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Manual Triple Extraction Tool

With Treption (a-lack-of-inspiration-temporarily-working-name) we propose a system that enables semantic triple generation by adding a gamified layer on top of existing automatic Relation Extraction systems (Research in progress).


  1. Install the latest version of Docker
  2. Open the project folder in a terminal of your choice
  3. enter docker-compose up --build
  4. To enable triple storage in Apache Jena Fuseki, open http://localhost:3030 and create a Treption dataset (To be automated).
  5. Open the application in your browser at http://localhost:5000 to start extracting!

System design


Background (In progress)

Manual relation extraction (RE) can boost performance of semantic models. However, manual RE can become a laborious and tedious task. Furthermore, Burghardt [6] argues that usability has significant impact on the process of extraction. Based on these challenges, this project tends to come up with an attractive and assisting way to extract relations manually.

Troubleshooting (In progress)

  1. Check whether the Docker containers are running by entering Docker ps in your terminal
  2. Are the required ports (3000, 3306, 3030, 5000, 9000) available?