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Functional Requirements

  • User sends a request which gets routed to configured instances of another server in an Round Robin Fashion.

Controller Interface Scope

  • All paths are accepted, but the expectation is that it is accepted by the downstream API.
    • /** is the matching pattern.
    • For example: /echo, /v2/echo?delay=5
  • Only POST is allowed. Body should be a valid JSON payload.
    • Invalid payloads will be rejected.


  • The application allows routing of API requests in a ROUND-ROBIN fashion among the known API service instances.
  • It accepts the request, selects a service instance of downstream API and send the request to it.
  • It receives the response and sends it back to the user.

Feature Scope

  • Only 2 routing algos are supported: RANDOM and ROUND_ROBIN routing.
  • Static List of service instances.
  • Cool down facility is implemented where in the failed instance will not get a request for certain time period.
  • No provision to update the list at runtime.


  • The Router assumes a Static List of downstream service instances provided to the application via file.
    • No runtime modification of configuration is supported.
  • Two type of RoutingAlgorithmType is supported.
    • RANDOM and ROUND_ROBIN routing.
  • RoutingAlgorithm interface exposes a single method.
    • public URI chooseServiceInstance(ServiceInstanceListSupplier supplier);
    • The expectation out of the implementation is that, when provided with a supplier which can supply a list of service instances, the algorithm will choose 1 of them using the algo.
  • ServiceInstanceListSupplier interface acts as place to encapsulate someone who can supply with a list of service instances.
    • There are multiple ways to implement the interface.
    • Presently implemented classes are
      • StaticServiceInstanceListSupplier : It returns a static list of service instances.
      • StaticServiceInstanceWithCoolDownListSupplier : It returns a filtered list of service instances which are not in cooldown.
        • CircuitBreakerService maintains metrics for the instances and can mark an instance to be in cooldown.
        • Cooldown means, the instance will be not be made available to the Routing algorithm.
        • Helps in routing requests to other instances in case of error or high latency.
    • The interface is generic enough that other schemes can be implemented.
  • MetricService maintains a set of statistics about ErrorCount, SuccessCount and Latency.
    • They can be used to take actions in case of Downstream API failure or slowness.
    • We use a SLIDING_WINDOW scheme with specific window size to make sure metrics represent the latest state.
  • CircuitBreakerService consumes the data from MetricService
    • It only provides 1 function isCircuitClosed which indicates whether the instance is available or not.
    • Currently, this is the only corrective measure that is implemented in case of failure but can be extended based on more metrics and business logic.
    • Other possibilities are: Retry or Fallback request by using different type of supplier.

Request flow

  • User sends a request and is received by the controller.
  • Controller offloads the request handling to RoutingService
  • RoutingService asks the RoutingAlgorithm to provide URI of the downstream service instance by providing a supplier.
  • Once we get a URI, we validate it and check with CircuitBreakerService whether we can call this API.
  • If we get a positive response, we prepare the HttpRequest and send it to the downstream service instance.
  • We get the response back and update the metrics based on the response.
    • In case of failure, we update the error metrics and latency.
  • And then we return the response to the user.

How would the service behave if downstream instance goes down/slows down.

  • Every request we send to the failed downstream service will fail.
  • On the routing API end, we will update the metrics and increment error counts.
  • On subsequent calls, the metrics will keep on accumulating. It will cross the threshold set.
  • On the next call, the Supplier will filter out the service instance because the function isCircuitClosed will return false.
  • In this way, the instance will not get selected for the next N seconds as set in the configuration.
  • Overtime, the Sliding window metrics will reduce as the time passes and once again we will select the instance.
  • If the request passes, we update the metrics accordingly and the processing will continue.

Folder Structure

  • algorithm : Stores Routing algorithms implementation.
  • config : Config classes.
  • controller
  • service : Stores domain logic in terms of Routing, Metrics accumulation and Error Handling.
  • serviceInstanceListSupplier : Stores supplier list implementations.
  • statistics : Classes used by Metric service.

Entry Point

  • controller folder.




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