication Endpoints (marked with a lock on Swagger) - require login with username and password
Features, related to students:
- View account
- Update Account
- Update profile picture
- Change password
- View enrolled courses
- View pending courses (awaiting approval for subscription)
- View single enrolled course
- View enrolled course section
- Subscribe to course
- Unsubscribe from course
- Rate course
Features, related to teachers:
- View account
- Update account
- Update profile picture
- View owned courses
- Create course
- Update course home picture
- View pending enrollment requests
- View course
- Update course information
- Approve enrollment request
- Update course section
- Remove course section
- Add sections to course
- Add tags to course
- Remove tag from course
- Deactivate course
- Generate course reports
Features, related to admins:
- View courses
- Activate/deactivate user account
- View rating for course
- Hide course
- Make student account premium
- Remove student from course
.github/ - CI
src/ - project source
├─ app/ - primary app folder
│ ├─ api/ - router logic
│ ├─ core/ - authentication logic and project settings
│ ├─ crud/ - crud logic
│ ├─ db/ - ORM models and database setup
│ ├─ migrations/ - database migrations
│ ├─ schemas/ - Pydantic models
│ ├─ tests/ - project tests - project description
requirements.txt - project requirements