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Disability Max Ratings API

Build and Push to ECR Continuous Integration Maintainability Test Coverage Poetry Python Version from PEP 621 TOML security: bandit Checked with mypy Linting: Ruff Code style: black

This repository uses CodeClimate for code coverage and maintainability reporting. See Configuration Guide for setup instructions.

Note: This API was formerly known as Max CFI (Claim for Increase) API. All functionality remains the same.

/disability-max-ratings maps a list of disabilities to their max ratings, if any.

Getting started

Install Python3.12.3

If you're on a Mac, you can use pyenv to handle multiple python versions

brew install pyenv
pyenv install 3.12.3
pyenv global 3.12.3 # or don't do this if you want a different version available globally for your system

Install Poetry

This project uses Poetry to manage dependencies.

Follow the directions on the Poetry website for installation.

Create a virtual env (Optional)

By default, Poetry will create its own virtual environment (see here), but it will also detect and respect an existing virtual environment if you have one activated.

Other options

  • Create a virtual environment with python and activate it like so:

    python -m venv ~/.virtualenvs/domain-ee # or wherever you want
    source ~/.virtualenvs/domain-ee/bin/activate
  • Use pyenv-virtualenv to create and activate virtual environments with pyenv.

  • Use Poetry to explicitly create and use a virtual environment.

Make sure your python path is set up to pull from your virtualenv:

which python
# /path/to/your/virtualenv/bin/python

Install dependencies

Use Poetry to run and install all dependencies:

poetry install

Install pre-commit hooks

This project uses pre-commit hooks to ensure code quality. To install them, run:

poetry run pre-commit install

To run the pre-commit hooks at any time, run the following command:

poetry run pre-commit run --all-files

Run the server locally

Using Poetry, run the following command from the root of the repository:

poetry run uvicorn src.python_src.api:app --port 8130 --reload

Run with Docker

You can also run the service using Docker:

  1. Build & Start Services

    docker compose down
    docker compose build --no-cache
    docker compose up -d
    docker compose ps

    Expected: disability-max-ratings-api running on port 8130

  2. Check Endpoints

    To check the endpoints, you can use Bruno, or use the curl commands below:

    # API docs
    curl http://localhost:8130/docs
    # Health endpoint
    curl http://localhost:8130/health
    # Main endpoint
    curl -X POST 'http://localhost:8130/disability-max-ratings' \
         -H 'accept: application/json' \
         -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
         -d '{"diagnostic_codes": [6260]}'

    Expected main endpoint response:

        "ratings": [
            { "diagnostic_code": 6260, "max_rating": 10 }
  3. View API documentation:

    Open your web-browser and navigate to http://localhost:8130/docs.

  4. Development Environment

    # Run tests inside container using Poetry
    docker compose run --rm api poetry run pytest
    # Check user
    docker compose run --rm api id

    Expected: All tests pass (>80% coverage), user should be non-root (uid=1000)

Using Bruno

This project utilizes Bruno for request testing. The collection for the current endpoints can be imported using the collections.json file. Once imported, the requests below can be run via the Bruno application:

  • Docs Endpoint
  • Health Endpoint
  • Disability Max Ratings Endpoint

Notes on usage


  • The diagnostic_codes array in the request are integers within the range of 5000 - 10000.
    • Any request with an any entry that falls outside the range 5000 - 10000 will yield a 400.
  • An invalid request such as missing/invalid field will result in 422 status code.
  • Duplicate entries in the diagnostic_codes array will yield a ratings array with unique entries.
  • An empty diagnostic_codes array will yield an empty ratings array.
  • A diagnostic_codes array with more than 1000 entries will yield a 422 status code.


  • The response contains a ratings array where each item contains a diagnostic_code and the associated max_rating.
    • The diagnostic_code corresponds to an entry in the requests diagnostic_codes array.
    • The max_rating item is a percentage expressed as an integer in the range of 0 - 100.
  • Each entry in diagnostic_codes array of the request with an associated max rating will yield an item in the ratings array of the response body.
  • If any entry of the diagnostic_codes is not found, the response ratings array will not contain the corresponding item.

Run Unit tests

Using Poetry, run the following command from the root of the repository:

poetry run pytest

Building docs

Swagger docs can be viewed by running the server locally and navigating to http://localhost:8130/docs.

If desired, the docs can be exported to openapi.json by running the following command:

poetry run python src/python_src/

Repository History

NOTE: this repository was split from abd-vro.

Automated Dependency Updates

This repository uses Dependabot to keep dependencies up to date. Pull requests from Dependabot are automatically merged if:

  • All checks pass
  • The update is a minor or patch version change (major version updates require manual review)

Interested in contributing? Check out our for more information.

Deploying to VA Platform

Building the image and publishing to ECR

Images are built and pushed to ECR using the build_and_push_to_ecr.yml workflow which is triggered in one of two ways:

  • Automatically: when pushed when changes are pushed to the main branch, which should only be done when a Pull Request is merged into the main branch
  • Manually: by triggering the action in Github

This workflow is not triggered when changes are pushed to any branch other than the main branch.

Deploying the image

The image is released to the VA Platform using the release.yml workflow which is triggered when a new image is pushed to ECR. This workflow will deploy the latest image to the VA Platform automatically for the dev and staging environments. The sandbox and prod environments can be deployed manually by triggering the action in Github and selecting the desired environment(s).

Note that manually triggering the deployment will deploy the most recent commit hash to the selected environment(s).


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