An GitHub organization of browser detects, each within their own repository, designed to be used with normalize. Visit for a list of all detects.
This organization is designed to be a more modular Modernizr, with each detect being its own module without using any global singleton.
You can either use any as script tags:
<script src="*/index.js"></script>
Or as ES6 modules:
import '*/index.js'
You may also point to these detects using any other GitHub proxy:
<script src=''></script>
Keep in mind versioning.
Each are designed to be their own self-enclosed script,
allowing either <script>
or module usage.
When creating a detect, assume that they are executed within a global scope.
Classes are also added to <html>
prefixed with a no-
if the feature is not supported,
just like Modernizr.
Some detects will simply be forked from other detects. See for a full list.
There are a couple reasons for forks. One of the major reasons is a lack of git tags.
If you wish to contribute, please let me know! I only create the detects I specifically need.