Minimalistic ansbile collection.
This Ansible collection automates the installation of various tools, services and environments.
- It includes tools that typically require manual installation or OS-native package repositories have outdated versions.
- This collection is particularly useful for Linux hosts, which often lack these tools or have outdated versions.
Roles in this collection are extremely minimalistic and at some places ugly. It may lack some features compared to more comprehensive roles/collections.
- Linux hosts are the primary target for this collection, followed by macOS.
- Windows is mostly unsupported.
Contributions are welcome.
├── age
├── awscli
├── bat
├── cfssl
├── croc
├── direnv
├── eza
├── fd
├── fzf
├── git_delta
├── haproxy
├── iaac
│ ├── atlantis
│ ├── opentofu
│ ├── packer
│ ├── terraform
│ ├── terragrunt
│ ├── terragrunt_atlantis_config
│ └── vagrant
├── k8s
│ ├── argocd
│ ├── flux
│ ├── helm
│ ├── helmfile
│ ├── k3d
│ ├── k9s
│ ├── kind
│ ├── kubecolor
│ ├── kubectl
│ ├── kubectx
│ ├── kubefwd
│ ├── kubeps1
│ ├── kubie
│ ├── kustomize
│ ├── stern
│ └── talosctl
├── lazydocker
├── lazygit
├── minio
├── mkcert
├── neovim
├── ohmyzsh
├── pyenv
├── rclone
├── restic
├── ripgrep
├── sops
├── syncthing
├── yq
├── zellij
└── zoxide
# Installing from galaxy
ansible-galaxy collection install
# Local dev installation
# By default installs into ~/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/den_is/tools
ansible-galaxy collection install ~/projects/ansible_collections/den_is/tools
ansible-galaxy collection install ~/projects/ansible_collections/den_is/tools --upgrade
ansible-galaxy collection build
ansible-galaxy collection install den_is-tools-0.0.1.tar.gz -p ./collections
ansible-galaxy collection install git+
- Install collection using one of the methods listed above or in Ansible Collections doc
- Create playbook
--- - name: Install common tools hosts: all become: false environment: PATH: "/home/den/.local/bin:{{ ansible_env.PATH }}" vars: # set top-level playbook variables terragrunt_v: v0.58.12 terragrunt_bin_dst: ~/.local/bin tasks: - name: Install terragrunt in user's home ansible.builtin.import_role: name: tags: tg - name: Install OpenTofu in user's home ansible.builtin.import_role: name: vars: # set role import variables opentofu_v: v1.7.1 opentofu_bin_dst: ~/.local/bin tags: tofu - name: Install helm globally using role defaults ansible.builtin.import_role: name: become: true tags: helm
- Run ansible-playbook providing hosts inventory using one of the many methods:
ansible-playbook -i '<my-host-ip>,' common-tools-setup.yaml