CrisisBridge is a collaborative platform that links volunteers from relief organizations with individuals in need of assistance during disasters.
Project Name excels in environments where different volunteer groups and agencies join forces and synchronize their activities. Unlike traditional top-down management, it fosters a Collaborative Accountability model, enabling independent organizations to collaborate seamlessly without rigid hierarchical controls.
Clone this repo to your computer and install dependencies via :
$ git clone
$ cd ./client
$ npm install
create a googleapi.js
in root of client and paste this code
you can run this locally by
$ npm run dev
and you can build this by
$ npm run build
open a new terminal and
$ cd ./backend
$ npm install
create a .env
in root and paste this
PORT = 3000
fill your mongo_db_uri and jwt_secret_key
to run the server
$ npm run start
your server should be up on port 3000